Three : Falling at Rincon Park, and The Forgotten Date

Começar do início

Call me weird but my eyes were on that building eversince I've arrived at San Francisco. And then, there's this incident when my father got lost here and he stopped right there, and described the building as 'the ugliest building in the city'. That moment all I can do was laugh. It was pretty hilarious because my father sucked at describing things, and I sucked at putting puzzles he gave me together.

I usually took a rest at Spear Street because the garden was cozy, even though it was between buildings. And when I'm bored sometimes I came here. I've drawn the whole garden because I'm bored. Call me a nerd or a geek because I am.

I was breathing heavily when I stopped at the junction between Montgomery and Market Street, which is where Mckesson Plaza is. After I could catch my breath, I began to run again to Spear Street. There's not so many people here and I bought a water bottle. Rincon park is not that far away, so I began my way there.

I finally arrived at Rincon Park, which is filled with so many joggers and runners. I was running with the other runners, when I suddenly felt a force from my back and what happens next was my body being thrown forwards and I hit the ground. Fortunately, I didn't hit my head that hard, the crash actually make me did a front flip so my head was safe-I think-but my back hurts like a bitch.

"I'm so sorry," a familiar deep voice said. I was rubbing my feet, where I can see some scrapes and scratches. The guy who hit me from my back, opened his water bottle and dripped some of his water onto my grazed skin. Fortunately my phone are still intact, and it's still in one piece. I took off my earphones and groaned in pain.

"I'm so sorry, I was running and got a little carried-," "Oh, no it's fine thank y-," we said in unison before looking at each other.

"Aiden," I said and he smirked. He rubbed the dirt and dust from my scratch before helping me stands up and stepped aside.

"What are you doing here ?" he asked before rubbing some water onto my elbow. I wrinched.

"Running, Ow !" I said when he accidentally touch my wound. He gave me an apologetic look.

"Sorry," he said before cleaning my scratches. I had a lot actually, my feet-especially my knees-and then my elbows, and I hade a little cut on my knuckles. I could see some scratch at my elbow but I was glad that my head was okay, I'm not even dizzy.

"God, I actually ruined you," he said and keep brushing my hands. Some of the dirts came off quickly, but some of them decided to be a very stubborn dirt and stayed on my wound. Aiden picked them up off my wound slowly, but I still wrinched in pain.

"It's okay, it's just scratches," I said. I looked up at him who looked like he's paying so much attention at cleaning my scratches without hurting me. I smiled at the sight before he gazed at me.

"What ?" he said smirking. I rolled my eyes.

"I was wondering how come you hit me in the back," I said casually. He looked at me before smiled apologetically. I glared at him.

"I was thinking about something and I guess I didn't care about whom I could hit by running so fast without direction. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for hitting you ," he still try to keep his expression and so was I, but I can't stand looking at his cute face so I laughed.

"It's okay, let's just hope these thingies," I pointed at the scrapes, "are gone before bikini season," this earned a laugh from him.

"So, how are you ?" he asked, smiling. I smiled back at him. "So far so good,". He nodded before handing me his bottle of water.

"Drink, you didn't bring any with you aren't you ?" he said offering me a bottle of water. I grab the bottle from his hand before taking a gulp from it.

"Yes, and thank you," I said, giving him the bottle.

We just sat there for a couple more minutes, watching other runners or some joggers passing by. We didn't really say anything, which leds me to a very uncomfortable silence at first. I was trying to find the right words or the right topic to asked but I have nothing so I remains silent. When I am actually starting to enjoy the silence, he spoke out.

"So, are you excited for tomorrow ?" he asked while wiggling his eyebrows. I looked at him, trying to find a clue what's going on tomorrow. God, I'm the worst at remembering little things.

"The date," he continued when he saw my furrowed eyebrow. Shit, I forget he asked me out tomorrow. I looked at my phone checking the calendar, and I did put 'Date with Aiden' but I noticed 'Winter Quarter begins' at the same day. I slapped my forehead, punishing myself for being an idiot. If school starts tomorrow, I can't go to a date.

I was contemplating wether or not to take the session, but I need to excel all of them. I can't just skipped a class for a date. But, I'm definitely breaking his heart if I tell him I can't go tomorrow. Aiden asked me again, but I haven't made up my mind yet. Finally, I sighed in defeat, hoping for the best.

"Uhm, Aiden." I stutered. He gave me a confused look but still smiling.

"Is there anything wrong ?" he asked. I bit my lower lip nervously before I spoke out.

"I'm sorry, I just remember, my winter quarter begins tomorrow," I said apologetically. "I'm really sorry, I think I can't go to the date," I said looking at him feeling nervous and guilty. His smile dropped at first and he was speechless but then he laughed and smile at me. His smiled didn't reach his eyes, making my guilt built up higher.

Aiden I'm truly sorry, but as you can see, I am the dumbest person ever in this whole world.


A/N :

A little shorter than the other ones. At first I wrote this one and the next chapter in one piece, but It's a little too long. But when I devided them into two chapters, this one is too short.

Argh, difficulties when writing.

Going to upload the next chapter tomorrow, I think.

Don't be a silent reader, vote and tell me what you think !

Dear NobodyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora