chapter 8

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The people on earth would summon us for a favor from him, he told us not to worry about it..
They would use a book, which they would chant a spell from.
We had to draw a pentagram, just like they did.
Which would create a portal, Lucifer was skilled in this. But he wanted to come with us, to Earth... we understood, but there was a chance that the angels would find out.
I got summoned last, we all spawned in our human forms, but charlie and Lucifer didn't have any.
We decided to just let them be, they looked human enough.
We first decided to go to the beach.
We bought some swim wear. I did have my own, it only took the snap of my fingers. I had a dark pink padded bikini, I did adjust to newer times.
Angel dust, who looked masculine for once. Had swimtrunks, as did Lucifer, Husker and Alastor just added a hawaiian beach shirt.
The Vaggie had a black one piece, Charlie had a red two piece, with white polka dots and Niffty, who appeared ten, had a white and red striped one piece.
We all streched out, and went to spread the big blanket we had.
Me and Charlie spread it out under a sun shade.
We laid out a couple glasses, and let everyone choose out a drink.
"So!" Charlie clapped her hands together.
Me and Al were sitting right next to eachother, we could be like when we were alive for once.
All the girls nodded, as Husker scoffed.
"What? What's wrong with dodgeball?"
"Dodgeball's for pussies, real fucks play volleyball." He basically gave us a challenge.
"So, volleyball Boys vs. Girls?" Charlie specified
"Fuck yes!" I yelled out, I was a ball game lover. Always and forever.
Me and Alastor would always play when we were younger.
We found a free net, and took out the ball.
On one team there was : me, Charlie, Vaggie and Niffty.
And on the other team, there was : Alastor, Husker, Angel dust, Lucifer.
" We'll go easy on you." Husker huffed out.
"Please, the ones who need princess treatment will be us. Judy is a professional dodgeball player, dodgeball isn't that different from volleyball." Alastor talked back.
Husker gave him a dirty look, as all of us got ready.
Charlie threw the ball, that signaled the start of the game.
Vaggie,Alastor and me barely got to touch the ball.
But I was in second row of defense.
When Charlie and Niffty got tired, I was the one to come up.
As Charlie and Niffty panted, I came uo to the front.
"Get out the way, princesses. It's my turn.." I had a menacing grin on my face.
When Angel dust came back with the ball, we started again.
Needless to say that we won, I ended up completely covered in sand, but we won.
"So.... what now?" I held the ball.
"Fine, you can have your dodgeball."
Husker barked out as he took a sip of his beer.
"Woo hoo!" We celebrated.
"But! We switch the teams up a bit."
"Why?" Charlie was confused.
"You all know how to play dodgeball. Perfectly, and If you have Judy, then it's just unfair." Lucifer jumped in.
"Fine, but who do I switch with?"
"How bout' Smiles and Lucifa'?" Angel dust offered.
"Ofcourse, being on opposing teams wouldn't mean that we could pair up and leave the others on our team behind~" Alastor cooed as they walked over to the other side. Charlie joined me on the opposing team.
"Sure, why not?"
The rules were simple, if you got hit... then you were out.
We all took a ball from the little shed. (You know that lil' shed where you could borrow a ball? Yeah, that one.)
And the game started.
Charlie and Angel dust were the first ones out.
Then came Vaggie and Husker. And Niffty needed a breather, but would come back into the game later on.
So it was just me, Al and Lucifer.
I was a bit nervous, because if I didn't win, I would have to give in to Husker. Because we bet a hundred bucks on it.
And I was competitive as fuck.
I managed to move out of every shot that Lucifer threw.
"Aghhh, when will you die?" He started getting irritated.
All the girls were chanting.
"Never!" I dodged another shot.
Alastor picked up a ball, and managed to throw it right infront of me. It was so weak that it just rolled to my foot.
"Al-" A ball hit me in the face.
Lucifers shot was fair.. I was distracted and lost to that. Like an idiot.
It hit me straight in the nose. The rush of adrenaline and pain filling my head.
I held my nose, leaning forward a little bit and stumbling a little bit backwards.
