Chapiter 43

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Demi had just dropped off her last suitcase at Wilmer's house. It had already been over a week since he'd asked her to come back and with her busy schedule she hadn't really had time to get her things in earlier. Nick was a little disappointed that she was leaving but she told herself that it was for the best for their respective relationship... in any case, if she didn't go to Wilmer's she had promised herself to find a flat in the area so that she could finally live without owing anything to anyone and have her own place.

"It's so nice to have you home again".
"I'd missed this house... and especially the pool , I'm not gonna to lie to you" she said, laughing out loud.

Wilmer took her by the waist and kissed her, devouring her honeyed lips.

"And... I've missed this too... "
"If your body had a say, what would it say?" asked Wilmer with a smirk on his face.
"I can't believe you just said that," said Demi, covering her eyes with her hands in embarrassment.
"I haven't had time to tell you about it, but I think it's my favourite song..." he said, running his fingers along the straps of Demi's top to make the one on her bra appear slightly.
"Well... I had a good inspiration.All right, calm down and come help me put my things into the dressing. I hope you've made room for me," she said, turning on her heels and heading for the dressing room.

After finishing rearranging their dressing room, they both sat down on the sofa to watch a crime series, even though neither of them was really paying attention to the show.

"I don't think I've told you this enough, but... I'm so proud of you and your album, every piece of music is so beautiful, so well-crafted and personal... and of course I'll never get tired of your angelic voice," said Wilmer, putting his arm around Demi's shoulder.

"Thank you... it means a lot to me and... it wasn't easy every day but... I'm proud of what I did and pretty thrilled with the returns..."

"You know you literally have more followers than me on Instagram now"
" stop lying "
"I'm not kidding haha I've got 1.4 million and you're already at 4 million... I'm dating a star!" he said, pretending to be impressed.
"Speaking of stars... there's a party tomorrow night with a bunch of musicians and our label wants us to go... I was a bit hesitant at first but I think it might be a good idea to go and if you agree... I'd be honoured to have you with me..."
"I'd be more than delighted..."
"Perfect... I'm so stressed apparently Adele and Rihanna are coming!
"Were you stressed when you met me?" he said suddenly.
"Are you kidding? I thought I was going to explode, I don't even know how I managed to string three words together and make sentences," I said, thinking back to the first time I laid eyes on him.
" you see and in the end you found out that I'm just someone like everyone else... you'll see they're very cool "
"Have you met them yet??!"
"I bumped into Rihanna at an event in Vegas... and frankly she's very nice.
"Omg, omg, I don't think I'll ever get over it.
"You'll be perfect," he said, stroking my hair.


- How do I look? Demi asked shyly, turning to Wilmer.

- You look... breathtaking. he said, admiring Demi and observing every little detail about her. Her burgundy red dress showed off her curves while still being chic. Her light make-up brought out the hazel of her eyes and the voluptuousness of her lips. She was just divine, elegant and sexy at the same time.

- I should probably put on a jacket... I'm afraid I'll catch a cold... she said, pulling a brown trench coat over her shoulders.
- It's over 80 degrees outside... but you can take it in the car just in case and leave it inside if you don't need it...
- I'll do that! Well... Nick's arriving with his driver in a few minutes... I'll just put on my shoes and...
- Breathe, it's going to be fine, Nick will be there, I'll be there, people love you... it's going to be fine baby.
- Ugh... I want to kiss you so bad but I don't want to ruin my make-up... she said, making a face.

- I could use some lip balm," he said, kissing her without worrying about the lip gloss she'd just put on.
- I can see that..." she said, biting her lip before applying another touch of lip gloss in front of the mirror.


- There they are! shouted Wilmer from the bottom of the stairs.
- I'm coming!

- Sorry I didn't tell you how handsome you look. Demi said to Wilmer before getting into the car. He winked at her and went up.

The evening had gone perfectly, Demi had been able to talk to a large number of artists and even exchange contact with people like Kelly Clarkson, Kesha and Paris Hilton. She'd even managed to have a word with Adele, although she was pretty sure she'd made a tasteless joke like "Hello from the other side".

Several producers had come to congratulate her on her album, offering to keep in touch and send her song proposals. Wilmer was on her arm the whole time and she was so grateful. She still found it a little strange when people asked him questions about his tv show and
his work, usually very proud and now shy and wanting to cut the discussion short.

"Are you all right?" Demi asked Wilmer as he came back from the toilets looking sweaty.
"Yes... I think I'm just a bit tired but... I'm fine".
"All right... in any case, I think we can leave in about thirty minutes... time to chat to a few more people..."


Back at the house, Demi takes off her heels and heads into the kitchen for a glass of water. Wilmer followed her in surprise and kissed the back of her neck while running his hands along her body, sending shivers down her spine.

- You weren't tired? Demi says in a whisper.
- I'm not any more. He says in Demi's ear as he unzips her dress.
- I... Do you think this is a good idea..? I mean, I've only just moved back in, I don't want to risk..." she said, escaping a moan from her mouth at the touch of Wilmer's lips on her back.
- I think we're ready," said Wilmer, taking off his jacket and then his shirt in a beastly way that excited Demi even more.
- I think you're right. She said almost in a trance.

She sat down on the worktop and wrapped her legs around Wilmer. After several intense kisses she removed Wilmer's belt and bit her lips in anticipation as she watched him pull down his trousers. She lay down on the kitchen worktop and was soon followed by Wilmer. He placed kisses all along her body and devoured her breasts in one bite. She could see how much he'd missed it, usually gentle and tender, this bestial side didn't displease her all that much. When he reached her crotch he tore off her lacy panties violently and tore them off completely before inserting his tongue. He was enjoying himself and didn't want to lose a single drop. Demi's intense moaning only served to motivate him. "Oh yes... Will... I need to feel you inside me".
"Please" "I need you".

After a few minutes, and after admiring his exploits by seeing all the liquid flowing out of Demi, he introduced his hard member into her without further ado. "You're so good, faster, yes" gasped Demi on the verge of orgasm. They were now mouth to mouth, letting their breaths and moans mix.
"I'm going to cum" Wilmer warns Demi before she adds "Me too", screaming with pleasure.

"Oh my god" said Demi as she tried to catch her breath, Wilmer now having his head on her chest.
"I know. "He smiled.
"I'd forgotten how good sex with you feels," she said, playing with his hair.
"Not me," he says, stroking her belly.
"Maybe, but we outdid ourselves tonight! You were so... fierce, I liked it, even if you're going to have to buy me that sublime Aubade outfit back!" she said laughing.
« Whatever you wish, madam. »

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