chapter 10

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I was staring wide eyed. As Lucifer appeared, peeking over the corner.
"Wait, if you're so helpless now, then how did you make yourself a sin?" Husker pondered while drinking.
"Anger, love and just the fact I have money. I always just took somebody in, made them drunk and then they sold their soul. My abilities don't go farther than that. I do have special powers but I haven't unlocked most yet. I can kill and destroy." I walked away.
Alastor appeared infront of me, stopping me in my tracks.
"Are you okay dear? You might be burning up..Are you still sick?" I gave him an unimpressed look, as he touched my forehead.
"I'm not burning up, nor sick." I assured him.
"Just.. ya' should go lay down, toots."
Angel dust advised.
"Fine.. I will go lay down, since I didn't have much sleep. But, if you figure out anything, call me down here." I insisted.
Alastor stuck his arm out for me to take.
He lead me to his room again, kissed me on the forehead and left me at peace.
I laid down, well... kind of, I still had a broken nose.
I sighed, out of relief.
I got back up and took the radio from the nightstand and put it away. Pulling the plug out of the electricity.
I sat down. And smiled, this type of peace was nice....quiet..
I closed my eyes.
Then the radio turned on again, the same ear-ripping, hearing-damaging static. But this time, it was much louder. I held my ears, with my hands over my head.
My head started hurting, and more screeching occured. It sounded like it was from outside the window.
I had to run out of the room.
Just when I set foot out of it, everything stopped. Like it was controlled by where I was.
"Are you okay ma'am?" Niffty was right next to me.
" don't know!" The others noticed and came up.
As Niffty was climbing to my shoulder, and hiding in my hair.
"Wow! You have a lot of hair!" She hid behind it.
"Judith, are you alright?" Lucifer exclaimed as he ran over.
"As of momentarily, yes."-J
"What the hell was that?"-H
"I pulled the radio from the electricity, and then it turned on. The exact same static, ripping my head off. And that insufferable screeching.. right before I left, there was a radio wave like sound" I threw my hands up. Making a claw like motion, going up. (Ifykyk, its like when you shrug)
Lucifer took one of my hands in both of his.
"We'll get to the bottom of this, okay?"
Alastor looked angry, almost jealous.

I am his wife...

He came over between us, pulling our hands apart.
"I have an idea to who it might be.." Alastor cooed, right before teleporting away.
"Well, you shouldn't be alone.. do you want to go on a walk?" Lucifer offered.
"Yeah, sure. Why not?"
I changed into my maroon dress at the snap of my fingers.
"Great, come on." Lucifer stuck his arm out like Alastor always does. I ignored it
And put both my arms crossed over my chest.
Charlie chuckled and let us go.
We were halfway on our walk when he started asking questions.
"So... you with somebody?"
"Yes, I'm married." I put my hand up, showing him the ring.
"Who's the lucky man?" He sounded curious.
"Alastor Heartfelt, I'm sure you don't know him.." I joked around as we both laughed.
"You're married to that prick?"
"Hey! He might be a prick, but we've been married for literally a hundred years." I informed him.
"You know... you deserve someone who actually cares.." he was hinting towards himself. I didn't like his advances.
"No, Alastor is nice to me, he's kind, funny and cares."-J
"Come on.. he's an ass and you know it"
I stopped walking.
"If you're just here to disrespect my husband, then you can leave.."
He turned around, with a dissapointed look on his face.
"I'm just looking out for yo-"
"No, you're not. Alastor is a great husband, and overall demon. But if you don't make a good impression on him firsthand then I don't know what you expect." I pointed to the ground.
"He also owns my soul so I can't do anything about it, It's not like I want to."
I put my arms over me, crossed from shoulder to shoulder.
"Oh.. well that's a different story." He admitted as he started walking towards the hotel again.
I followed with him.
We were talking about some funny situation he was in a few days ago when we got back to the hotel.
Alastor was already there with a sour face.
"So, Darling.... I have figured out who is behind all of this." Alastors smile looked forced, his ears pulled back.
"And who is it?" I came up to him and kissed him on the cheek.
His normal, cheery smile returned.
"It's that flat screen scum. Vox.."-A
"Vox.. why would he want to cross me?"-J
"Maybe it's 'bout that club incident. Maybe ya' hurt Val." Angel dust
"WAIT! So, Vox brainwashed a herd of Wendigos to invade this hotel. And now just keeps fucking with every electronic in here."
Vaggie summarized it.
"Wait.... Al, can't you just disable the radi-" I started my sentence and didn't make it through before all of our phones started to act out. Ringing, vibrating and putting out that static.
It hurt me most, they did surgery on my eye, they put some weird robot thingy in it. So that when I put my replacement it, I could see out of it.
But that weird electrical thingy that went into my brain heat up, and started vibrating along with my eye. And that shit hurt. It was only a matter of time before he found it specifically. And put that static in it.
I didn't have my eye in at all. It would just cause more pain.
I held my head as the phones made the infuriating sound.
I got mad, I was tired and didn't have the patience for this.
I blacked out, I didn't remember shit after and saw red.
I grabbed every. Single. Phone. Even mine.
And threw them all around, breaking them all.
Heavy breathing and glass breaking filled the room.
As everybody looked at me, confused.
The radio on the counter started to emit that static too.
I pushed it off the counter and kicked it to the ceiling.
Even Alastor looked confused, but amazed. I might've unlocked a new power.
"Darling.... are you alright?"
I woke up from my little frenzy, and immediately calmed down.
"What... happened?" I put my hand on my head.
"Ya' don't rememba' this lil' stunt ya' just pulled?" Angel dust was as confused as everybody else.
One phone remained on the counter.
As it rung, somebody calling.
I was on the brink of blacking out again, but Husker and Alastor held me back.
It was just Vaggies phone, the one which I didn't break.
Vaggie picked up the call.
"Hellooo..?" She tried again.
She pulled the phone away from her head.
I walked over, took the phone from her hand.
"What, wait, no!" She tried reaching for it, but I put it over her head and out of her reach.
"Why are you breaking all our phones?"
Charlie demanded to know.
Lucifer, Alastor and me were the only ones who knew why I was doing this.
"BECAUSE IT WON'T STOP!" I exclaimed as I threw the phone agaist the wall, breaking it.
"I'll buy you new ones when this is done with.."
I sat down.
"But why is it bothering you so much?"
Alastor and Lucifer braced for impact as I looked at the questioning Husker.
"Maybe because it's frying my fucking brain, literally..."-J
"What do you mean 'frying your brain'?"
"The robotic contraption heats up and vibrates when the static hits it. I'm in a constant headache. I'm sorry for your phones and radio, but there's not another way, and I can't risk him finding my eye-brain thingy."
I ranted, explaining the loss of their phones.
"When another phone sets off the static, we need to get her out of the hotel. And figure out how to stop it without breaking it.." Charlie hit her hand with her fist.
"Great idea, jackass. One more static session and my brains gonna be fried. So I don't know how you wanna do that."-J
"Don't be mean now, dear. I'm sure we can figure something out." Alastor tried to calm me down.
What they didn't get is that the static was so strong that one more phone, radio or anything else going off and my head would literally fry.
I did not want that, and neither did they.....

We'll be together again - Alastor x oc : a lovestoryWhere stories live. Discover now