chapter 13

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"Darling..... I.." he hesitated on what to say.
Angel came back with the makeup.
"What do ya' want?" He asked, slamming the door.
"Nothing from you." Alastor assured Angel.
I didn't know what to do, if to just get up and kiss him or to be mad.
I chose option a.
I got up, grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him.
"Seriously?" He put a left hand oh his hip, the other in the air and two right arms holding the makeup bag.
I pulled away from the kiss, as Alastors grin turned wider.
"Now shoo, we have makeup to commence."
I waved my hand, signaling for him to go.
"And what if I would want to see?" He leaned over.
"Fine, but only for a little bit."
"You won't even know I'm here." He sat down.
I sat down on the bed as Angel got the makeup out.
"We shall commence the slutty makeup look that I will slather on your face." Angel jokingly mocked mine and Alastors 'slang'.
I rolled my eyes and put out my face, as he put on my foundation.
We soon even forgot that Alastor was sitting right there.
He was just looking at my face, watching the process of putting on makeup.
He was a mommas boy, and had a little bit of knowledge about makeup, but from the 1930'.
Angel put a mettalic green eyeshadow with a black base.

When it came time for the eyeliner, Angel just couldn't get the right angle.
I had hooded eyes, so it was especially hard.
"Should I do it?"-J
"No, I need to learn this."-AD
After a few tries, he gave up.
"Just do it yourself, I don't have the nerves for this shit." He got up, putting two hands on his head.
Alastor stood up, and before I could grab the pen. He took it instead, and grabbed my chin gently.
I knew it was him, the warmth of his hands was very regonizable.
When he was done he said : "open your eyes, darling."
"Stunning." He closed the pen and gave it to me.
I looked in the mirror and he managed to get it perfect on the first try, then gave me a quick kiss and sat down again.
"Wow, smiles. You did this perfectly!" Angel grabbed my face a tad bit harshly.
"I am skilled in makeup." He said in a sing-song voice, a hand on his chest.
It was around 9 p.m. when this happened.
We did more makeup, as I washed my face around 5 times now.
My face was a bit red from all the scrubbing.
"Aight, I think thatcha face's done for tonite'." Angel admit when I walked in.
I yawned and looked at the clock.
It was 1 a.m.
SHIT. I need to make wine tommorrow.
"God, I need to go to sleep."-J
"Why so fast?" -AL
"I need to take care of wine tomorrow." -J
"We can help ya'. Atleast I can." Angel dust offered himself, like he always does.
"I'm an alocohol expert!" -AD
"Fine, but I have to teach you."-J
"Fuck yeah!"-AD
We heard bed springs on the floor above us.
I got red, knowing that Charlies room was right above mine.
"Well dayum." Angel dust was impressed.
Alastor didn't look fazed.
I was red, Imagining god knows what. (A/N:I don't want to describe it pls :[ )
"What's wrong darling?" Alastor cooed in my ear when he teleported right next to me.
I jumped at his sudden appearance.
Angel snorted, not cocaine, but trying to contain his laughter.
Alastor was clearly not getting it.
I was, and knew exactly what Angel was hinting at.
"Angel, shut your ass." I slapped his shoulder.
He only laughed harder.
Alastor continued.
"I don't understand why anybody would condemn to do this." He sat back down in the armchair next to the bed.
The bedsprings stopped at one point.
"Do you think we are too loud?" We heard Charlie faintly say. Even though the walls were paper, they did contain some sound.
We heard Vaggie get up and (ofcourse clothe herself) run downstairs.
She knocked on the door and came in.
Alastor had a plan to embarrass her more, since they weren't on the best of terms.
He quickly grabbed my face and kissed me, my eyes widenrd and quickly closed
He managed to knock me over on the bed, still having our lips connected.
He had me pinned on the bed as he leaned above me, picking one of my legs up by my thigh. Angel dust just laughed his ass off. I just lifted my wing to cover us. Grape vines just crawled up my legs.
She slammed the door, and ran back up.
"I think they might've heard us..." we heard her say before Alastor pulled away.
I was still laying on the bed, dazed in a good way.
We all laughed, they could definitely hear that.
"Oh my god! We are so sorry!" We heard Charlie yell.
"What the fuck is all this yelling about?" Husker entered our room.
Niffty somehow appeared too.
We all chatted until about six, then went to sleep. We somehow woke up around 10.30 and had plenty of energy.
Charlie went out and brought back a pack of dark chocolate.
"We wanted to apologize for the sounds that came out of our room last night.."
"Don't worry bout it." Angel dust took a piece.
"I think after what Vaggie saw last night, she will learn that waiting for a response might be optimal." Alastor also took a piece, looking at Vaggie.
"Vaggie? What did you see?"
"I'll tell you when we're alone.." Vaggie blushed a little bit as I did too, remembering what happened.
The day went normally, until about 6 p.m. , my eyes were closing on their own.
I was alone in the lobby, Alastor, Charlie and Vaggie on some meeting. Not with heaven but on a meeting.
Husker was in the bar, drinking.
And Angel dust was in his room.
My eyes closed for a few seconds.
Then I heard a really loud bang, like a gun shot.
Angel dust ran out with his piglet in his arms and tears in his eyes, kind of beat up.
Me and Husker both got up.
I was ready tostrike anything and anyone as Angel dust got behind me with Husker asking him what's wrong.
Valentino ran out of Angels room with a gun and a crazy face.
Mine and Huskers eyes widened.
I got infront of them, I wasn't bulletproof, but better than nothing. I spread my wings defensively.
Valentino shot me in the arm.
I crouched, holding my arm.
And then he shot Husker in the wing.
"Go call Alastor, he'll handle him.." I whispered to Angel as he ran to the basement and locked himself there.
"Look who it is.... Envy... you little shit."
He came up to me and grabbed me by the face.
"Hey! Leave her alone!" Husker got up and threw a card at him.
Valentino dodged his attempt of an attack.
We had to distract him until Al got here.

We'll be together again - Alastor x oc : a lovestoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon