Chapiter 32

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Nick POV :

Since the last evening with Demi and her first show, we've done 3 more performances together, all to great acclaim. My manager was really happy and wanted us to sing together more. We'd already done a few interviews together to promote my new album and introduce Demi to the general public. It was always complicated for me to be around her so much without being able to have her to myself, but I understood that she was really in love with Wilmer and that between us two, it wouldn't be more than friendship. So, on Joe's advice, I decided to really make new friends and had been flirting for a few weeks with Jessica, a former Miss USA who was now an actress. She was 27, blonde, 1.72 m tall and had a dream body, even if she was not at Demi's level. But she was also very nice and made me laugh. I didn't know if it would last, but I decided to give us a chance.

I put on my jacket and picked up my phone before leaving the studio and heading home, when I saw that Demi was still there. I could see her silhouette in her studio but the light wasn't on. It was already late and she usually left long before I did. I opened the door and put my face to Demi's crying face.
- Demi? What's wrong? I said worriedly before approaching her.
- I was reading articles about myself and seeing what people were saying about me and I came across this. she says, before handing me her phone.

It was an article from the Daily Mail with a very degrading headline "From blow job to Superstar?" which barely mentioned her talent and our performance, but rather put forward theories that I had agreed to sing with her in exchange for special services . The article was also packed with sexist and rather disparaging comments like "how much does she charge? I'd give her my microphone..." there were hundreds of them.

- Don't worry about reading this nonsense, you know very well it's not the truth, and besides, these people stay very quiet behind their computers. You're brave, you've lived more than they can imagine and you're still shining brightly.
- You're right... but I... I'm afraid it's going to follow me all my life... I want so much to succeed in this business and make a name for myself... but... she says, bursting into tears. Who's going to want to work with the token whore? I want people to take me seriously... since I was little it's the only thing I've ever wanted to do, and to be judged by thousands of people is... it's not what I imagined.
- You know... even if you didn't have this past, they'd find something to take you down with. That's what they like. Don't give them power. You're better than that. You know it, and we all know it. And look at it this way, the more they talk about you, even if it's bad, the more people will listen to your music and get to know you.
- You're right... thank you... I... you can go, I'll stay a little longer... she says before wiping her tears with the sleeves of her vest.
- absolutely not, come on, I'll take you home.
- Thanks. You're always here for me.
- Always!


- thank you for always being there for me. Says Demi, putting her hand on mine.

Every inch of my skin was immediately covered in shivers. Then she removed her hand and my breath began to quicken again.

- It's normal, that's what friends are for. I said, mingling my gaze with hers.
- Yes, but you're much more than that.

When I got to Wilmer's house, I opened the door. Then I nodded at her.
- Tell me when you're home. She said in front of my door.
- Oh, I'm not going home yet, I'm going to the restaurant first. I said embarrassed.
- Really? Who are you meeting? she says curiously.
- I've got a date..." I said, smiling nervously.
- Oh... enjoy then. See you tomorrow at the studio then?
- Thanks... see you tomorrow, Demi. Have a good night.
- you too.

Demi POV:

I had just returned. Wilmer welcomed me into his arms and we shared a tender kiss.

- I've missed you. I said, clinging to him.
- I can't wait for the weekend and the trip to Bora Bora!
- Same here! We'll have to start packing. I say, while I was heading upstairs to change my clothes.

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