Chapiter 24

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Demi POV :

Just after my arrival, we went for a walk in the residential area of Wilmer and then to the beach. It was already 7pm and the sun was starting to set, so we decided to head home. I didn't really feel like eating out and neither did Wilmer, so we picked up some tacos at Taco Bell to take away and headed home.

- Hmm... I'm so hungry. I said, taking a bite of my taco and licking my index finger.
- Yes, so am I. Wilmer says, looking at me intently. Tell me... I'm not sure what you'd like us to do about journalists and all these articles in the press, but...
- I hadn't really anticipated all this... but I don't have many options open to me. I can either deny it and risk having a former client talk to the press, or tell the truth and assume where I come from. I say, feeling sure of myself.
- Yes, but then I think the best thing would be for you to deny it, otherwise they won't let you go and they'll make our lives a misery...
- You're ashamed, aren't you? I said, lowering my head. I'm sorry it's my fault you're mixed up in all this... I... I don't want to cause you or your career any harm.
- no... it's not that, well yes it's complicated to deal with but it's mainly that if you want to build a career, it's going to be difficult if they finds out that you're, was...
- What if a client talks to the press? I say, annoyed by his last words.
- You could... hm... I don't know send me the names of your regular clients and my lawyer could contact them and...
- Wilmer, that's crazy, I don't want to live in fear all my life whether my "secret" will be discovered or not. Besides, it would take far too long.
- Are there that many?
- Do you think I remember and have the contact and names of every customer I've seen in the last 2 years, Wilmer? I mean, seriously?
- I... I don't know, I'm trying to figure it out.
- Well, clearly the only solution I can think of is to be honest.
- I understand... but I'd rather talk it over with my PR team first, they'll surely be able to advise me. If you don't mind.
- No, I don't. I replied curtly, still annoyed by his behavior.
- Look, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you those stupid questions... I...
- I completely understand why you don't want anyone to know, or why you'd rather wait. Believe me, I don't want my whole life to be dissected by strangers either, but your thinking was inappropriate. Whether it's done by paparazzi or strangers again, but by you... the man I love... suddenly I stop, realizing what I've just said.
- What did you just say? he says, his eyes widening.
- I... hmm just that it hurts to bury you assumed that all of New York banged me. I say with bated breath.
- That's not what you said. He says, taking my hands in his and bringing his face closer and closer to mine.
- If you know what I said, then why are you asking me?
- Because I want to hear you say it again. His lips were now millimeters from mine and I could feel his warm breath on my chest.
- I... I love you. I said, losing myself in his eyes.
He plunged generously into my lips and after a few minutes of our jerky breaths he withdrew tenderly.
- I love you too, Demi. he said in a whisper.
- You don't have to say it because I just said it, you know... I said in a low tone.
- Demi I love you and I'm not saying it because you just said it, I'm saying it because it's what I feel and these last few weeks by your side have made me feel more alive than I've ever been.

Our two bodies blazed like flames in the forest and we continued the evening from the kitchen workbench to his bed. Wilmer was able to titillate my every sensitive spot and bring me to legendary orgasms. It had been a long time since I'd enjoyed making love so much, and he made it so much more pleasurable by focusing entirely on me and my personal pleasure.


I finished getting ready to join Nick in the studio. I was getting more and more stressed at the idea of meeting his manager and having him listen to my voice. I opted for a black and white dress with a blazer to look professional. I finished off with a little make-up and that was it.

- Wow... you're glowing. exclaims wilmer. You're going to dazzle them with your talent.
- I hope so..." I say stressed while applying hand cream.
- how long will it take?
- I'm not sure, but I'd say a little over an hour.
- Perfect, I'll go shopping and cook us a nice meal in the meantime then.
- Sounds perfect! I said, kissing him before getting into Mike's car to join Nick.

Nick POV:
I was so looking forward to seeing Demi again and introducing her to my manager Scott. We'd already been in the studio for about ten minutes before Demi arrived.
- You'll love it! I say euphorically.
- I hope I didn't come all this way for nothing, but I trust you. And... where did you meet her?
- Oh, she's a friend's new girlfriend. I said in one breath. No sooner had I finished my sentence than she appeared through the studio windows. She looked so elegant in her beautiful dress. I was already losing myself in the curves of her body and the voluptuousness of her lips.

- Hello, I'm Demi, pleased to meet you. she said with a simple smile, shaking Scott's hand. 
- Hello Demi, Nick has told me a lot about you. He says, patting me on the shoulder.
- Guilty. I said, laughing, before greeting her in turn, this time with a friendly embrace. My whole body vibrated with her presence.
- So... you're ready to show us what you can do. Says Scott, who had a busy schedule.
- Hm... yes. She said, unsettled.


Demi had chosen to sing the same song she'd shown me and it had the same effect on me as it had on Scott. He was more than impressed. We were even able to show him the version of my song avalanche with vocals and he loved it.
- Listen, I'm really surprised by your potential! I'm glad I came. says Scott, winking at me. I'll see what I can do, but I'm definitely not going to let you get away. He says to Demi.
- Thanks a million! she says, trying to control her emotions.
- Well, I've got to go, but I'll see you later? He says before leaving the studio.
- Ahhhhhh! Demi shouted, jumping into my arms.
- See, I told you he'd think like me. You really do have a gift. I say as I slowly lower her to the ground. My hands graze her waist and our faces are only inches apart. A crazy urge crosses my mind but I resist and let her escape from my embrace.
- See, I told you he'd adore you!
- I'm so happy! I can't believe it," she says, her eyes full of stars.

- You want to go celebrate?
- Oh, I'd love to, but I'm meeting Wilmer. Hm... maybe you'd like to come? We could all celebrate together.
- I don't know... I don't want to intrude.
- What are you talking about? If Scott agreed to see me, it's because of you, so I'm sure Wilmer will understand!
- That's fine with me then.
- Perfect! Let's go! she says, grabbing her bag and glasses.

Wilmer POV:

I was just finishing serving the table when I heard the sound of keys in the lock. I'd set the table for two and added a candle and rose petals to create a romantic atmosphere. I removed my apron and began pouring us glasses of wine. I heard Demi's voice and to my surprise she wasn't alone. No.. Nick was there too. My facial expression gradually broke into an embarrassed smile.
- Heyy... I didn't know we'd have company.  I said softly.
- Oh... I'm sorry... I should have warned you, it's just..." she said, stopping at the table I'd just set.
- It's okay... I can come back next time, I'll let you enjoy yourselves. Nick says as he withdraws.
- What? Are you kidding? After what you've just done for me, the least we can do is invite you to have a drink with us. Says Demi, glaring at me.

Obviously, he's playing the victim. After all, Demi had just told me she loved me, so I had no reason to be afraid. But it was hard for me to forget that he'd already touched her and kissed her in front of me. The more I fell in love with her, the more I regretted that our first meeting had been in such a special setting and that she'd found herself facing me and my three friends, not just me. The memory of their hands on her body or even their mouths pressed against hers for even a few seconds made me want to destroy everything in my path.

-It's okay, you can stay...I've cooked enough for a regiment anyway! I said, trying to lighten the mood.

Demi then stepped forward to kiss me gently and whisper a thank you in my ear.

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