chapter 11

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I needed to speak to Vox. And ask him why the fuck is he doing this.
But that little voice in the back of my head keeps telling me. 'What if Alastor is wrong?'
But what if he really is? What if it's someone else.
I stopped in my thoughts...
What if there was a spell on me?
All of them looked over.
"What if there's a wendigo spell on me?"
A wendigo spell made wendigos highly aware of you, seeing you as a threat.
"That might be possible..." Alastor admit.
"We would have to check her whole body.... and even then, maybe the mark isn't visible." Charlie gestured to me.
"There isn't a spell on her, I would sense it when I set foot in here." Lucifer looked me up and down
"I'm gonna have to pull it out..."
I put my hands on my arms, crossing them over eachother.
"Pull what out?" Husker asked from the bar.
"The robotic contraption in my head."
I got tense.
"That is the worst idea, on god." Angel dust said from the couch.
"Do you have any other ideas?" I asked him.
"No..." he took asip of his beer.
"Then it's settled." I sternly informed, walkimg over to the bathroom.
Alastor, Charlie, Vaggie and Lucifer following behind.
Niffty on Alastors shoulder.
I supported myself on the sink. Alastor behind me, Charlie and Vaggie in the hall, peeking into the bathroom. And Lucifer was leaned on the doorframe.
"How do you even want to do it?" Vaggie asked, confused.
The weird thingy connected to my head was slightly visible from the eye socket.
It was just two chips, connected with a piece of wire.
I knew I wouldn't see out of it, but having your brain fried also isn't rxactly optimal. So what was I supposed to do?

💫gore: beware and read at your own risk💫

I spread open my eye socket using my fingers.
The little piece of metal already peeking out, I stuck my fingers in. Grabbing it and pulling on it.
The metal was just a little connected to my brain, so there was a risk of getting a stroke in a few hours.
"3....2......1!" I ripped it out, blood spewing out.
It all just went in the sink, going down the drain.
"Fuck!" I said, letting my eyelids go.
Charlie had to go, because she would throw up if she wouldn't, Vaggie looked..... thrilled but concerened.
Lucifer looked worried and surprised, and Alastor had his ears pulled back, hand on mouth and a disgusted look on his face. Still smiling...
"Dear... are you okay?" He put his hand on my shoulder.
The two pieces of metal in the sink, bathing in my blood.
The metallic smell and gory look was honestly morbid.
I tried closing my eye, but the blood wouldn't stop coming.
It wasn't from my brain, I would have blacked out.
It was from the actual socket, I probably tore it up while ripping the thing out.
I was honestly tired, but now my head wouldn't hurt from the fucking static.
"Hey Al?"-J
"Yes dear?"-A
"How do I know that it wasn't just you with the radio?" I asked, breathing slitghly heavy.
"Well... I don't have control of the new time radios, I don't like them."
He waved his hand around.
The blood finally stopped running out of my eye.
I was officially half blind.
"Welcome to the club girl." Vaggie and I did a high five.
We cleaned up the blood and bandaged up my bloody face

