Chapter 13

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Third person's pov

Taehyung and Jungkook stepped into the living room, their worry palpable in the air. Jungkook motioned for Taehyung to take a seat on the sofa, and they both settled down, their minds racing with concern for Taemin.

"I just can't shake the feeling that something's really wrong," Jungkook murmured, his brow furrowed with worry.

Taehyung nodded, "I agree. This isn't like Taemin at all. "

Jungkook sighed, running a hand through his hair. "At first, I thought it might be stress from his studies, but it's definitely more than that."

Taehyung leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Do you think something happened at his college? Maybe with his friends or classmates?"

Jungkook considered this for a moment before shaking his head. "I'm not sure. Taemin doesn't usually talk about his friends much."

Taehyung sighed, rubbing his temples in frustration. "Then what could it be? Did he mention anything to you recently that seemed off?"

Jungkook thought back, trying to recall anything,"No, nothing specific. But he has been spending a lot of time on his phone lately, and he always seems off."

Taehyung frowned, deep in thought. "Do you think he might have a crush or girlfriend or boyfriend who rejected him?"

Jungkook's eyes widened slightly at the suggestion. "I hadn't considered that. It's possible, but I don't think Taemin would considering seeing someone right now, he is always focused on his studies."

Taehyung nodded slowly. "We should talk to him again when he wakes up. Try to get him to open up about what's bothering him."

Jungkook nodded and sighed.

After an hour.......

After an hour, Jungkook stepped inside Taemin's room to check on him. He found Taemin sleeping and he sat beside him, gently caressing his hair and planting a tender kiss on his forehead.

As he did, he noticed that Taemin's forehead felt warm. Concerned, Jungkook placed his hand on Taemin's forehead and realized that he had an high fever.

Worry etched on his face, Jungkook hurried to fetch the thermometer. Carefully, he placed it under Taemin's armpit and waited anxiously for the reading. When he checked, the thermometer displayed a temperature of 39°C.

Seeing the temperature, Jungkook immediately went to call Taehyung. He found him in the living room and quickly explained the situation,

"Taehyung, Taemin has a fever," Jungkook said urgently, his eyes reflecting his worry.

Taehyung's expression mirrored,  "It is high ?," he asked, rising from his seat and following Jungkook back to Taemin's room.

Jungkook nodded in response.

Taemin stirred slightly in his sleep as they entered, but he remained mostly still. Taehyung gently placed the back of his hand on Taemin's forehead, confirming the fever.

"Jungkook get cold water and a cloth, I will get some fever reducers" Taehyung said to which Jungkook nodded.

As Jungkook fetched the water and cloth, his heart raced with concern for Taemin. He set them on the table and immediately dipped the cloth in cold water,

Then he gently, he placed it on Taemin's forehead, soothing the fevered skin. Taemin stirred a little in his sleep, but Jungkook softly shushed him, hoping to keep him resting peacefully.

Meanwhile, Taehyung instructed Jungkook to lift Taemin slightly so he could feed him the medicine. Jungkook nodded and sat on the edge of the bed, carefully cradling Taemin in his arms. "Bubba Minnie, wake up," Jungkook whispered softly, brushing Taemin's cheek with his thumb.

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