It's hot isn't it, dear?

His voice or him talking?


I snorted quietly at that but apparently not quiet enough because soon I lay trying to make my body as small as possible to blend in with the rafters. Luna had looked up when I snorted but the others seemed preoccupied. She's attentive and observant... always on the watch. I like that about her.

"Who is Tori? You found the Destinee girl!? Why didn't you call? Wait, who's Harper?" The Alpha of the other pack sure has a lot of questions.

"Yeah. We killed a lot of their wolves trying to leave. Noah attacked us." That was Loman who grinning like a smart ass. Dummy.

"Tori is my mate and Ha-" Before Jay could finish his sentence, Luna was on her feet with a wide smile yelling, "You found your mate!? Where is she?".

Jay looked around before sighing and rolling his shoulders.

"I don't know. When Loman bursted in, she disappeared. She's still skittish." His answer confused me though. I am no such thing as skittish. What even is skittish?

Skittish means you're scared of every little thing. He's not wrong, dear. We'll work on it though and make us both a better warrior.

A better Luna, Corrina. We are to be equal with Jay.

I could feel her satisfaction at my answer and I smiled knowing if I had her and Jay, I wouldn't need anyone else.

I studied the group below and I almost growled when the door slammed open, AGAIN. This time, it was Gifford carrying a very sick Destinee with a nervous Harper following behind.

"You guys did not leave me to babysit while my hubby was here." Teasing? That's a new one from him. I haven't heard him not angry yet. Who's his hubby?

"Hey! What's up?" That was the Alpha talking. I don't know who to trust anymore. Jay for sure and possibly Destinee and Harper... Probably Loman but he seems to be scared of me. I don't know why! I haven't done anything to him. I found myself glaring at Loman with wonder before my eyes fell back to Destinee. She does look very sick.

I wrapped my arms around the wooden raft and slid my body so I hung upside down, inching myself closer to Destinee before I showed myself to everyone. My body, from where I was looking, looked to be right over her as Gifford laid her down on the couch between the Luna and where Harper now sits. I let my body fall, miraculously landing on my feet, and put my hand to Destinees forehead. She's way too hot. She's burning.

I can call all of them forth, dear... It would distract her from her visions.

I only noticed how quiet it was when the room grew colder and if a needle were to drop, it would be heard. Glancing up, I saw Jay, Loman, the Alpha and Luna, Gifford, and Harper all staring at me.

"Where the fuck did you just come from?" That was Gifford who stared at me, I guess awaiting my answer.

"Your dreams." I replied, looking at Jay with worry.

"Do we have any clothes here? She's burning..." My tone was firm but soft and when he nodded, he pointed to the kitchen.

"Second drawer by the sink. There's little white ones." I could feel his eyes on me as I made my way to the kitchen, not stopping for a moment. The kitchen was beautiful too. It had the same light gray walls with birch wooden cabinets and floors. The counters were marble and looked amazing being paired with the birch wood. There was an island in the middle of the kitchen with the same design and the tall bar stools or chairs, whichever they are, were a darker wood color. There was a chandelier hanging in here too. The fridge was black with two doors and a third section at the bottom. The pantry wasn't too far from the fridge, just being off to the left wall. The trim around the room was also a dark birch wood. There was a window above the sink, leading to what I can now see is the back yard. It's not fenced in and there isn't much to it but there is a wood line and woods behind it. There is a tree closer to the house that has a swing on it. It wasn't a usual swing or a tire swing... this one was one you could curl your whole body onto. There were random flowers spotting the yard. I wouldn't mind staying here forever.

The Experimental Mate (Work in progress/unedited)Where stories live. Discover now