Chapter 20

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Third person's pov

The next morning, Taehyung awoke to the emptiness of the bed beside him, a reminder of Jungkook's absence. He sighed heavily, feeling a hollow ache in his chest as he realized that Jungkook was always there, a comforting presence in their shared space.

With a heavy heart, he got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up,

As he emerged from the bathroom, Taehyung's eyes fell on the clothes that were usually ironed and ready for him. But today, there was no sign of Jungkook's care. With a resigned sigh, he took out the clothes and began ironing them himself,

As he worked, Taehyung's mind drifted to the tasks that lay ahead. He remembered that he needed to wake Taemin up for college and Hye-joon for her hospital shift.

He left the laundry room and made his way to Hye-joon's room, gently rousing her from sleep.

"Hye-joon, wake up," he called softly, his voice laced with concern. "You need to get ready for work."

Hye-joon stirred from her slumber, blinking sleepily as she registered Taehyung's presence. With a groan, she sat up and rubbed her eyes, a tired expression etched on her face.

"I'm up, Appa," she mumbled, her voice thick with sleep.

Then Taehyung made his way to Taemin's room, his footsteps echoing in the quiet house. He gently nudged Taemin awake,

"Taemin, it's time to get up for college," he said,

Taemin groaned and rolled over, his reluctance evident as he buried his face in his pillow.

"Come on, Taemin," Taehyung said, his voice tinged with exasperation. "Get up and get ready."

With a sigh, Taemin finally relented, dragging himself out of bed and trudging towards the bathroom. As Taehyung turned to leave, a sudden smell caught his attention, a faint hint of burning in the air. Panic surged through him as he raced back to the laundry room, his heart pounding in his chest.

Upon reaching the laundry room, he saw smoke billowing from the ironing board. His shirt lay smoldering on the board, the fabric scorched and blackened from the heat.

Cursing under his breath, Taehyung quickly unplugged the iron and removed the shirt,

"Stupid, stupid," he muttered to himself, "I can't believe I left the iron on like that."

With a heavy sigh, Taehyung set the ruined shirt aside.

As Taehyung hurriedly ironed another shirt and pants, frustration gnawed at him. The lingering smell of burnt fabric was still in the air. With a sigh, he quickly dressed and rushed downstairs, where Hye-joon and Taemin were already seated at the table.

"I'll heat up last night's leftovers for breakfast." Taehyung said in a rushed voice.

As he busied himself in the kitchen, his head began to throb with a dull ache. He ignored it and continued his work. But as he plated the food and set it on the table, the pain in his head intensified,

"Hye-joon, could you get me some painkillers from my room?" Taehyung said, his voice tinged with discomfort. "My head is killing me."

Hye-joon nodded silently and rose from the table.

When Hye-joon returned with the painkillers, her demeanor was noticeably subdued. Taehyung accepted them gratefully, popping the pills with a swig of water. But as he glanced up at Hye-joon, he couldn't help but notice the worry etched in her features.

"What's wrong, Hye-joon?" Taemin asked, his voice laced with concern. "You seem really quiet."

Hye-joon hesitated, her eyes flickering with uncertainty. "It's nothing," she replied, forcing a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "I'm just a little tired, that's all."

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