Chapter 8

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Third person's pov

After 1 hour.......

Jungkook, feeling unwell due to missing his medications, turned to Hye-joon and Taemin, saying, "Hye-joon, Taemin, do you need anything? I'm heading home to freshen up."

Taemin replied, "My phone charger." Hye-joon remained silent. Jungkook nodded and took the car keys from Hye-joon, making his way back home.

As he entered the house, the first thing Jungkook did was take his prescribed medicines. He didn't want his health to worsen during such a critical time. Afterward, he prepared a bag, anticipating he might have to stay at the hospital with Taehyung.

He included two extra sets of clothes, Taemin's charger, and even snacks for Hye-joon, knowing she would need them.

Once he was ready, Jungkook headed back to the hospital. His mind was filled with concern for Taehyung .The hospital corridors seemed longer this time,

Upon reaching the ICU's waiting room, Jungkook saw Hye-joon quietly sitting. He handed her the snacks, saying, "I thought you might want something them."

Hye-joon, mumbled a simple "thanks" as she accepted the snacks.

Jungkook then approached Taemin, handing him the charger. "Here you go, Taemin." Taemin accepted the charger.

Then Jungkook settled on the chair, keeping the bed aside.

As night fell, Jungkook noticed the exhaustion etched on Hye-joon and Taemin's faces. "You two should get some rest. I'll stay here with Taehyung," he said.

Despite Hye-joon and Taemin's insistence on staying at the hospital, Jungkook said, "No, both of you should go home and rest. I'll be here with Taehyung. You need your energy, and Taehyung would want you to take care of yourselves."

Reluctantly, they agreed to go home
and as they left, Jungkook settled back into the chair with a sigh.

After a few minutes.....

In the sterile surroundings of the ICU's waiting room, Jungkook sat on an uncomfortable chair, his gaze fixed on the closed door that separated him from Taehyung's room.

As time passed, a doctor approached Jungkook. With a calm demeanor, the doctor said, "Mrs. Kim, you can rest in a room for the night. You will get tired here." Jungkook, though appreciative of the concern, Said, "I will be fine, thank you."

The doctor's insistence grew, and Jungkook started feeling uncomfortable under the gaze of the doctor. The doctor then held Jungkook's arm and began, "Mrs. Kim—"

Before the doctor could continue, Taemin came there, Taemin, sensing the situation, swiftly came to Jungkook's side.

"Hey, Eomma, I forgot the charger, so I came to take it," Taemin explained, holding up the charger as a visual cue.

Jungkook breathed a sigh of relief,  The doctor, released Jungkook's arm and excused himself from the situation.

Taemin, with a hint of concern in his eyes, looked at Jungkook and said, "Eomma, you should come with me."

Jungkook shook her head, "Go, Taemin. I'll be fine here."

Taemin hesitated, Jungkook, sensed it and said, "Really, Taemin, I'll be okay. Don't worry about me. Just grab what you need and go back home."

Reluctantly, Taemin agreed and headed towards the exit. Jungkook watched him go, as Taemin disappeared from view, Jungkook turned her attention back to the closed door, where Taehyung lay inside.

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