"Aphmau, you know where she is don't you?" Zane said.

"No" Aphmau squeaked out.

"Liar! Where is Nana?" Aphmau let out another squeak and went silent, whispering to Aaron about things but Zane caught Micka's name and knew instantly where she is going.

"She's nowhere" Aphmau tried saying.

"She's at Micka's cottage" Aphamu started panicking and Zane ended the call as he turned around and started heading in the direction of the cottage.

Aphmau tried calling him back, but Zane wouldn't answer the call and just tried calling Kawaii-Chan a bunch more times but she never answered a single call of his.

It took her almost 7 hours to get there because of how bad the roads were, and when she got there she seen Micka standing outside waiting for her with a large blanket.

"You're going to get sick" Micka commented, running down the stairs towards Kawaii-Chan as she stepped out of her car and shut the door, locking it behind herself.

"I'm okay Micka, I've been in a warm car for the last seven hours" Kawaii-Chan responded, Micka shook her head and wrapped the blanket around Kawaii-Chan and guided her back into the cottage.

Theo was in the kitchen while the boys helped Mila over to greet their aunt, Kawaii-Chan smiled and hugged them tightly, lifting Mila up into her arms with her.

"You look pretty auntie" Finlay said, Kawaii-Chan smiled.

"Thak you Finlay, how was your guys day today?" Kawaii-Chan asked and the boys went into a huge rant about everything that they did today and she listened to everything.

Theo handed her a cup of coffee and Kawaii-Chan thanked him as she sat down on one of the bar stools and took a sip of her coffee, as Finlay and Silas climbed up onto the counter and sat there talking to her.

Micka however knew something was up and snuck away, making sure that Kawaii-Chan didn't notice and called Zane who picked up instantly.

"She's at the cottage, if you didn't already know" Micka said quietly.

"I'm on my way there now, don't let her know yet" Micka agreed and ended the call and snuck back in, going completely unnoticed by Kawaii-Chan.

Kawaii-Chan's POV:

"Nana" I jumped and spun around to see Zane standing there, my eyes widened and I stood up from the couch I was sitting on and walked around it, keeping the blanket wrapped around myself.

"How did you find me?" I asked and Zane walked towards me.

"Aphmau panicked when I asked where you were and Micka called me to confirm it" I nodded my head, I couldn't even be angry at the two of them right now for doing that.

"Oh" I turned around and walked back over and sat down, I curled up, still in my dress for earlier because I didn't want to change and I was just going to sit here for a little bit.

Micka and everyone had gone to bed a while ago, but now everything makes sense as to why Micka refused to lock the door and kept making an excuse that sometimes when Theo can't sleep he goes out there and he bumps into the door when it's locked.

"Nana th–"

"The Mèndez's were there and lied to you about the time and kept you there until Livy could get there?" I asked and looked over at him, he nodded his head and sat down next to me.

"Yeah, I didn't realize how late it was because they had showed me the time and it wasn't that time yet" Zane said, i nodded my head and leaned back against the couch a bit more.

"Yeah, well Mrs.Mèndez would get everything she'd want if she broke us up" I blurted out and then realized what I had said and my eyes widened as I tried to escape into the room Micka said I could sleep in.

I didn't make it very far before Zane had caught me and lifted me up, walking back over and set me back down on the couch and sat on the coffee table in front of him.

"What?" He said.

"I said nothing at all" He shot me a look and I just smiled innocently at him, he shook his head and leaned towards me, I started playing with the bracelet on my left wrist.

"Nana, what do you mean by that? I will sit here for days until you tell me" I stared at him knowing that he wasn't joking about that and I would have to tell him.

"Mrs.Mèndez said I'm not that the type of person you should be in a relationship because I wouldn't be able to pick up any slack if it came down to it and I needed to let you find someone else.....probably someone like Livy" I mumbled the last part.

"When did she say that to you?" He asked.

"Your thirtieth birthday" His eyes widened.

"Nana that was four months ago and you've kept this from me for four months" He said, I nodded my head and crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back.

"I didn't want to stress you ou–"

"Nana, you are supposed to tell me these things because then I can fix them and I don't want you to ever feel like any of that is true" I stood up and walked past him.

"You've missed seven dates and all of it is because of the Mèndez's. How long do you think it's going to be before they finally succeed in what they want and Livy gets you" I ran my finger over the engagement ring.

"Never, because I don't want anyone else" I didn't want to smile at that, it was so hard not to try and smile at that and I turned around to see him standing up.

"I understand that you have a very big respo–"

"You are my fiancé and that makes you the most important to me. I am sorry for missing our dates and I will not make an excuse for that, but I will fix this" I stared at him.

"How?" I asked.

"By putting the Mèndez's in place and making it clear to them if they want to keep the partnership between their company and the Ro'Meave Cooperation, then they will begin to respect you. And Nana, you've already helped with so much with the Ro'Meave Cooperation and I wouldn't have been able to do half of what I can do without you" I nodded my head.

"I'm sorry for disapeparing" I mumbled.

"I'm sorry for missing dates and letting the Mèndez's do this, I just didn't want to stress you out" I nodded my head and looked at him, he hadn't tried to hug me or anything.

So, I walked over to him and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and rested my face against his shoulder, his arms went around my waist and he rested his chin between my ears.

"Has Livy been hanging out there?" I mumbled without moving my head.

"No, I leave before she gets there or as she's getting there" I couldn't help but smile at that and nodded my head, I wasn't worried that something would happen....I just didn't like Livy.

She may have tried to apologize to me but it's clear she's only trying to apologize to save her reputation and not because she truly wanted to apologize for everything.

"We can't laeve....the snowstorm has knocked some trees down" I said, Zane nodded his head and I looked up at him, he looked down at me and I smiled at him.

"You do realize I'm going tobe talking to the Mèndez's right?" I nodded my head.

"Try not to go all protective fiancé on them" He shook his head.

"I can't promise that" I laughed and he joined in laughing quietly with me, a few minuets later I realized how exhsuated I really was for being up for so long and decided I needed to goto sleep.

I changed into the pyjamas that Micka had left for me and climbed into bed, I yawned and bundled up underneath the blankets as Zane climbed into bed next to me.

I yawned about to pass out when there was a bang, I scrambled up and ran out of the room, I seen Micka and Theo running out and we all ran outside to see a tree had fallen.

"Well you two aren't leaving either" Theo said, Zane and I shook our heads and looked over at Micka and Theo.....stupid snowstorm. 

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