34. An Interlude into Bandages

Start from the beginning

But she wasn't letting me away with any anxiety, so we cooked up a little plan to stall Andi till he gave up trying with the bandages. Thinking about it was making the fuzz creep in, and I couldn't be having that either.

Andi re-entered, and I must have been throwing one hell of a glare as he threw his hands up innocently and laughed.
"Alright, you stop it with the evil eyes, I'll be quick i swear"

He sat down and cracked open the box, beckoning me over. I didn't move an inch.
"But I'm watching pups"
I pointed at the tv and Andi chuckled at me.
"You can still watch your puppies jam, just sit here"
He patted the spot next to him. I pouted, crossed my arms, and kept my eyes glued to the tv.

Andi looked up from the box and raised an eyebrow at me.
"We're doing this, really?"
When i didn't respond Andi just continued getting everything out. He scooched over to me and I scooched an equal distance away.
"Don't need it changed"

When Andi moved in closer again I jumped back, landing further than I anticipated. I slipped off the couch onto the floor with a thump. Andi sniggered and I huffed, throwing back a defiant.
"You can't make me!"
Andi laughed outright, clearly not taking this very seriously.
"Oh can't I?"

He put the med kit down and bent down low as if he was readying to pounce on me. Even though i tried to stay stone faced, he managed to coax a giggle out of me. He was being silly it wasn't fair!

He stalked a little closer, as I could feel the fuzz wrapping me up. I felt like when we played boardgames. Basically... i needed to win.

I scrambled over to the other side of the coffee table but Andi gave chase. June must've had a hell of a time watching us from the couch as we ran around 2 full laps. Before I threw myself onto armchair, flipped around and raised my legs up, ready to kick.

Andi came to a stop and put his hands on his hips.
"Hey that's playing dirty! You little messer come here"

Andi caught my legs and spun me so they were no longer aimed at him. I squealed and kicked.
"Oh no you don't! Your getting that bandage changed"
Andi threatened and i yelled back
"Nuh uh! Never never never!"
I went to throw my hands up dramatically but winced as I couldn't lift my afflicted side. Andi was quick to point it out.

"Aha! Can't celebrate properly with one arm. Guess you only have one choice pup"
I laughed a bit and I rubbed carefully around my bite. When something brought me out of the moment. Bluey's ending song was playing. I looked hastily to the tv.

"H-huh... It's over?"
I said quietly. Andi was still in our little game and triumphantly announced.
"Conceding ay? Wise move"
I wasn't listening, seeing that the episode had indeed ended while i was busy stalling.

I squeaked, my voice so quiet. Andi didn't hear so didn't see the issue in going to pick me up.
"Let's return you to the doctor's station-"
I slapped an approaching hand and muttered
Andi didn't understand, reprimanding me.
"Ow, jamie no, hitting isn't ok."

I didn't take that well, squirming and trying to look past him to the tv.
"Jam you need to stop, this isn't funny"

He went to pick me up again and pushed at him
"No NO! I'm not being funny!!"
I screeched and shoved Andi roughly away from me. He stepped back immediately and concernedly asked.
"Woah bambi what's up?"

I whined through my teeth anxiously and got off the chair, running right up to the tv. The voice over lady announced a different show up next and my eyes started to sting.
"I missed it"

I jumped a little and whined again when Andi crouched down next to me. June now in his hands, he let me explain.
"Just wanted to watch my puppies"
My lip wobbled a bit as I watched the credits go by. I was handed my bunny and i hugged her tight.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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