Chapiter 35

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Demi POV:
Almost as intense as the kiss we shared was, my regret and shame quickly caught up with me.

- It... it was a mistake... we're both drunk and it'll never happen again. I... I've got to go! I said, barely able to look Nick in the eye as I rushed out the door.

The next morning was rough, with only shame haunting me and the feeling that I'd betrayed Wilmer. Admittedly we hadn't done more than kiss, but that was already too much. I hadn't even managed to answer his calls for fear of breaking down in tears. I was pathetic, I'd given in to temptation but the worst thing was that I'd liked it . I love Wilmer and I'm sure he's the man of my life, but I couldn't deny my attraction to Nick and his kindness and goodwill towards me. Nevertheless, what I did must never happen again... ever.

I mustered all the strength I had left in me and got up to make myself a cup of coffee. I put on a grey and blue sports outfit, put on my tennis shoes, and set off for a long jogging session. It was the only way I could vent my anger...

After some hesitation, I found myself in front of the house where I'd been staying for nearly 3 years. All kinds of memories came back to me, but not all of them bad. I rang the bell twice before someone came to open the door.

- Demi?! What are you doing here? Kathy says, looking around to see if anyone else is here.
-Um... I... I wanted to see you. I've missed you. I said, smiling slightly as if to apologise for not coming sooner.
- You'd better go home, Karl's upstairs and if he hears you..." said another girl, standing next to Kathy.
- I... here. I said, handing them an envelope in which I'd put some of the savings I'd made from the concerts and interviews I'd done. Keep this for yourself. I'll be back, I promise.
- When you feel like easing your conscience again? Brenda said dryly.
- No... I... I'm going to get you out of here, I promise.
- Let us know next time. Kathy said before closing the door.

I felt even worse than when I'd come here, I'd become exactly what I didn't want. I'd left them behind and put them in the background, like I'd promised myself I wouldn't. They had every right to be angry, I was pathetic. I was going on and on about relationships, but they had their lives at stake.

Back in my room, I took a long, cold shower to clear my thoughts. I was drying my hair when the doorbell rang.

I opened the door and found myself face to face with Nick. I should have thought of that.

- What are you doing here, Nick? I said tiredly.
- We need to talk. he says, walking confidently back into my room.
- I've got nothing to say to you. We should never have kissed, it was a mistake and I'd like things to go back to the way they were.
- The problem is I can't forget... you must have felt it too, it wasn't just a kiss... it's all I've been thinking about since last night.
- Nick... I... I'm in love with Wilmer, and he'll always be the only one for me, I like you, but not like that...
- So you didn't feel anything in particular? He said disappointedly.
- I didn't. I said without any emotion.
- I see... it's  all in my head then.  He said before turning on his heels towards the exit.
- Nick please, don't make this any harder than it already is. I love you as a friend. I don't want to lose that.
- You won't.

Nick POV:

I'd been waiting for months for that moment when our lips would plunge one by one and intertwine. The moment had exceeded my expectations. Our lips stayed together like magnets for nearly 5 minutes, and if I had my way, they would never have parted. At that moment, I had put aside all my good conscience and my pseudo-loyalty to Wilmer. I wasn't thinking about the aftermath but just about the moment and how there was a connection between us. It wasn't just a careless kiss. No, it was passionate, carnal and desired. Or so I thought.

I'd been waiting for this moment for so long now and, in the end, nothing had changed. She was still madly in love with Wilmer and what had just happened didn't change anything for her. She wanted me as a friend, but nothing else. I didn't know if I had the strength to remain her friend after this and the harshness of her honesty towards me. I didn't even know if I could stay with Jessica after that. I was more than lost and suffering even more than before. Now that I'd tasted the sweetness of her lips for several minutes, I doubted I could forget her so easily. Working with her every day certainly wasn't going to help my beginnings for her fade. Without realising it, she drew me closer and closer to her. Through simple gestures, attentions or looks. It was like being hypnotised.

I needed advice and an outside view of the situation.

Wilmer POV :

I was on my way to see him, trying to contain myself but already feeling like ripping his guts out. I was more than a little nervous about seeing him again, about acting as if nothing had happened when I knew what he'd done, but I had to. It was the only way I could get Demi's photos back and send him to prison or away without him trying anything. When Mike parked his car near his villa, I clenched my fists and took a deep breath before getting out.

I ring the bell and a few seconds later he invites me into his living room. My jaw clenched but I kept my cool.

- So how are you men, it's been a while since I've seen you? he says, handing me a beer.
- Yes, it's true... I've had a lot of work these last few months. But I'm fine. What about you ? I say, not really wanting to know his answer.
- More than fine, the show is doing really well at the moment and I've just come back from a trip to Las Vegas where I really enjoyed myself, if you know what I mean. He says, winking at me.

The evening passed incredibly slowly. Every minute spent pretending and smiling was a monumental effort for me. Around 11pm, I decided to take the lead and went to pour us glasses of whisky. I added a little magic ingredient to his glass, just to put him to sleep for a few hours.

Once the pill has taken effect, I don't bother to put him in an advantageous position. I rush off to find his phone and use his finger to open it. I go straight to his pictures  to find the photos he's taken of Demi. After a few minutes, I came across a tab with hidden photos and that's when the horror began for me.
I discover about thirty photos and videos with Demi. I scroll through the photos one by one and watch one, two, three videos, until I lose my temper and break a glass on the floor.

I quickly deleted everything and left at full speed. This time I was sure, I didn't just want him to go away, no, he had to be punished severely for what he had done. I could never forget the images I saw and look at Demi in the same way. My Demi... and him... he'd forced her, filmed her and mistreated her and now he was talking to me as if nothing had happened? I was furious and it was a miracle I didn't take advantage of his sleep to suffocate him. I thought.

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