chapter 6

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She introduced everybody in the establishment. A girlie named Niffty caught my interest..
I got a room, made it to my liking. (Magic)
And when I walked up to the balcony, Alastor walked up beside me.
"Hello, Darling.."-A
"Judy... it's been so long.." He leaned on the railing.
"I know.." I couldn't say anything else, because it was the truth.
"Tomorrow, we are going to a jeweller, to fix them both up." He looked at his wedding ring.
I nodded, he noticed that I seemed to be thinking.
"Something wrong?"-A
"Yea, I've been trying to find you for decades, and NOW I find out that you were here all along....." I ranted.

"What happened after my death, darling?" He asked, wanting me to talk more.
I walked around the balcony.
"You don't want to know.."-J
"But I do."-A
'Fuck it..' I thought to myself before spilling it all.
"I took your wedding ring, and had a funeral for you. From that point on, I visited everyday, then drank and smoke everyday. Until I was so drunk, I couldn't think, and cried myself to sleep every single night. One day, when I couldn't take it anymore, I put on one of your broadcasts, put a picture of us infront of me, And shot myself... I woke up here, 86 years ago.."
I was having flashbacks of my own insanity, of my alcoholic tendencies and of the deepest pits of hellish depression I fell into.
He looked at me, feeling bad for me.
"Goodness gracious, dear.." he admitted, not really knowing what else to say.
"Awhhhh, life love." Niffty came running up to us, she climbed up to Alastors head and hid in his hair.
"You know.. you sold your soul to me when you were alive.."-A
"What!?" I truly didn't know, I yelled so loud that the others came running up, thirsty for drama.
"Yes, I thought you knew.." he made up an excuse to cover up his hunger for power.
"Seriously!? You..... fucking shit.." I wiped my face with one hand and walked away. A chain appeared around my neck, restricting me from walking off.
I turned around as he walked up to me.
"What!? What could you possibly want, you have my soul, don't y-" I stopped in my tracks as he stuck his lips on mine.
I didn't protest, but it was uncalled for.
He pulled away.
"I apologize, dear.." he didn't have anything else to say, as neither did I.
"We'll go to that jeweller tomorrow, good night." I walked off.
"good clutch ,smiles." I heard angel say before closing my door.
I changed into nightwear, and plopped into bed.
I fell asleep after a little bit. For once atleast.
I woke up to a psychopatic knocking on my door, It wasn't Alastor. He didn't knock like a psychopath.
I groaned as I got out of bed, and opened the door.
It was Angel dust.
He looked worried.
"Hey, ummm... toots, can ya' help with Charlie? She's going crazy and Vaggies nowhere to be found..."
I slammed the door closed, snapped my fingers to change my clothes, into the famous wine colored dress. And opened it again.
My hair was tied up in a mid-low bun and clips holding up my front hair in a little bump.
I walked over to the cray-cray Charlie, who was running around. Yelling like crazy.
I caught her in my grape vines and she just fell asleep in them.

"Sugar rush?"

"She did have pancakes..." angel dust admitted.

"Who the fuck -" I didn't finish the sentence before Alastor interrupted me.

"Language, dear."

