chapter 1

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I died in your arms, just like you did in mine......

My name is Judy Jones, the daughter of Amelie and James Jones. I grew up in a wealthy family, in a wealthy neigbourhood. My parents owned a wine company.
I was born in 1901 in New Orleans, Louisiana.
We lived next to the Heartfelts for as long as I can remember..
They were also a pretty wealthy family, but the relationships were pretty fucked up.
But for us, we were a normal, functioning family.
Me and Alastor, the son of the Heartfelts, were always forced on playdates as our mothers would gossip.
We became bestfriends, and in around 3rd grade, I developed a crush on the boy. I would do anything for him, even sell my soul to him...
As time passed, we were going to highschool and were sixteen.
I never knew how much something so small, but so big at the same time could break us apart..
"So, Al.. I have news.."
"Oh.. well, spill them." He had manners, not like the other boys I knew, he was raised as a gentleman.
"My parents wine is sought after all around the states..."
"That's great!" He cheered, sitting beside me.
"Bad news: We have to move away..."
I almost whispered to him, already tearing up.
I saw as his jaw dropped a little bit, and as tears flooded his eyes too.
"I'm sorry.."-J
"I would love to stay, but I can't."
We hugged for a few minutes, as he cried into my shoulder, I could understand, we were best friends since the beggining of our time, and that's alot.
But I never expected him to react so harshly to it.
My last day in Louisiana came up, just a few weeks later.
We embraced one last time, as I made a promise to him.
"I will come back. When I turn 18, I will be on your doorstep." I pointed to the ground.
I gave him a handmade bracelet, it was in my favorite color, as mine was his favorite.
I held his shoulders, then we did our special handshake one last time. I did add a little pizzaz at the end, by kissing his cheek. His face turned almost crimson.
"Judith, come on!" My mother called from the car.
We were both tearing up, the tears blurring our vision.
As I got into the car, and my father started driving, he ran after us. His hand on the window, as I put my hand on his.
After a few meters, he couldn't keep up.
I looked back, knowing it'd be a cruel two years before I saw him again.
He shot to his knees, on the gravel road.
Rhe last thing I saw out of the back window was how his father hit the back of his head, harshly. Probably for crying.
I felt anger fill my chest, but I couldn't do anything about it, atleast not now...
The two years after weren't really eventful, just switching schools, company growing and me not really having any friends.

Two years later

I was eager for my 18th birthday next week. I had my stuff already packed, my clothes, a few plushtoys. And basically anything else I could pack.
The house in New Orleans still belonged to us,my parents knew I would go back there, so they kept it, but gave the keys to the heartfelts, to check in every once in a while, so that it wouldn't fall apart.

A week later

My 18th birthday was here, and I was already in my car that I got for my birthday.
The stuff was in the trunk as I said goodbye to my parents and drove away.
I was singing to the radio, the radio station was actually pretty nice.
As Alastor was the host, I would listen everyday, ever since I found out through the letters we exchanged, that he became a radio host like he always wanted.
I saved up on a radio just so I could listen to his broardcasts.
Soon, the song that was on ended.
"And, here is a song for one of my dearest friends, Judy. Happy birthday, Judy!" He announced. I was glad he remembered, he put on my favorite song of all time.
"My heart belongs to daddy." Was the songs name.
(I know that it probably didn't exist at the time, but I don't know any other old song, if you want to change it then you do you. :] )
I sung along, as it came to an end.
"Well, that was an amusing song, but on a sadder note, there have been found two new murders. The police speculate that it was the Orleans Ripper. He has had around 16 kills in the span of a year, Jesus Christ.. this man is on a rampage. I apologizeto the families who had to suffer the loss of these people."
He sounded sincere, but his tone was a bit off, as far as I counted, there were only 15. Maybe his script was writter wrong. I didn't pay anymore attention to it as I arrived in Louisiana, not far from New Orleans.
I was excited, I would see Alastor after a whole two years! We used to see eachother everyday, so this was a drastic change. Keeping our friendship alive through long distance was tough.
As his voice pulled me out of my thoughts, I heard something that I didn't want to hear.
"Oh! Wait here for a second please..
Well..I just got notified that there was a crash on the 21st highway. Two cars collided, killing whoever was in them. There was a total of three deaths."
I remembered that my parents were on that highway and hoped that it wasn't them.
Of course it was.. he mentioned their names later on, when getting invoice on the details.
Tears filled my eyes, my parents died on my birthday.
Great, what was I gonna do.
I knew that the company would fall to me, and it was the reason why we moved away from Louisiana.
I'm not moving again, hell no.
"Well.. this was your local radio host, Alastor Heartfelt, Good Night and thank you!"
It was getting dark already, the drive was about 4 hours and it was winter.
I soon arrived in New Orleans, in our old home.
They left my room intact, because I was going to come back.
Though the power, water and gas were cut from the house to save up, I didn't have anywhere to go to do my hygiene.
I mean, I have Alastors house, maybe he'll let me.
As I picked up the first two boxes I heard a voice call out to me.
"Judy! What a pleasure seeing you again.~" it was Alastor, who else. He was just going home from work.
"Let me help you with that." He picked up two more boxes and walked with me to our house.
He had gotten way taller, atleast 6'. He basically towered over me. Since I had around 5' 3", My parents were short as hell too. I didn't have the genes for being taller than that, his parents were tall for as long as I can remember.
We got to my doorstep, as he pulled out his keys. I was surprised he had them mixed in his own.
He unlocked the door, revealing the house me and my parents had to leave behind.
We set down the boxes as I pulled out a bottle of wine, remembering the times we stole a bottle or five and stashed them in my room, climbing up to our roof and drinking, we were underage, and bound to be scolded. But did we care? No. No, we didn't.
"Here ya' go." I handed him the wine, all wine from Jones fine wine was red. It was mostly Merlot.
"Oh, wine?" He smiled as he held it in his hands.
"Well, it seems like it."-J
"Thank you."-A
He smiled as he looked up- well... we could say down. At me.
His smile always managed to daze me, in a good way. I blushed a little bit, a faint rosy color dusting my cheeks.
"Well, I suppose you could come with me if you wished." He held out his arm for me to take, I happily accepted.
He had a white button up with a dark red knitted vest on top, the sleeves of the shirt rolled up to his forearms. And beige trousers with black dress shoes, the purple bracelet decorating his wrist.
I had on my iconic marroon dress,with elbow long sleeves and black tights underneath, with a black coat on top of it all. Black 4 cm heels finishing if all off.
We went to his house, caught up, played card games and drank all of the wine, we got drunk. I more than him, ironically.
He carried me to the guest room, and set me down on the bed.
"Goodnight darling~" he cooed as he walked out.
I fell asleep fast...

We'll be together again - Alastor x oc : a lovestoryWhere stories live. Discover now