chapter 4

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I went up to the door, and opened it. Revealing two police officers, both male.
"Hello ms. And mr.-"
Alastor was standing behind me, I didn't know that. He walks silently, almost inaudibly.
"-there had been a murder in this neigbourhood, and we have a couple questions."
They started asking, I was ofcourse playing dumb as I answered for the both of us.
"Oh, yes. We heard about it in the broadcast a few minutes ago, so sad. I feel sorry for the family of the missing man.." I lied, I never felt sorry for that guy.
"Well, could we come in?"-PO
"Oh no,no,no it's a huge mess in here, we'd be embarrased, I still have to clean today." I waved my hand around as Alastor looked down at me, proudly.
I was always a great liar. But I still had my standards.
After their questioning, we closed the door, and sighed out of relief.
"You are quite the incredible liar, my dear.~" he cooed as I straightened myself.
"Well, no wonder.." -J
"Now we just have to wait..."-J
We waited until the investigation was over, all of the police officers left.
In the meantime, I cleaned, read and poured us some wine.
I was lucky, my parents made enough wine to last a year of sales.
All of the paperwork was already done, all that was needed was to educate me on how to make it.
My aunt was the one and only employee, she started the company, and gave it to my parents. Maybe if she made the wine, and I sold it, we could make it 50/50, but now it would be a woman run company, and we needed a speaksman, nobody would discuss sales, prices and whatever else with a woman.
My thoughts shifted back to Al, who was preparing his script for tomorrow.
"Hey, Al.."-J
"Yes.." he replied, not lookimg up from the papers.
"Would you like to speak for Jones fine wine?"-J
"You mean so that the company wouldn't lose respect because a woman would be running it?" He basically read my mind.
"Okay, but we have to do paperwork for that."-A
"You love paperwork, don't you?"-J

"You know me so well, Fawn~"-A

"Well, what do you want for dinner?"-J

"How about venison?"-A

"Jesus christ, you actually like that?"-J

"I have some deer meat in the freezer, I'll cook it." He informed me, I wasn't really a fan of it. But as I said earlier, I would eat anything he cooks.

"Alright then." I plopped down on the couch mext to him. Resting my head on his shoulder.

"I was thinking..." he changed the subject

"Wow, really?" I joked around, as he turned his head to me with a unimpressed look on his face.
"...What if we courted?" Courting lead to marriage in the longrun, so that was a great request of him. I didn't oppose.
"Yeah, sure. I'm all yours." I put my hands up in defense, face red.
I tried playing it cool, but he looked right through it.
"Well, that was just an idea. But if you'd want to..." -A
I got up, and went to clean something again. We both didn't bring it up further.
It was 8 p.m. and since he woke up at six, he went to sleep.
As I drank a little more wine, and went to sleep after.
I woke up, with Alastor already gone.
I didn't know what to do other than reading.
I made myself breakfast, coffee and dressed up.
I soon entered the library, picking up a fantasy book.
I managed to read about 100 pages, before Alastor came in.
I looked up at him.
"We will be going out! In two hours, so get ready." He cooed cheerfully.
"And where?" I asked, wanting to know what I needed to wear.
"It's nothing formal, wear just about anything." He read my mind again. I got what I neededand got up, to get ready.
All I really did was put on a differemt dress and makeup. He said that we could go earlier if I wanted.
We went just as I got ready.
"Stunning, my dear." I got red at his compliment.
We put on our coats, as he stuck out his arm for me to take again. And we went to a nearby park, it was overgrown, sure, but it was beautiful. I loved how the street lights illuminated the flowers, trees and him.. I could see the smile on his face as we walked through the park.
We were talking about alcohol and our preferences. When we saw a father with his son, yelling at him and hitting him.
"Oh god..." I was the first to see them, as Alastor turned his head to where I was looking.
His eyes widened. But narrowed again, as I saw the smile on his face drop.
"Wait here, darling. I'll handle it."
He walked over to the man, who was a few metres away. And held him by the collar.
The son ran over to me, hugging my legs.  He could've been 4 years old max. I felt bad for the child, and Alastor was livid, he lived through father abuse, and I didn't blame him. But I couldn't hear what he said because I was comforting the child.
                        -Alastors pov-
I walked up to the jerk, Judy comforting the child as It ran up to her. She'd be a great mother.
I grabbed him by the collar and started threatning him.
"You have zero respect or class for that matter, if my lady or your poor little son wasn't here you'd already be six feet under. You set your hands on him, and I will find you, and make sure you never see daylight again."
He looked surprised and had fear in his eyes. I was basically supporting him so that he wouldn't fall, atleast not when I didn't want him to.
He nodded, as I dropped him. Judy had his son in her arms, the little boy crying his eyes out.
                          -Judys pov-
I held the little boy in my arms, as he cried into my shoulder.
Alastor came back after letting the man fall to the ground.
I put the boy down and watched as he walked over to that scum of a father, the father apologized and took him by the hand. I wonder what Alastor said to him to change his mind like that.
"What did you say to him?" I said, while grabbing his arm again.
"That doesn't matter anymore, let's go home.." he assured me, but while walking home, we passed an array of different individuals. I clinged to his arm tighter.
He looked down at me, with a slight blush on his face..

We'll be together again - Alastor x oc : a lovestoryWhere stories live. Discover now