💫gore over💫

We walked down and wanted to test how the thing behaved.
We got out some phone Charlie found, and let it be.
Soon, static played. It heat up, and vibrated slightly.
It burned the table, there was a black spot on the wooden desk.
"Well, that's.... interesting.." Alastor point out.
"Well... that's fucked up." Angel dust and Husker mocked his answer.
"Great... now what?"-V
"Maybe he'll stop now that it doesn't hurt anymore..."-J
"Let's hope for the best." Lucifer got up, said his goodbyes and teleported away.
"We have to speak to Vox..."
"Well then darling, Change into formal and let's go!" Alastor snapped his fingers, changing into a dark red vest with a white undershirt, and with matching dress pants, and his normal shoes.
"Yup." I snapped my fingers and changed into a black dress, with a v-neck cleavage, showing the top of my bust and with a slit on the left leg.
"Stunning.." Alastor stuck his arm out like he always does.
"Oh, you!" I slapped his shoulder playfully.
"What? Am I not allowed to compliment my own wife?" He tilted his head.
We got to walking.
"Oh... well... I guess we aren't as much married as in a contract.." I admit.
"Well... we haven't spoken in a long time, I do see that you managed to make yourself an overlord with what you have."-A
"What do you mean"-J
"I own your soul, you only have a fraction of your powers for your own use. The rest is mine~" he cooed
"Wait! What would happen if we just.... 'divorced' I mean, it would be intresting to know what I would be like with all my power to my name."-J
"Darling... I would have to be the one to be willing to give up your soul, and as of right now... I don't feel like it." He said like it wasn't a big deal.
I was unimpressed.
But then, maybe if I did something else for him... he would give me my soul back.
It wasn't even in my body, he had complete control of it. He just decided to let me live my own afterlife.
"Well, we're here~"-A
"Let's get it over with.." I walked into the skyscraper that the Vees lived in.
We saw Velvette first. We were friends, kind of... she was the more tolerable one out of the three.
"Oh! Hey, Envy!" She yelled out like a teenager, which she probably was.
"Hey... do you know where your flat faced bitch is? We need to speak to him." I gestured towards Alastor.
"Even old fossil here?" She pointed to him, Alastor looked annoyed and gave out a sigh.
"Yes, even Alastor..." I put my arm down.
Mine and Als arms were still intertwined.
"Yeah, he's up in his tower. Say fuck you for me." Velvette yelled out as we were walking.
"Yeah, yeah. We will."
I waved to her, and turning back to where I was walking.
"God...." I knew that Vox was probably expecting us. He had cameras all up in here.
And we hoped to not meet Valentino, who knew what he would spit on us this time.
We got to Voxs office.
There he was, handling some papers.
"Well, hey there chums."-V
"Vox, we are just here to talk about what ever the fuck you have going on at the hotel." I slammed my fist on his table.
"Well, you're out of luck. I'm not the one making the static.." he went back to his papers.
"I never said anything about static..."
"Shit.." he turned around and threw the chair he was sitting on, at Alastor.
I got angry, livid even.
My vines quickly filled the office.
Alastor blocked the door.
Vox ran up to it before realizing that he wouldn't get past.
He turned around as I was walking to the door he was standing at.
My vines grabbed him and slowly started to pull him apart, torturing answers out of him.
"You little shit..."-J
"Judy, calm down."-V
"Darling, I can handle this.."-A
"No, I want to handle him myself."
I walked up to him, and grabbed him by the collar.
"Tell me Vox, why?"-J
"It was Val."-V
"The fuck you mean by that?"-J
"Women shouldn't curse, sweetheart."-A
"Get fucked!" I turned around to respond to Alastors shit. He looked offended, I would have to sort that out later.
"Valentino used my resources to hurt you, I would never-"
"Maybe I would, but only to get back at your radio bit-" he gestured towards Alastor, then pulled his hand back when I held him by the throat.
"You fuckin-" I wanted to chew him out and drown his electronic ass.
"Judith, thats enough.. this is too much even for my standards." Alastor put his hand on my shoulder.
I let Vox go, and pulled my vines back.
"Bring us to Valentino." I said in a threatning manner.
"Yeah, yeah."
We got on an elevator, after walking a little bit. We heard glasses shattering.
Vox walked in first.
"What is it this time?"
"Judith, dammit!" He shattered another glass.
"Val, it's been weeks, just get over it."
He dodged another glass.
Valentino threw another one, but I caught it.
Alastor stood out in the hall, but was ready to strike if Valentino tried to pull anything. Same for Vox.
"I will not be working in a porn studio."
"You should, it's great there."
"Angel doesn't think so. And neither do I, it's disgusting. I'm not a fan of porn nor strippers. So stop harrasing me." I said from....experience. I told him off, trying to keep a cool head.
Valentinos face got angrier, as Alastor put his foot in the door.
"Oh, and you brought your little whore with you? What, are you too pussy to come here by yourself?" Valentino bent down.
"You fucking moth. I can, and will silence you if I need to.
You will not insult me nor my fucking husband you lanky piece of fucking shit.
You don't deserve what you fucking have, and never will. You belong in the mess you made, enjoy fucking with your flat faced bitch. Because that is the only thing you're capable of doing.. Now, I will get the hell out of here before I say or do anything that I might regret." I chewed him out, with a calmer position than with Vox.
Valentino jumped at me with a broken bottle.
Cutting my face with it, ripping the bandage. That revealed my weakpoint.
He got out a gun, a sleek, jaguar print gun.
He shot, once, twice, three times. And shot me in the leg. Only once, but he did.
I was lucky, because if Alastor didn't step in with a shield, then I would be toast.
"Val, if this is how you treat your employees... Then I feel sorry for Angel." Me and Alastor teleported back to the hotel.
I shot to my knees, I was cut up. My head hurt, my face was slashed up and leg was shot. I had little scratches all over because Valentinos nails were sharp and long as fuck.
"Oh my goodness!"
Charlie yelled out.
"Call Lucifer.... again." Vaggie ran over, supporting me. Alastor doing the same.
They laid me on the couch, as Lucifer appeared just where he left.
He gasped, seeing the state of my face and shot left leg.
"Jesus christ, what happened?" He asked running over. As I just limply laid there.
"Overlord fights." Vaggie replied, already knowing what happened.
Lucifer put his hand over my face. And started emitting a golden light from it.
My face itched, it was healing. The cuts were closing and my head didn't hurt anymore.
The slit on left leg was partially revealing the shot, but not completely.
Lucifer moved the black fabric away.
His hands were weirdly warm, as he grazed my thigh, I flinched. Not from the pain, but from his body temp. I mean.... he is the king of hell, a very hot place.
"What's wrong?" He asked, being used to his own temperature.
"Goddamn your hands are hot.." I panted out, being in pain.
"Is the bullet still in there?"-L
"This is going to hurt.." he warned me, before sticking his fingers in and pulling it out.
I groaned in pain, as he apologized.
Nobody but him could bare to look.
Not even Al.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry.." he did the weird healing thing again.
This time it took maybe a minute or so because the wound was so deep.
I could feel it rebuilding itself from the inside out.
I did catch him staring at my ass.
Unfortunately, Alastor did too when he finally looked to see what was happening.
He basically growled and smacked the back of Lucifers head.
Lucifer didn't complain because he knew why he did.
There were many more scratches to get through. Val scratched me up pretty bad.
There was a cut in my cleavage, right above the little 'v' my breasts made (im sorry, I don't know how else to describe it, and yes, Lucifer is attracted to her ((check desription)))
He put his hand over it, emitting out the light again.
He looked pretty flushed as he had to heal my bust.
We finally got through all the major scratches.
And we left the little ones to heal by themselves.....
I'm sorry about the immense cringe and also about it not correspinding with the chapter before. I did not look at it (stupid bitch) and just kept writing. So I'm sorry if it just isn't correct.
Also, no this will not be a Alastor x oc x Lucifer fanfic. **MAYBE** I'll make a Lucifer one but I'm just trying to add in more tension (jealousy) into Alastors and Lucifers relationship.
- Author <3

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