40||a story or a reality

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"Are you having pain somewhere?" I ask, pushing my body a little, as i incline my back on the cushioned headrest.

"No," Veer mumbles, hiding his face from me, as though he will maintain a secrecy of the thoughts which roamed his mind like a black cloud.

"Veer, today you say a story, I will listen," I request him, stroking his hairs. He seats up, placing his legs on either side of me, as his eyes gleams, "Really?"

Perking my lips, I nods, coaxing my face with a layer of excited which was far away from my exhausted cells, yet to drift Veer's mind, I says, "Yes, today you say I am will be hearing,"

"Wait, I will bring my story book," he speaks speedily, about to get up, when I place my hand on his thighs stopping him, "No, you say any story which you remember,"

Veer keeps his fingers on his chin, thinking about any story which he remembered, "Monster and his lady?" he exclaimed, a dreamy glint taking over his. I comb the stray strands of his brown hairs, which fall on his eyes. I smile at him. How easily can a human mind be controlled? Easily, but done by those who has looked deeply in someone, so deeply that their soul is standing naked, their deepest secret spoken, their gestured calculated and made an overview of who they are. The real them, rather than the façade which is known by some and the image perceived by some.

"Maui said this story to me. I will say this story, okay?"

I, laugh matching up with his excitement, even though all I wanted was to put a sellotape on his mouth, "Okay,"

"Once upon a time, there was a monster."

"A monster?" I fake gasped. Its like an unspoken rule between our story time, to add background music for extra effect.

"Yes, a monster." Veer chimes, beginning, "A big, scary monster who lived deep in a dark forest." him widening his eyes in excitement, "He knew magic, and he was feared in the town by the people because they believed that he vanished people. People of the town were so scared that they outcasted him, told him to never enter the town. He was angry and left the town."

"Did he vanish people?" I interjected.

"Mumma, have patience."

"Sorry," I mumbled out.

"He was hungry and sleep. So, he decided to rest against a tree. He closed his eyes, and slept. But feeling a movement, he woke up. There stood an old man, dressed in black cloth, only half of his face was visible. The monster asked the stranger, "Who are you?" to which the stranger replies, "Your friend. I saw how you were pushed away by your own people." He forwarded his hands to the monster. Monster thought for a second and grabbed his hand, "You are here to help me?" The stranger smiled, "Yes, I am here to help you. I am giving you one wish, and a castle to live in, where you will find everything, from clothes to food. But the castle would be made of sand."

"Sand?" My brow pulls together.

"Yes, of sand. The castle was to be built of sand, and in a dark deep forest, where nobody dared to go, only fearless heart would dare to step in the forest."

"What does the monster wish?"

"He asked nothing, he told the stranger, 'I will ask for it when the right time comes.' The stranger smiled, 'Okay, but remember the castle will be envied by many, each day it will grow to be stronger, the moon will kiss its wall with glory and sun will make it appear like a mountain of gold. But not everyone will enter it.' The monster asked, 'Why?' the stranger laughed, 'What magic you possess?' Monster thinks whether to answer or not, but the stranger was no harm to him and trusting him, he said, 'Whoever I put my heart on, vanishes in the light of magic settled with in me. This is not magic, I am cursed.' The stranger held a soft look on his face, speaking, 'The thing which is meant for you will stay with you. The one who doesn't fears you, the one who looks at you boundless of your flaws and is ready....ready, uhmm,"

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