Chapiter 12

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Ryan POV :

When I bumped into Wilmer he said he didn't expect to see Demi again any time soon. Which told me that my plan had worked and that she wasn't stupid enough to risk saying anything to him. I thought. After my little chat with her, I think she's realised that she'd better not go near him or I'll do the right thing. 

Maybe I'd been a bit hard on her, but after all, it was her job, she must have seen a lot, and I really wanted her. Can I be blamed for wanting to fuck her properly? I don't think so! I'm even sure she got off on it. It's true, I did manage to make her moan a few times and then the liquid between her legs couldn't lie. I thought with a smile.

I got ready to meet Joe at one of his friends' houses. I had a mad desire to party and maybe meet some girls along the way!  Wilmer hadn't wanted to come, which annoyed me slightly, but he'll get over it soon enough.

On arriving at the party I took a glass of whiskey and went to join Joe and several of his friends. After several drinks and other substances, Joe began to ask me several questions about my evening with Demi.
- Well... you'll have to give me more details then! What was she really like? Was it worth it? And was her mouth as good as it looks? he laughs.
- Frankly, it's no joke, but yeah, I'd say it's high level! I can see why she's made a career out of it. I say, taking out my phone and pocketing it.
Wait, look at this," I said, showing him the screen of my phone.
- No... oh dear! It's not true, you didn't do that! he said, giving me a high five.
- I wasn't going to be shy. I said, laughing.

Nick POV :

When I arrived at the party, there were already a lot of people there. I grabbed a beer and started talking to some old friends. After a while I decided to join my brother.

I walked around the house looking for him. When I find him, he's  with Ryan... and other friends around. They're laughing and looking at a phone.

I walk over and listen to their conversation.
- Oh boy, I think I'm going to need her number! Says a young man with a cap
- Me too! exclaimed another

When I'm close enough to them, I interrupt. I was curious to know what they were talking about.

- What were you looking at? I said, meeting my brother's gaze.
- Hey, what's up, brother! It took you a while to get here. He says
- Yeah, I've been here a while but I was talking to Chris and Julian.
- Cool, cool.
- So, you want to tell me what's been making you laugh so much ? I said as I sat down between Joe and Ryan.
- I'd like to, but you won't like it. he says, handing me the phone.

I look at the screen and gasp. I stay silent for a moment, then stand up.
- You're really disgusting, Ryan!
- You see, we can't tell you anything, you don't know how to have fun. Says Joe.
- Fun? No, sorry, I don't find it funny to show naked pictures of a woman without her consent, to my mates. If you don't understand that... I...
- you're way too sensitive. Don't worry, we're not the first people to see it," Ryan said, laughing.
- And you're a real asshole. I said, heading for the exit.

When I got home I was still lost in thought. I didn't know if I should tell Wilmer, especially if they weren't seeing each other any more.
I ended up falling asleep on the sofa watching TV.

Demi POV:

I woke up this morning in a pretty good mood. I decide to surprise Wilmer and go to his place for a bit of sport. I'm really talking about sport, aren't I?
I put on my gym tracksuit, make myself a juice and head for his place.

When I get near his building I call  him.
- Hey... I hope I didn't wake you.
- No, no, I just got out of the shower.
- Great, get dressed in gym clothes and meet me downstairs. I said excitedly.
- What?! Wait, you're here?
- Yes! Surprise. I said, laughing.
I wanted to apologise for leaving like that last time and then a session of sport couldn't do you any harm!
- Oh, I don't know how I feel about that.
- Come on, get dressed quickly, I'll be waiting for you in the café opposite.
- All right ma'am, I'll hurry.

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