"Let's see... I like to cook-" He was cut off by Callan snorting. "Okay, listen, I like to cook. I can't cook well but it's still fun!" He defends himself, holding his hands up. I laugh at the offended look on his face as Callan keeps provoking him.

"Last time Zachary cooked, the house was nearly caught on fire. I wish I was kidding." Callan chuckled, grinning at Zachary.

"As I was saying. I like to cook and I like to read. Should be obvious with my profession and all." Zachary grinned. I chuckled and nodded. I managed to figure out what I wanted to eat, and when the waiter came, I gave him my order and continued talking with the guys.

We talked for a while, Zachary and Callan kept going back and forth, bickering with each other. My eyes had drifted from them to Atticus. He was watching me with hooded eyes.

-You okay?- I signed carefully. He watched my hands move before nodding at me. Curiosity peaked in my mind. I wanted to ask more about him. –Where are you from? You have a slight accent.-

-I'm from Russia.-

-How'd you meet these two?-

-Business. Callan helped me. Don't ask about it.-

I left it at that, giving him a small smile. Callan and Zachary had stopped their bickering and were now looking at us curiously. The food came, and everyone dug in. The conversations had come to a pause as we ate, only a few words exchanged. My plate of food was ginormous.

I had ordered pasta, expecting it to be a normal sized plate, but if this was normal, I'm scared to see the big one. I only managed to eat half of the portions, sighing and leaning back.

"You don't like it?" Callan asked, noticing that I was no longer eating. I smile and shake my head softly.

"Full. If one of you want it, you can have it." I say, pushing the plate forward a little. They smile at me and continue to eat. I looked around the restaurant, noticing the tiny patterns on the walls and the sleek tiles. It was decorated so beautifully.

"You look beautiful." I hear Zachary whisper, making me look at him. He was staring at me with soft eyes, his food was finished, and his focus was now on me. I smile softly.

"Thank you... Callan said something similar." I smile teasingly, looking at Callan, who is now staring at me with low eyes.

"Watch it." He warned, making both Zachary and Atticus look at me curiously. I wanted to get back at them for all the teasing they've done to me but I knew I would just dig myself a deeper hole.

"Or what?" My grin did not falter, even when all three men straightened up and stared me down. "Tongue tied?"

"Not now." Callan told Atticus. He huffed and stood from the table, leaning down to whisper in my ear.

"You're riding with me." I smile up at him, making him inhale before walking towards the bathrooms. Zachary waved down a waiter to get the check.

"I can't wait for everything to be discussed." Zachary mumbled to himself. He paid the check and stood along with Callan. I followed suit, watching them say something to each other before looking at me.

I felt a hand on my lower back, making me spin around quickly. Atticus looked down at me with low, dark eyes. The pure, raw look in his steel eyes made my heart stutter. To not have any attention drawn to us, I begin walking toward the elevator, the guys walking behind me.

If stares could burn, my ass would be on fire.

I press the metal button, walking into the empty elevator. I stood in the middle, watching them file in. Zachary to my left and Callan to my right. Atticus stood in front of me, his eyes set on me and me alone.

Not So Delicate ||18+Where stories live. Discover now