{You Abandoned Me! Pt.1}

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[Description: When Kawaii-Chan runs into her sister Talulla who she has not seen since she was 14 years old, who is surprised to see Kawaii-Chan and now hopeful that she can have a relationship with her again. But Kawaii-Chan is far too angry to do this.]

Kawaii-Chan's POV:

"I can't do it, I'm going to get that shirt" Garroth said and turned around, Zane and I laughed as we stopped and watched him walking off determined to buy the shirt he's been talking about for months.

Looking up at Zane, I shook my head and laughed a little harder as we turned around and jogged to catch up to him, we followed as he mumbled about just doing it and not overthinking it.

Holding Zane's hand, I felt him rubbing his thumb softly over the back of my hand, I'm not sure he even realizes he does the sometimes but it's my favourite thing in the entire world.

Walking back into the store again, the retail worker's eyes widened slightly as she watched us come back for the 6th time, I just smiled at her and nodded to Garroth and she seemed to understand.

Following Garroth all the way to the back of the store where mens clothing were, I watched him starting digging through the clothes as he searched for the shirt he wanted.

"Help me look for it!" He whined loudly, I stared at him for a moment before sighing and agreeing, pulling Zane along with me and he didn't fight me as we walked through out the clothing racks to search for the shirt.

Flicking through the clothes, I stepped back when I felt someone bump into me and turned around to apologize worried that I had somehow bumped into her.

"I'm so sorry I....." The words died in her throat as I realized who she was and stumbled back into Zane, I heard him question me but I couldn't answer him, all I could do was stare at the woman in front of me.

My big sister Talulla.

Her eyes widened slightly and I seen how much she's changed over the years since I last saw her and I watched her eyes drift over me as she realized that I had grown up since the last time we seen each other.

"Nana?" She whispered, that brought me back to reality and I tightened my grip on Zane's hand, tears brimming in my eyes as I sucked in a breath trying to stop myself from breaking down.

"I have to go" I whispered and found myself letting go of Zane's hand and running out of the door leading outside without another word to anyone else.

Stumbling through the doors, I sucked in a breath trying to control my breathing as I started walking quickly towards Zane's car to hide there until they were ready to go.

I could hear someone yelling my name but I couldn't focus enough to figure out who it is, I started digging through my bag for the keys but it was much harder when I couldn't see clearly.

Apologizing to the person I bumped into, I quickly made it to the car and continued digging through my bag for the keys until I found them.

Finding the keys, I shakily grabbed them just as someone grabbed my wrists softly, I looked up to see Zane standing there with a worried look on his face.

"Nana? Are you okay?" He asked softly, I stared up at him for a moment before shaking my head and all he did was pull me into his arms and my face pressed into his chest.

Wrapping my arms tightly around him, I broke down into sobs as a million thoughts went through my head of why she's here in Phoenix Drop again, why did she have to come back?

-2 Hours Later-

Jolting awake, I looked around and realized I was in my bedroom and I'm using Zane's arm as a pillow right now, I could hear something being played on my laptop quietly.

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