Chapiter 14

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Demi POV :

Wilmer arrived almost 40 minutes after Karl's left. Enough time for me to give myself a makeover.

In the car we talked about our respective days and also about the photos of us that had come out. He promised to do everything he could to keep the journalists away from me, but well... I didn't hold out much hope... after all, it was their job to dig up dirt and discover everyone's secrets...

- You don't know what... even my mother asked me who this beautiful stranger was with me? he laughs.
- Are you joking? I said, widening my eyes.
- No, I'm not! I assure you haha
You know I'm 35.. and for a few years now my mother hasn't stopped asking me when I'm going to get married and give her grandchildren. he says embarrassed, running his hand through his hair.
- I said yes for a weekend, not for a wedding! I said, laughing
- Hahah but I hope that one day you'll say Yes for life.. he says, putting his hand on mine.
- You're really crazy Valderrama!
-Crazy about you!
- No, but look at you, I don't even know what you see in me I..
- You're everything I've ever dreamed of. He says in my ear, nibbling it with his teeth.

I felt a wave of warmth sweep over me, the simple fact of our hands intertwining sending shivers down my body. He began to move slowly closer to make the pleasure last and glued his lips to mine. Our saliva fuses and after a few minutes I slowly pull away from him, nibbling his lower lip. He had barely caught his breath when he plunged back into my lips greedily. I was turned on but could see Mike's eyes in the rear-view mirror. All at once I withdrew.
- We'll be there soon, Wilmer, and your driver's here. I said in a low voice so that Mike wouldn't hear us.
- Oh, that's not a problem. He said, pressing a button on his door which lowered a curtain between the front seats and ours.
- hmm... I see you've got everything planned. But I don't mind, I'd rather wait until we're in peace and besides, knowing you, you won't be able to control yourself. I said, placing my hand on his thigh.
- You're sadistic!
- A little bit. I laugh.

After that I put my head on his shoulder and fell asleep without realising it.

- That's it! Here we are, Mr Valderrama. Mike said to Wilmer, which made me open my eyes.
- Come on, sleepyhead, we've arrived. Says Wilmer
- Thanks, Mike! I said as I got out of the car.

After collecting our suitcases, Wilmer looked for his keys and I admired the entrance to the house...
He opened the door and I walked in speechless, the house was perfectly decorated, very modern and chic. The garden gave way to a huge swimming pool and barbecue area. There must have been more than 6 bedrooms and 8 toilets. The kitchen was bigger than the house I shared with 5 other girls...

- Wow! I don't think I've ever seen such a huge house! I exclaimed.
- Yes... it is a bit big... I bought it at the start of my career when I was blowing things up a bit. I hesitated to sell it and buy a smaller one, but the location was so perfect that I never had the heart to do it. Plus, when I will have a family, it'll be great!

Wilmer POV :

After showing her around the house, I made us some sandwiches and a cup of herbal tea to help us get a good night's sleep. Demi was getting tired, so I invited her upstairs.

- So this is my room... but if you want, you can sleep in another room. There's no shortage of that. I say
- Oh no, I'm fine here. Plus, I sleep really well when I'm in your arms. She says, yawning.
- Perfect then, you can put your things here. I say, showing her the drawers. And the bathroom is right there.

10 minutes later, Demi came out with her make-up off and in a little purple nightie. She joins me under the duvet and lays her head on my bare chest.
- Good night, Wilmer. she says in a whisper before falling asleep.

I stayed up for about thirty minutes thinking and imagining my life with her. One thing bothered me a bit about our future... I know we'd only just met but I wanted to make sure we had the same desires... eventually I wanted to start a family, and I needed to know if it was something she might be interested in... not immediately of course but within the next five years.


The next day we got up at the crack of dawn and took our time having breakfast by the pool. Then we went for a swim.

I was against the edge of the pool and Demi was against me. Our two wet bodies intertwined like pieces of a puzzle.
- Have you ever ridden a horse? I asked her.
- Hm... No, never. she said, sliding her hands down my torso.
- Perfect then!  Go and get ready then!
- Wait, what?! But I don't know how to do that. She says, frightened.
- Don't worry, I'll come up with you. But I'm sure you'll love it, then, we can take a walk on the beach.
- Okay.


Demi POV :

The setting was idyllic, I felt like I was in a fairytale. I was scared to death of riding such a big horse, but any fear seemed so small with him by my side. We went for a ride in the meadows and then for a walk to the beach. Wilmer had brought a bottle of champagne.

- You're definitely the perfect man! I said as I helped him take out the glasses he'd brought.
- I try..." he said, winking at me.
- Cheers! I say as I bring the glass of champagne to my lips.
- Cheers! Tell me... I don't want to break the mood but I've got a little question that's been bothering me. He says seriously.
- Oh oh... am I in trouble? I say with a smile.
- i don't think so..., it's just to get an idea of what you want... you know, yesterday I told you that my mother was on my back about getting married and having children... but the truth is I know I want to, and in 2-3 years I can see myself starting a family... I... I know we've only just met, but I wanted to know if you were on the same wavelength... he said, taking a sip of his champagne.
- Well... yes I'd like to have children... but I don't know if in 2 years I'll feel ready to be a mum but maybe in 4... you know these things can go quickly after that but it's true that for the moment in the situation I'm in I can't see myself starting a family straight away.
- Yes... I understand, you're only 22 after all. But it's good to know that you want one. he says, stroking my cheek.
- So... do you fancy going home for a shower and a bite to eat in a little restaurant? I say before kissing him.
- I think that's an excellent idea.


I had just finished getting ready,
I had put on a crop top  and a green pencil skirt with brown heeled sandals. For make-up I'd simply applied a pink lip balm and a some mascara. Wilmer was in a black shirt and grey chino trousers.
- Wow, you look great! I said before leaving the house.
- Did you see yourself? Just being with you is an honour. he said, taking my hand.

When we arrived at the restaurant, the waiter seated us at a table away from the others. After lunch we decide to go dancing on the restaurant's dance floor by the beach. Between bursts of laughter, kisses and bad dance steps, nothing could have gone better. At the end of the music I detach myself from Wilmer and head for the toilet. When I'm bask, I see Wilmer talking to someone from behind. I approached to greet him when my face froze.How is it possible ?

- Demi? he says, freezing almost as much as I do.
- Do you know each other? asked Wilmer.

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