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^^^^^ Kawaii-Chan's outfit. Sorry if you don't like the little boards but I have fun putting them together. It's a lot of fun to do this. Also imagine the outfit as pink as the boots are. So yeah!

Also with Zane and Kawaii-Chan's relationship I can just see them being very cuddly together while also having Kawaii-Chan be very clingy to him. Just something I thought of because well she always took care of everyone else and so I figured Zane took over taking care of her completely and she's gotten used to it. 

[Description: This is just how I imagined mornings to go between Kawaii-Chan and Zane whenever she sleeps over at Garroth, Laurance, and Zane's house. Just a fun little thought. Enjoy!]

Kawaii-Chan's POV:

Zane laughed as he walked out of his room, leaving me here by myself all bundled up in his blankets because of how cold it is in the house in the morning.

Then again a snow storm is also happening right now so that makes a lot of sense, whining because he left me alone, I pouted and stared at the door for a moment.

He said something about going to get coffee and I really want coffee so I slowly forced myself up into a sitting position and looked around the room for a moment.

Spotting my pink ankle height fuzzy uggs that I wear inside, I slowly slid to the end of the bed and moved to slide my feet into them and looked around again.

Seeing Zane's black zip up in the corner on his chair, I stood up letting the blankets fall from around my body and instantly shivered as I rushed over and grabbed it.

I was only in a pink pyjama outfit with a tank top and pants so I was still pretty cold, pulling it on, I sighed and rubbed my eyes before deciding I had no choice but to go downstairs.

Grabbing my phone, I walked out of Zane's bedroom and quickly stopped in the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face and do everything else I needed to do in the bathroom before walking out.

Dragging myself over to the stairs, I walked down them and stopped when I smelled pancakes, bacon, eggs, and ham being made and realized Laurance was making breakfast.

"Good morning Kawaii-Chan!" Garroth chirped, I glared at him and mumbled something as I slowly made my way down the stairs while Zane walked towards me with an amused expression on his face.

"Rude much" Garroth scoffed, my glare hardened on him and he looked away as I stopped at the last stair and stared at the ground and then looked up at Zane and then looked at the ground again.

I did it for a few minutes until he sighed and nodded his head, I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck as I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist.

Resting my chin on his shoulder, I yawned and closed my eyes once again as I tightened my grip when I thought he was about to try and set me back down.

"I was just going to grab my coffee, that's it" I nodded my head and Zane walked over picking up his coffee while Laurance smiled at me and held out a pink mug.

After I started sleeping over here, Laurance bought me my very own mug here and I've used it everyday since then so no one else uses it which is nice to know.

Mumbling a thank you, I started drinking my coffee while Zane just stood there as I refused to let go of him still and when attempted to set me down, I tightened my grip on him.

"She's like attached to you. What happens if I try getting her to stand on her own?" Garroth asked, I pulled back to glare at him while Zane kept an arm around my waist.

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