{Trapped Together}

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[Description: When Kawaii-Chan agrees to go and find Zane just before the mall closes, she thinks nothing of it until the two end up locked together in the back room at the bookstore.]

Kawaii-Chan's POV:

"Hey Kawaii-Chan?" Turning around, I smiled at Garroth and nodded my head.

"Yeah Garroth-Kun?" He struggled to keep everything in his arms and I assumed he was going to ask for my help with carrying a few things to lighten the load.

"Could you go get Zane? He went to the bookstore and I told I'd text him when we're leaving but I sort of can't right now" He asked, I smiled and nodded my head.

"Of course Garroth-Kun" He thanked me and I turned around heading off in the direction of the bookstore that Zane would be in as everyone made their way towards the exit.

We had been at the mall almost all day doing Christmas shopping and Garroth dragged Zane along who spent most of his time avoiding us or going to the bookstore.

I only came because I needed to find some gifts for my siblings and my parents, and my parents are not easy people to shop for so it took a long time to find them gifts.

Slipping into the bookstore I smiled at the few people leaving and started looking around the bookstore for Zane but he was no where to be found and I was going to go back to Garroth to tell him Zane wasn't here when I remembered something.

Turning around I walked towards the back room that's only ever open when there's enough employees and peaked around the corner to see the doors open and a few people walking out.

Walking inside, I looked around until I spotted Zane with a book in his hands and looked completely oblivious to everything going on around him, I smiled and started walking towards him.

"Zane-Kun?" He didn't answer me so I reached up and tapped his shoulder, he looked over at me. An annoyed expression on his face. "Garroth-Kun sent Kawaii-Chan to get you, the mall is closing" I said quickly, he nodded his head.

"Okay" He said quietly, I waited patiently for him and he didn't seem to care or he did but didn't bother saying anything else to me and turned for us to start walking away.

That's when we heard the door shut and my eyes widened as I ran towards the door and reached it, trying to open the door I froze when I realized that the door was locked.

Banging on the door, I heard Zane walking over and looked back at him as he realized that the door was locked and I kept on banging on it but no one heard us.

After a few minutes, I groaned and turned around, sliding down the door slowly looking up at Zane as he rolled his eyes and let out an annoyed noise.

Grabbing my phone, I went to text Garroth and Laurance about this but there was no signal and I glared at my phone before looking back up.

"No signal" I admitted, Zane shook his head and walked away from me without another word, I just watched him grab the book he was reading before hand and sit down on the ground next to the bookshelf.

Well we aren't going to be having a conversation.

-3 Hours Later-

Setting my bag down against the wall, I looked around for a moment to find something to do while Zane sat in the corner, reading the book in silence.

He hadn't spoken to me once since then, I tried having a conversation with him but he didn't really say anything else to me so I gave up after 5 minutes of trying.

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