{Chapter 8}

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Kisses ventured outside into the forest and sniffed the area to try and find the fox ladies she knew were around. She grazed the grass up until she got to the pond. Kisses could hear small walking footsteps in multiples but couldn't see where they were. If she asked Sebastian to come with her he could probably find them easier, Kisses grimaced.

She putted slightly as she tightened her grip on her basket. She didn't even really know why she was going to see Ebony, she didn't have a real motive. Maybe, it would just be better to go back and ask Mimi if she can guide her to see Ebony again.
Kisses turned around at the thought but, turning around she saw the forest had already shifted and blocked her path.

Kisses shivered slightly as she began to rub her ears with her hand. She stepped forward feeling the dirt and grass beneath her paws. Her breath felt stealthier and it felt like the forest no longer had that teasing charm about it but, instead was testing her with her movements.
The air felt stealthier as she walked through, she sighed. The moment she wakes up and starts to feel attachments they immediately disappear by force.

She wearily stepped into a tree holding her weight onto it. There was a strange connection in that moment with her and the forest. As if telling the woods to stop, to stop being an arrogant child the air stopped being as weary and her breath came back to her.

As the air came back to her lungs letting her breath again Kisses hummed feeling that familiar contentment she felt with the forest. The reason she's been so fatigued lately in Mimi's house.

Her breath was taken from her again as she heard a familiar howl in the distance. Kisses stunned for a moment as she kept her arm on the tree before gusting again in the distance. These wolves never left her alone, maybe wolves were a bigger deal then Mimi was making them out to be because she couldn't catch a break at all.
When stopping at a tree to hold onto as she felt her legs about to give out from running she was quickly grabbed and pulled behind a tree before some sort of dust was spread over her.

Kisses mouth was covered over by a paw, looking up she saw one of the familiar fox ladies. Just one. Kisses breathed into the paw as she slightly turned to look at the sounds of wolves pawing the ground.

She was in a slight shock seeing the wolves were beastman. The leader it seems was a strong woman. She was tall and muscular with a piercing gaze as she tried to sniff the area only to be disappointed by the results. The dust that the lady used must have blinded her smell to them, although she understood why she had to be so quiet now with them being so close to their wolf ears.

The woman's wolf features were of a beige, with her hair being long and wild and she had scars across her. Some sort of bandages covered her chest while she wore some tactical pants.
The other wolves had a familiar appearance, Kisses wouldn't be surprised if they were family, with her being the leader, probably siblings.

The woman sniffed forward again, getting lower to the ground before growling alerting the others before they ran forward.

It was a bit, maybe a few minutes, before the lady drifted her arms down from Kisses. "Thank you" Kisses muttered softly as she stepped forward looking up at the taller woman who made some sort of fox-like sound in response.

"Um... Can you take me to Ebony please?" Kisses said awkwardly looking to the side. The fox lady looked surprised before clapping her paws together happily with a 'yip' like sound coming out of her mouth.
She let her paw out for Kisses to take.

As I walked along into the woods. It wasn't far before they reached a familiar area that she saw last time. Kisses connected now that the area was probably kept away, which is why she was why she was tricked into following the ladies. Or she wasn't tricked and when she started following them they just went along with it. The realization made her feel slightly bashful as she gripped the lady's paw a bit tighter before letting go now knowing she just got lucky this time.

The lady draped Kisses to the edge of the cliff, probably to wait for Ebony as she left. Kisses sighed as she messed at the joints in her fingers to pass the time. She sat on the ground below getting her dress messy again which she knew Mimi would huff at, the thought making her chuckle to herself quietly as she laid her chin on her knees.

She looked around seeing the lack of people this time, she came earlier then she did last time so they were probably all out making Kisses grimace again at how she just got lucky with one of the ladies being on their own and being able to find her.

The stone was mostly gone and covered with grass now, its been awhile, so it made sense it wouldn't be there anymore.

Kisses thoughts were turned over as she heard the sound of water moving under her before Ebony's figure bursted out the water, letting Kisses see her once again wet appearance from laying in the water in between the cliffs.

"Doll? What are you doing here?" Her deep voice came out questioningly but softened a bit upon witnessing her.
"I said I would see you again, and I was tired of being inside. Mimi hasn't really let me go out of the house." Kisses said with a slight shrug.

Ebony's eyes narrowed slightly. "Mimi?" She asked with a bad taste in her mouth, having a feeling she already knew who it was.
"Your follower friend?"

Kisses nodded.

Ebony sighed with a slight irritation in her tone. "Well, followers do tend to be by themselves nowadays." She muttered to herself laying her cheek on her hand as she lifted her other three arms to lay on top of the ground.

Kisses tilted her head not really understanding what she meant, but the basic idea was understandable enough for her to not question it any further.
"Did you miss me?" Ebony asked with a slight faked indifference.

Kisses looked up at her curiously before she nodded. "I don't have many friends, I didn't want to lose one so fast." Kisses said, basking her face in her legs more.
Ebony blushed slightly and pursed her lips.

Reaching out her arm she lifted a finger to rub on top of Kisses head, feeling the strains of black and white hair on her finger tip.
''I can only stay for a few hours though, Mimi will get worried if I'm not there in the morning."
Ebony grumbled in response but continued to pet her head anyways.

"I don't have many friends either."
Ebony said absentmindedly. Kisses looked up and lifted her arms to hold Ebony's finger and looked at her in her eyes. She remembered that Mimi didn't like her, she thought originally that maybe it was because Ebony took her but she didn't have that same hate for the foxes.
It made her wonder why.
"What about your ladies?" Kisses said looking around as if trying to find one the foxes in her vision but didn't before Ebony spoke again.

"They are just servants, just like how you are not Mother Nature's friend, just a follower" She explained easily.
"Oh" Kisses said neutrally as she looked down again.

Kisses looked down at the ground again as she let her arms go down back to her sides. The feeling was awkward, it was only their second time seeing each other so it made sense that they would run out of conversation. Still there was a strange calmness to Kisses, like she's been here multiple times. Maybe that's why she wanted to come back here again, it's not like she was that close to Ebony despite admitting she missed her a bit. The area gave her a similar feeling as earlier with the forest.

"Can I turn the key this time?" Ebony asked, suddenly getting Kisses out her thoughts and making her put her legs down.


"Your Key Doll. Your follower friend stopped me last time." Her smooth voice said.

Kisses realized and she quickly nodded, turning her back slightly.
Ebony guided her fingers behind Kisses back as she began to turn the key slightly, the golden metal turned like a music box.

Kisses didn't know how she was going to feel but, with the first turn she felt a sudden warmness in her body and she could hear the slight thumping in her heart pick up. Ebony seemed surprised by something although Kisses couldn't guess what. With the next turns her fatigue she could constantly feel seemed to disappear, but with her sudden emotions she could feel her body get too hot.

Her heart started to rupture with a sudden wave of heartburn. Ebony in shock quickly retracted her hand, but it was too late as Kisses felt her body fall flat on the ground with her eyes closing with the slight yell of Ebony's voice drifting off in the background.
Its been her first sleep without struggle in awhile.

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