{A New Side of Her}

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^^^^^ Kawaii-Chan's Outfit. Just imagine the dress as pink as the heels or if you prefer the colour it is then use that as the example. The slit on the dress isn't as short and is about to where her finger tips rest in the picture instead. I've been liking doing this so I hope you all like me putting little boards together of her outfits. If not I can stop this. 

[Description: After Kawaii-Chan goes out to an office event with her older brother, she comes back to find Garroth and Laurance doing something odd and Zane just watching. She then suggests they go out for a bit where Zane sees this entirely different side of her.]

Narrator's POV:

"What are you doing?" Zane asked with a confused tone as he walked downstairs to see Garroth and Laurance arm wrestling each other while also insulting each other.

"Trying to figure out whose stronger" Garroth and Laurance answered at the same time, Zane shook his head and walked down the stairs the rest of the way and headed into the kitchen.

He heard them both groan and turned around to see them both giving up and huffing at each other in anger, Zane grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge and shook his head.

"Let's wrestle outside where's there's more room" Laurance demanded, Garroth agreed and they both darted outside and despite Zane wanting to read his book he realized he couldn't miss this.

With a sigh, Zane walked outside, shutting the door behind himself and walked down the driveway to see the two circling each other while insulting each other again.

Zane started to question why he was even living with them as they charged at each other and started trying to tackle each other, Zane instantly knew they don't know how wrestling completely works but never bothered questioning it.

"Thank you again for joining me baby sister. I really didn't want to deal with my boss trying to set me up with his daughter again" Coven said as Kawaii-Chan got out of the car with him.

Her mermaid length pink strapless gown moved with her as she shut the door and nodde dher head with a smile on her face, her hair in soft curls and pinned back slightly with some strands out.

Her heels a beautiful pink and pointed toe while her makeup was a slightly darker pink with some eyeliner and a matte lip look, her nails the same gorgeous pink they always.

"Of course. Though she is a pretty girl you never know, you may actually like her Coven" Kawaii-Chan pointed out, he grimaced at the thought of settling down and shook his head.

"No thanks. I'm too young to settle down right now, I have to go but I'll bring you out for breakfast before I head back to London at the end of the week. Thanks again baby sister!" Coven shouted as he got back in the car and drove off.

Kawaii-Chan shook her head and turned to go inside when she heard noises and turned around to see Garroth and Laurance wrestling on their front yard while Zane watched shaking his head.

Kawaii-Chan couldn't help but be curious so she held onto her pink sparkly clutch purse and begun making her way down her driveway, her heels clicking as she made her way towards them.

Zane heard the sound of heels against pavement and looked over to see Kawaii-Chan making her way towards them but his eyes widened when he realized she was all dressed up.

He couldn't help but blush and think about how beautiful she looks right now but cleared his throat when she got closer and smiled at him as she stopped next to him.

"Zane-Kun, what are they doing?" Kawaii-Chan asked, Zane looked over at his brother and brother's best friend before sighing and looking back over at Kawaii-Chan.

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