chapter 9

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I heard plates clashing. They already ate, and I still wasn't hungry...
The doctor told me that I needed to sleep in a half sit half lay position. And optimally sitting, but that would just be uncomfortable.
I put pillows under my head, so that I could relax.
I soon fell asleep, breathing in through my mouth.
I woke up to a weird screeching sound.
I looked out the window, my room was on the first floor, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was something outside.
But there was nothing.
I laid back in bed, and the sound went again, so I peeped out the door. Nothing there..
I was getting annoyed, so I picked up the flashlight, and shone it around the room.
There was a weird patch of shadow in the corner, that was never there.
I didn't look too much into it.
Then, the radio in my closet turned on. Putting out, loud, ear ripping static.
I thought it might've been Alastor..
So I turned off the radio and ran to his room.
But he was sound asleep, I didn't understand.. what the hell was that.
I walked back to my room, getting the feeling like I was being watched.
'What the actual fuck?' I thought to myself.
Alastor was asleep, there was something like a Wendigo calling from somewhere, and the goddamn radio turned on. It must've been him.
I stood in the outer part of the lobby, a huge moose like animal standing in the middle. That was indeed a Wendigo, Wendigos had skulls for heads, no skin on them and a lanky, moose like raggedy appearance, they were massive and made screeching noises, sort of resembling a deer calling but at a really high pitch.
It stomped towards me, I was deeply afraid of them. That was the animal that took my eye. I teared up, started shaking and was frozen in place. I couldn't do anything, not even run. It stared me in the soul, inches away from me.
My flashlight ran out of battery. I was scared shitless, no light, a wendigo infront of me and nobody there to help.
It screeched in my face, loud enough to make my ears ring.
I managed to get my legs to run, but to my non-existent luck, it caught me, putting one of its raggedy dirty 'paws' on my torso. It had me pinned against the floor, and was stomping on my chest heavily. Leaving a mud mark on my shirt.
My only hope was to scream, hoping that someone would come to help. Literally anybody would be of help. My Grape vines weren't that strong to restrain it, I didn't have any other ability than that and being able to change my clothes with a snap of my fingers and some weird ass claws I could summon at one point. I was helpless at that moment.
I screamed as loud as I could. Soon, I heard stomping through the rooms, echoing through the hotel.
Angel dust, Husker and Vaggie were there first.
Angel dust had his tommy guns ready, Husk had a baseball bat and Vaggie had her spear. They thought there was an intruder, ready to kill whoever it was.
Instead, there was me. Laying on the carpet, complexion 5 shades lighter, cold sweat running down my face, along with tears blurring my vision and heavy panting with a racing heart.
They put their weapons down.
Charlie tumbled down the stairs. And Alastor teleported next to them.
I was just laying there, supporting myself with my upper arm, and sobbing.
They looked confused, the Wendigo dissapeared as soon as the lights flicked on. Even my claws came out, and that was something that didn't happen often.
"What... the fuck?" Angel dust put his tommy guns on the counter.
"Dear? Are you alright?" Alastor asked, knowing damn well I wasn't.
"What's that on her shirt? Wasn't it white?" Husk pointed out.
Alastor came over and grabbed my shirt to get a better look at it.
His eyes widened, then looked back at my face.
"Oh, fawn..." he embraced me.
Nobody knew what the actual fuck was going on.
"Can somebody fill us in?" Angel dust requested.
Charlie recognized the print on my shirt.
"That's a wendigo print.." She was as flabbergasted as everyone else.
"There was a fucking wendigo in here?"
Husker was already at the bar, getting himself some liquor.
I nodded.
"T-there was.. a r-r-r-adio... a-and s-creeching..." I was stuttering like crazy, I just had it like that with ANY strong emotion, Alastor was the only one who could make out my stutter symphony.
"Did the radio in your room turn on?"-A
"Great, just fucking godly!"-C
"If there was one, there will be more.. and if those sons of bitches are focused on her.."-H
"Maybe Lucifer could help.."-V
"I think he could but he would have to come in contact with atleast one. And for that, we would have to find their herd, or he would have to sleep here."-C
"Then it's settled." Alastor stood up, picking me up. He was a bit annoyed he would have to see Lucifer again, but he didn't mind because a herd of Wendigos was capable of destroying a persons sanity. By screeching or just taking your soul.
He set me in his bed.
"You will sleep here, at least until the problem with the Wendigos is done with."-A
"You r-really think I-I c-can just s-leep now? Jacka-ass..." I curled up against the frame of his bed.
"Do you want to play a word game?" I loved all types of games, we would play a word game every once in a while.
We played and talked. Until I tired myself out and fell asleep.
"Good night darling~" he kissed me on the forehead.
"Good night, bub." I drifted off to sleep and woke up at around 10 a.m.
I walked out of the room, and had breakfast. I didn't want to talk, because I was able to stutter for days after being traumatized like that. Especially if I was afraid of it beforehand.
Lucifer was already there, and asking Charlie what she knew.
"Well, it wasn't me who was attacked. Their centre point is Judy for some reason."
She pointed to me.
"Really now?" He looked at me. As I was stuffing my face with pancakes.
"Well, better get to it." He walked around the hotel.
Wendigos like to have their 'nest' in dark places and lurked in shadows. And if there was an attack of one, it meant that there were probably more.
He came up to me when I was done eating and asked me if I can explain.
And after my little stuttering session, which he couldn't make out.
I brung in the radio, because I record every night incase something like this happens.
I set the cassette in the radio.
But screeching, static and a whole lot of ruckus that I didn't remember came out of it.
I had a dazed look on my face.
Then the radio played a recording of a very distorted animalistic glitchy sound.
This only made my skin crawl, as I backed up. I ended up bumping into Alastor, who grabbed my waist.
But then, a voice started coming through... still distorted, but you could make out whatever the fuck the male was saying.
"I-I-I-I w-w-w-w-illl f-ind you, and de-                           stroy       -  your -f---ucking li------fe.."
Then more distorted ruckus, screeching and my final scream played.
The recording ended off there...
We were all scared shitless. I was just turned around, and shaking, nuzzling into Alastors chest.
Grape vines crawling up the both of us.
"What.. in the name of satan was that..?" Husker asked from the bar.
"I don't know... but this has nothing to do with Wendigos anymore.."
A freeze went up my back.
I walked around, trying to comprehend what in the hell was happening.
I don't remember almost everything that played in there.. I walked to my room.
Only to find it absolutely decimated, and a note on the door.
'You're done for, Judy
                       Unknown <3'
I froze over, standing in place.
Angel dust came behind me.

"Toots, what did ya' do?"....

We'll be together again - Alastor x oc : a lovestoryWhere stories live. Discover now