Then straightened up, an angry look on my face, with an even more menacing smile and a bloody, broken nose.
That hit was a really strong shot.
"Darling, are you alright?" Alastor asked from where he was standing.
"Yeah, and I am ready to fucking destroy you two!" I picked up two balls at a time and shot them mainly towards Lucifer, wanting revenge. Nobody realized that I was supposed to be out.
The others had worried, confused and concerned looks on their faces.
I could feel the blood running down my throat. And I had to keep licking and wiping off the rest, that was running down my lips and face, onto my swimsuit.
A moments later, Lucifer was out. He wasn't bummed out, as much as he was concerned.
Alastor stood in the middle of the field, with his arms spread out, like he was sacrificing himself.
"Umm.. Al?" I dropped my guard.
"Darling, just get it over with.." he closed his eyes.
Husker was irritated, he knew that I could take one more, so he didn't understand why Alastor was being an ass, until I saw him relax and smile.
"No, I'm not getting the win for free like that." I insisted.
"Darling, you know that I could destroy you, right?" He put his arms down.
"Even without your sketchy shadow shit?" I asked, hesitantly.
"Yes, because you dropped your guard."
My eyes widened, as I perked up.
Then a ball hit me in the back.
He had Niffty, still playing.
I was confused, and the blood that was rushing to my stomach was starting to make me feel nauseous.
"Alright, I give you that one."
I needed to run off, as I did.
Just as soon as I found a bush, I threw up in it.
I came back, and they all looked confused or worried.
"Well... I think that's enough fun for today.." Charlie ended our beach-time.
We packed up, and went back.
"Ummm.... you know that you have a broken nose, right?" Husker said, as I handed him a hundred bucks.
"It's not broken.." I touched my nose,
It was indeed broken.
"Oh shit.." my hand was covered in blood.
We went back through the pentagram, Lucifer closing it behind us.
"Well.... that was eventful." Lucifer pointed out as me and Alastor were heading out to the hospital.
"Oh and um.. I wanted to apologize.. for your nose.." He walked up to me, as Alastor was holding me by the waist, just a liiittle protectively.
"Oh please, it's fine." I waved my hamd around. Alastor looked annoyed.
"Well, we'll be down at the hospital if anyone needs us."
We walked out.
When we got to the hospital, they gave me a x-ray. Fixed up my nose, and let us out with instructions.
They gave us pain killers, which Alastor would dose for me.
We got back, to Lucifer and Charlie fighting.
Bad timing I guess..
Angel dust ran up to us.
"Guys, help! They've been fighting about Lilith coming to visit the hotel."
Both of our eyes widened..
Lucifer didn't want Lilith there, and Charlie was insisting that he would meet her after 7 years.
I myself wasn't a fan of her, so I was on Lucifers side for once.
"And what shall we do about it?"
Alastor asked.
"I don't know, sedate 'em or something."
Angel dust sparked an idea in me.
The pain killers I was given were strong.
If we spiked their drinks, we could calm them. We just needed a way how..
"Hey... you two.. how about we calm down." I tried it the good way first.
"Ugh, you get out of it you alcoholic bitch." Lucifer told me off.
"Oh, so alcoholic bitch? I AM LITERALLY ON YOUR SIDE!!!" I yelled at him.
"And if you two want a lecture, then be my guest. But if you must fight, then take it outside. I will not suffer fighting in this hotel!" They both looked at me with wide eyes before saying "yes, ma'am.." and walking out, where they resumed their bickering.
"Ooh, that kind of assertiveness is alluring~" Alastor held me by the shoulders, we were both ace (thank me later, readers) so he was just messing with me.
"Agreed." Angel raised his hand, completely not getting the joke.
"Well, shall we make dinner?" He turned to Niffty.
"You can make a portion less, I'm not hungry." I walked to my room, changing into home clothes.
I plopped down on the bed, this past week has been real. Just really stressful, one more drop, and I will blow up....

We'll be together again - Alastor x oc : a lovestoryWhere stories live. Discover now