Chapter 17

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Third person's pov

Jungkook didn't hugged hye-joon back,
His heart wanted to comfort her but his brain didn't gave him the permission,

After sometime he pulled himself away from Hye-joon and said, " Let's go to the police station. "

Without waiting for a response, Jungkook went to the car and Hye-joon wiped her tears and followed him.

The car ride was silent.

At the police station, Jungkook and Hye-joon were seated in the waiting area. Jungkook filled out the necessary paperwork while Hye-joon sat quietly, wiping her tears occasionally. After a while, an officer called them in to provide a statement.

"Please tell us what happened." The officer said glancing over to Jungkook and Hye-joon.

Jungkook recounted the incident, detailing how he found Taesoo stalked and harassed Hye-joon. He also provided a description of Taesoo.

"Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Mr. Kim. We'll investigate the matter and take appropriate action. In the meantime, we advise you and your daughter to be cautious and report any further incidents immediately." The officer replied with a simple smile.

Jungkook nodded in acknowledgment, his expression still stern. Hye-joon remained silent, her eyes fixed on the floor.

"Do you have any evidence or witnesses?" The officer asked.

Jungkook handed over Hye-joon's phone, showing the messages and missed calls from Taesoo, along with any other relevant information. Hye-joon remained quiet throughout the process, occasionally sniffling.

"Thank you for your cooperation. We'll do our best to resolve this matter. You can expect an update from us soon." The officer replied in a gentle tone and Jungkook bowed a little in response.

Soon they left the police station,

In the car, Jungkook glanced at Hye-joon and sighed heavily. "It's better if we don't tell your dad and brother about it," he said. "You know how they are......I don't have the energy to deal with more things."

Hye-joon nodded, her eyes red and swollen from crying. She sniffled and wiped her tears with the back of her hand as Jungkook started driving back home.

Hye-joon kept trying to speak, her voice shaky with emotion. "E-Eomma, I'm sorry," she said, her words barely audible over the hum of the engine.

Jungkook remained silent, his grip tight on the steering wheel as he focused on the road ahead. He couldn't bring himself to respond to Hye-joon's apologies, his mind consumed with frustration and worry.

As they neared home, Hye-joon made another attempt to communicate. "Eomma, please," she pleaded, reaching out to touch Jungkook's arm. "Can we talk about this?"

Jungkook's jaw tensed, but he didn't look at her. "I don't want to talk, Hye-joon," he replied tersely. "Just stay quiet for now."

Hye-joon withdrew her hand and leaned back in her seat, staring out of the window as tears continued to stream down her cheeks.

After 15 minutes......

As Jungkook parked the car near the house, he got out and walked inside with heavy steps. His mind was still reeling from the encounter and he felt drained both emotionally and physically.

Hye-joon followed behind him, her eyes puffy from crying, but she tried to compose herself before entering the house.

In the living room, Taemin and Taehyung were sitting, they had been waiting for Hye-joon and Jungkook for about 1 hour now and as they entered, Taehyung let out a sigh of relief.

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