"Whom the fuck made breakfast?"
Alastor shook his head as I smiled.
Vaggie set foot in the door.
I had my eye half open, as I was missing one from a Wendigo attack a couple decades ago.
I didn't have my replacement on me right now.
"Oh.. what the fuck happened..?" Vaggie asked, as she got a hold of the passed out Charlie as I let her go.
Me and Angel replied at the same time.
"Did I put too much sugar in them?" Niffty ran to me and asked.
"If you let me taste, I'll tell you."
She ran over to the kitchen, coming out with a plate above her head. I picked up the plate and I ate a piece of the single pancake she brought me, Alastor picked off a piece too, curious how much sugar she could've put in it.
Moments later, grape vines rushed throughout the hotel, engulfing it. And Alastor glitched out of reality and back, giving off a radio sound effect. Alastor never liked too sweet things, he likes black coffee and dark chocolate. I was and still am a sugar lover, but this was too much even for me, and the chocolate spread on top wasn't helping.
"From that reaction, it looks like she put cocaine in it.." Husker commented on our reactions.
"Niffty, please.. did you make coffee?" I asked, the fork in hand. Alastor looked like he had a stomach ache from that.
"Yes, ma'am." She looked up at me with a sweet puppy eye.
She brung me a small cup of it.
This on the other hand, was REALLY strong coffee.. no wonder Charlie got an adrenaline rush from it.
That was the strongest coffee of my life and afterlife, Alastor took the cup from my hand and drank some too. You could see he actually liked it, black coffee was the love of his life.
"Mhm, this is actually quite delightful." He admitted. Niffties eye lit up.
As I shifted around, the intense caffeine rush already kicking in.
"Ya' , so... changin' da' topic, who wants ta' go somewhere wit' me?"
"I'll go.." I tried not to let go the intense amount of energy that was building up inside me.
"I shall go just to babysit, because you two will get hurt if I don't go." Alastor cooed before sticking his arm out for me to take, as I clung to his arm, he could feel that I was shaking. He chuckled, as I gave him an unimpressed look.
Angel brought us to a club, one of Valentinos clubs, because since he was his employee, he would get everything free.
"Heya, toots, wanna go dance wit' me?"
"Yup." I said walking off to the dance floor, Alastor sitting down at the booth where we left our stuff.
Me and Angel danced for a little bit. Before mine and Alastors song came up. It was modernized, alot but it was still our wedding song.
He stood up, snapping his fingers and teleporting our stuff so that it wouldn't get stolen.
And came up to me, and gave me his hand. My energy levels dropping a little bit, I decided to take it.
We did the same dance we did on our wedding, it wasn't your typical wedding dance, it was inappropriate. And we both knew that, but we were at a club ,so who cares? Angel watched from a short way off. Then he noticed Valentino sitting in his own corner, sweet talking some random girl.
Alastor threw me up, the other sinners were amazed and afraid as they made a circle around the dance floor.
Valentino took notice of that, as he got up and towered over the crowd.
Watching us, mainly me dance.
As our song and dance came to an end, I kissed Alastor on the cheek.
As we started walking away, I felt a hand tug on me pulling me aside.
"Well, hello there~ chiquita." Valentino cooed, blowing red smoke into my face, making me uncomfortable.
The same green chain appeared around my neck, right now I was glad that I had sold my soul to Al.
Alastor came running, trying to pull me away from him.
When he spotted me getting cornered by Valentino, he looked mad.
"Well,well,well... look at that, the moth scum decided to taunt my dear love~" he cooed as he got closer.
"Al.." I looked at him in awe, tilting my head.
Valentino looked at him and back at me.
"Oh.. so this is the guy you're fucking?"-V
"Actually, no... I'm just married to him."-J
I put up my hand with the wedding ring on full display.
His face turned disgusted as Alastor grabbed me by the shoulders, and basically growled at him.
I was proud, who knew he was this protective.
I gave Valentino a smug grin before he walked away.
Then I saw Valentino run over to Vox, seemingly his partner.
Valentino pointed to us, like a small spoiled child pointing at something he wanted.
I hated the V's, they were cocky, uninformed and bratty. Especially Velvette. Altough she was the tolerable one of the three.
Vox came up to Alastor, and started his cocky nonsense.
"Well, who do we have here?"
He cocked up.
We both rolled our eyes.
"Vox, you flat-faced bitch. Get out of my sight before I drown your sorry electronic ass, I don't want to see you again." I shooed him away, which only made him annoy us more.
"Well, Val said that you look like you could work for him." He hissed at me.
Grape vines were crawling up my leg again.
"Do I look like I want to?" I barked back, ending the fight right then and there.

We'll be together again - Alastor x oc : a lovestoryWhere stories live. Discover now