Chapter 25

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Third person's pov

Over the night, Jungkook underwent a variety of tests, and due to the nature of his condition, no visitors were allowed. The hallway outside his room was filled with anxious silence, each family member lost in their own thoughts and worries.

As the hours dragged on, Taehyung managed to convince Taemin to go home with Minyoung and Sunho as he kept crying. With Taemin gone, the tension in the hallway only seemed to grow thicker.

Despite Jimin's suggestion that Hye-joon should get some rest, she shook her head. "I'm fine, uncle," she insisted,

Suddenly, the nurse emerged from Jungkook's room, "Mrs. Kim is awake now," she announced softly. "You can go in and see him."

Without hesitation, the family members began to file into Jungkook's room, eager to see him after hours of waiting and worrying. But as Taehyung moved to follow, Yoongi stepped in his path, blocking his way.

"Didn't you hear before?" Yoongi's voice was cold, his eyes flashing with barely concealed anger. "You're not allowed to see him."

Taehyung's own frustration flared at Yoongi's words. "And I already told you," he shot back, his voice tight with emotion, "that he is my husband."

"He wasn't born your husband and he is my brother before he is your husband," Yoongi retorted sharply.

Before the argument could escalate further, Mr. Jeon intervened, his voice firm. "Both of you, shut up," he commanded, his eyes flashing with annoyance. "Can't you see that we're in a hospital? With Jungkook's condition, can't you just stay silent for a while? If you're going to cause a scene in front of him, then you both stay outside."

Taehyung and Yoongi stopped talking and then reluctantly, they followed the others into Jungkook's room,

Mrs. Jeon rushed to Jungkook's side, enveloping him in a tight embrace and showering him with kisses. "My baby, my baby," she murmured tearfully, her heart overflowing with relief at seeing him awake.

Jungkook returned his mother's embrace with a small smile. But when he spotted Taehyung in the room, his expression darkened, and he turned his head away.

"I don't want to see him," Jungkook stated flatly,

Immediately, Yoongi stepped forward, his own anger flaring once more. "Get out," he ordered, his voice sharp, "Jungkook doesn't want you here."

Taehyung opened his mouth to say something, but before he could utter a word, Mr. Jeon intervened, his voice calm but firm. "Let Taehyung have a talk with Jungkook," he said, giving Yoongi a stern look.

"He's still Jungkook's husband. Let them have a moment."

" Appa how can you- " Yoongi stopped talking as he saw Mr. Jeon's deadly glare.

Reluctantly, Yoongi nodded, as he stepped out of the room along with Mrs. Jeon and Mr. Jeon, leaving Taehyung and Jungkook alone.

Then Taehyung approached Jungkook cautiously,

But Jungkook's cold demeanor halted Taehyung in his tracks. He turned his head away, refusing to meet Taehyung's gaze. "I said I don't want to see you," said jungkook.

Undeterred, Taehyung took a step closer, his eyes pleading. "Let's talk, hmm?" he suggested softly, his voice filled with desperation.

But Jungkook remained still. "No. Get out," he demanded,

Taehyung reached out to touch Jungkook's hand, but Jungkook pushed his hand away with a forceful gesture. "Don't touch me," he snapped, his eyes flashing with anger.

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