Chapter 9

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Third person's pov

As Jungkook returned to the room, the tension seemed to dissipate with the departure of the doctors and the removal of Mr. Park. Sighing heavily, he sank down onto the sofa, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders.

Hye-joon and Taemin approached him cautiously. Hye-joon poured a glass of water and handed it to Jungkook, who accepted it, downing it in one gulp to quench his parched throat.

"Are you okay, Eomma?" Taemin asked, his voice had a hint of worry.

Jungkook nodded, offering them a reassuring smile despite the lingering tension in his chest. "I am fine," he assured them,

Taemin couldn't contain his curiosity, blurting out, "Eomma, where did you learn that ?"

Jungkook chuckled softly, "Learn what?" he feigned innocence,

"The flip, it was so cool," Taemin exclaimed, his eyes wide with admiration.

Jungkook leaned back against the sofa, a smile playing on his lips. "I used to do Taekwondo in college," he said.

Hye-joon's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Which belt did you have?" she said, her curiosity piqued.

Jungkook's smile widened at their reaction, feeling a sense of pride swell within him. "Black," he admitted,

Hye-joon and Taemin's jaws practically hit the floor, their eyes widening in disbelief. "Black belt?" Taemin echoed, his voice filled with awe.

Jungkook chuckled again, "I haven't practiced in almost 10 years, I don't thank I am that good now."

" You are still good enough to break anyone's bones." Taemin mumbled which made Jungkook laugh a little.

"Thank you Taemin-ah," he murmured, his tone was soft.

As the night wore on, exhaustion began to take its toll on Hye-joon and Taemin. Their eyelids grew heavy, and soon they were drifting off to sleep,  Jungkook himself felt the weariness settle in, but he resisted the urge to succumb to sleep, knowing he needed to stay alert in case Taehyung woke up.

Despite his best efforts to stay awake, Jungkook eventually found himself nodding off, the warmth of the room and the rhythmic sound of the heart monitor lulling him into a peaceful slumber.

Unbeknownst to him, Taemin's head gradually came to rest on Jungkook's lap, while Hye-joon's found a comfortable spot on his shoulder.

Throughout the night, Jungkook slept in that position with Taemin's head in his lap and Hye-joon's on his shoulder.

When Jungkook stirred awake in the early hours of the morning, he was met with the heartwarming sight of his children sleeping soundly against him.

A sense of warmth and tenderness flooded his heart as he gazed at their peaceful faces, the worries and tensions of the previous day momentarily forgotten.

A single tear slipped from Jungkook's eye as he was overcome with a wave of emotion. He quickly brushed it away, not wanting to disturb Hye-joon and Taemin's sleep.

With gentle care, he adjusted his position slightly to accommodate their sleeping forms, making sure they were comfortable and undisturbed.

After 20 minutes.......

As Hye-joon and Taemin stirred awake, Jungkook gently roused them from their slumber. "Freshen up, both of you," he murmured, his voice soft and gentle. They nodded sleepily in response, rubbing the sleep from their eyes before reluctantly rising from their makeshift beds.

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