Chapter 4

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Third person's pov

The room seemed to close in around them as Jungkook uttered the word "leukemia." Eunwoo's eyes widened in disbelief, and without a second thought, he pulled Jungkook into a tight embrace.

Jungkook, caught off guard, was frozen for a moment,

Eunwoo, trying to process the reality himself, stammered, "H-how can this happen? It can't be." The shock in his voice mirrored the disbelief etched across his face.

Jungkook, still in Eunwoo's embrace, mumbled incoherently, "It can't... it can't be true." His voice trembled,

Eunwoo, unable to find the right words, tightened his hold on Jungkook,

As reality set in, Jungkook's panic escalated. "Wh-hat wi-ill I do? Will I die, Eun-nwoo?" The fear in his voice was palpable, his eyes searching Eunwoo's for reassurance.

Eunwoo, cupping Jungkook's face in his hands, looked into his eyes with sincerity, "N-No, no, this won't happen."

Eunwoo's eyes welled up with tears. He hugged Jungkook more tightly, as if the strength of the embrace could somehow shield them from the harsh reality. "We'll f-find the best doctors, the best treatments. Nothing w-will happen to you." Eunwoo said, his own voice breaking.

Jungkook, allowed himself to lean into Eunwoo. "I d-don't wa-ant to le-eave Taehyu-ung and the kids," he whispered,

Eunwoo, choking back his own tears, said "Yo-ou won't have to." His fingers gently traced the contours of Jungkook's face,

Jungkook's breaths came in short, rapid gasps as the panic overtook him. Eunwoo, desperately trying to steady his friend, whispered soothing words, "Jungkook, slow down your breathing. I'm here with you."

Eunwoo's hands gently pressed against Jungkook's back, guiding him through deep breaths. "In... and out. Slowly, Kook. You're okay," he murmured, his own voice trembling with concern.

As Jungkook's breathing gradually normalized, Eunwoo kept his arm around him.

Eventually, Jungkook's exhaustion overwhelmed him, and he slumped against Eunwoo. Eunwoo shifted to cradle Jungkook's head in his lap. Jungkook, his eyes heavy with fatigue, succumbed to sleep.

Eunwoo, now alone with his thoughts and the sleeping Jungkook, couldn't contain his tears. They fell silently, tracing the contours of his cheeks. With a trembling hand, he gently stroked Jungkook's hair,

His voice, shaky and choked with emotion, whispered into the quiet room, "Jung-gkook, n-no-othi-ing w-will h-happen"

As the hours passed, Eunwoo remained by Jungkook's side, occasionally pausing to wipe away his own tears.

As the night deepened, Jungkook stirred awake, finding himself still nestled in Eunwoo's lap. Eunwoo, shifted his position to offer him a more comfortable space.

Jungkook sat up and Eunwoo immediately reached for a glass of water. "Here, drink slowly," Eunwoo said, handing him the glass. Jungkook took it and drank it.

Once Jungkook had finished the water, Eunwoo retrieved his phone,"The hospital sent a message," Eunwoo said gently, handing over the device. Jungkook took the phone, his gaze fixed on the screen as he read through the details – information about leukemia, the proposed treatment plan, and an upcoming appointment.

Jungkook absorbed the information silently, his brows furrowing with each passing sentence. After a moment, Jungkook lowered the phone and stared into the distance,

Eunwoo, breaking the silence, said softly, "You'll be staying with me for tomorrow, hmm?"

Jungkook, didn't immediately respond. Instead, he leaned into Eunwoo, seeking solace in the warmth of his friend's presence. Eunwoo, wrapped his arms around Jungkook, holding him closely.

Still a family ? {T. K} ✔️ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora