Chapitre 18

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Demi POV :

After more than ten minutes of struggling, my body finally gave in and fell onto the bed. It was dark, my body and mind paralysed and my breath exhausted. I felt every gesture, every touch, every kiss, every bite and blow that my body suffered without being able to protest. Whenever I found the strength to defend myself, I ended up with my throat strangled by his hands, suffocating me until I dreamt that he'd get his way and I wouldn't be there to witness it anymore. But no, I'm still here, feeling his sex in every orifice, his nails digging into my flesh, his hands violating me and forcing me into positions. I'm forced to tell him that I love it, even though my whole being wants to shout the opposite and shatters like glass at every touch. Cries of pain escape me and it's another humiliation that awaits me.
Words as sharp as knife blades, delighting in making me moan with pleasure, while the only feeling running through me is one of disgust.
I lose track of time, I don't know if it's been an hour, two hours or more. When he releases me from his grip I'm too exhausted and terrified to make the slightest move. I just lie there, trying to wake up from this nightmare, but to no avail.

I woke up exhausted and screaming to fight, ever since the discussion with Nick I'd been thinking about that night.

- Demi, Demi, I'm here, it's me, it's Wilmer. He says, taking me in his arms.

I said nothing and huddled in his arms as my heart rate slowed.

- Shh... don't worry, it's just me here. You're safe.

- I... I think I'm just scared of going back to work...
- you should talk to Karl, you can't do this to yourself. Does he know what happened?
- I spoke to him in brief, that's why he agreed to give me a week off... but I can't ask him again... it might upset him and... it's really the last straw for a sex worker who's afraid to have sex...
- Demi... what happened wasn't nothing, you and your body need more rest. I even think you should go and see someone to talk about it...
- I'll be fine, I tell you... I say, kissing her gently. Now go back to sleep, I don't want to ruin your night's sleep.
- You never ruin anything.


I was so happy with our romantic weekend together that the urge to come back here was so strong. I walk through the doorway without the incessant smell of cannabis. I go up to my room to drop off my bags with a look of disgust and a desire to vomit.

Once I'd changed, I went downstairs to meet Karl in the garden, who was quite happy to see me again.
I had to talk to him, the photos of Wilmer and me kept circulating and my identity wouldn't be a secret for much longer. But how could I do it without making him angry? If it was someone from landa ink but the... the celebrity aspect made things a lot more complicated...

- Hm...finally home, sweetheart, I've missed you. There you are. he said, staring me up and down and handing me a rolled joint.
- No thanks... you know I don't like the smell and besides, it's too early for me.
- As you wish. he said, grabbing me around the waist so I could sit next to him.
- I need to talk to you, but first I want you to promise not to get angry.
- don't you think you've been asking a lot lately? But I'm listening. he says, putting his hand on my thigh.
- I don't really know where to start but, er, do you remember the famous clients I went to the other day?
- For the actor's birthday party and with the singers?
- Yes... well hm... well the actor is Wilmer Valderrama... he's in the series from dusk till dawn at the moment...
- Yes, I know who he is and...?
- I... well he liked me a lot and we've continued to see each other outside and... hm.. we're sort of in a relationship and...
- hahaha excellent! he laughs
- I'm serious..." I said, looking him in the eye.
- You're taking the piss, aren't you? Is that why you wanted your week off then? So that you could enjoy it with him and not at all because you got beaten up by a customer? Did he do that to you, even if I perish? he said, annoyed and referring to my scarred body.
- No, absolutely not. If I asked for time off, it's because of the customers you don't check and who think they can do anything with me ! ! I said, getting annoyed.
- Oh... take it easy, Demi! Well, I hope you know that your little romance can't go on.

- What? But why? I'm not doing anything wrong and
- Demi, you're lowering your voice already. Are you really stupid or are you doing this on purpose? I don't want to risk the police or the media looking into my business. It could scare the customers and, above all, I need you. You're the best and the most in demand.
- But...
- No buts, if you want to keep seeing each other he can take you on as his personal whore and make regular appointments, but a public relationship? No way.
- It's my life, I still have the right to decide who I see and who I don't.
- Listen to me, it's your life, it's true, but in the meantime who's providing you with accommodation and food? Who helped you when you'd just broken up with your ex and you were diving from the lagoon into the night in a seedy bar?
- I...
- Right, so you'll do as I say. In any case, you're probably just a sordid fantasy to this guy and he'll forget all about you soon enough, so you're going to do me the favour of stopping your antics and getting back to work!
- Or what? I say angrily.
- I've liked you from the start and that's why I'm being lenient with you, but if you keep this up you'll find out what it's like not to have any privileges with me. He says, taking a sip of his drink.
- And don't forget you're going back to work tonight!
- How could I forget? I said, pulling away from him.
- Where are you going?! We haven't finished our conversation.
- I understood what you said.... I said as I took the stairs up to my room.

Ah... How was I going to manage tonight without running off? I was already feeling sick to my stomach.

Message to Wilmer:

Hey I came home and spoke to Karl... guess what... he didn't take it too well as you can imagine... but I don't care... I'm going to start living my life for me even if it means being a bit more discreet...

From Wilmer:

Hey beautiful, we'll find a solution, anyway I can't go more than a few hours without seeing you jaha... see you soon ;)

HAPPY ENDING Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora