{I Think I Like Him}

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^^^^ Kawaii-Chan's look!!!! 

[Description: With Zane and Kawaii-Chan getting closer, she starts struggling with her growing feelings and finds it hard to deal with out of fear of accidentally telling him and losing their friendship. So when Kylo comes back to town for a bit, he invites them all out for a day at the amusement park while also helping her with her feelings.]

Kawaii-Chan's POV:

"Hey baby sister" I looked up and smiled when I seen Kylo standing in the doorway of my room, I squealed and scrambled off my bed and jumped towards him wrapping my arms tightly around him.

"You are only seven minutes older than me" I commented and pulled away from the hug, I smiled at him and he walked into my room shutting the door behind himself.

"Still older. So how are things with you and Zane" I froze when he said that because I have spent basically everyday since the Christmas Eve party thinking about everything.

Now I can hardly even act like a normal person around him and only can if other people were around us and he has for sure noticed that and questions it all the time.

"It's all your fault! If you never brought that up to me I'd be able to act like a normal person around him" I whined and shoved him away as I flopped face first onto my bed.

He laughed and I made sure to slap him in the arm again and let out an even bigger defeated whine about everything going on and rolled over onto my back.

"Let's go to the asmuement park today. We'll invite everyone including Zane and you can figure out more of your feelings there and hangout with your favourite person" He said, I sat up.

"Micka's going to be there" He smacked me with a pillow.

"Just text them" I giggled evily and grabbed my phone going to the group chat with everyone and quickly typed out the message to them and hit send as I waited.

Kawaii-Chan; Kylo's in town and wants to know if you guys want to join us at the amusement park?

GarGar; I'm in!

Zvahl; I'll be there in 5 minutes!

Katie; I'm in

Aph; Yes!

Dante; I'll be there in 5!

Travis; Duh that means Tacos too!

Zane; Why not

Lucinda; Yep!

Kim; Of course!

I smiled at the last text and looked up showing Kylo the messages and heard Katelyn running upstairs to egt ready for the morning.

"Get ready" Kylo said and walked out of my bedroom, shutting the door behind himself in the process as I jumped up excitedly to get ready for the amusement park outing.

-2 Hours Later-

"I see tacos!" Travis shrieked and took off sprinting towards the taco stand while Katelyn and Dante shook their heads and followed after him while we all laughed.

Garroth and Laurance ran off towards one of the rollercoasters while Kim and Lucinda walked off to find a ride to go on together, leaving just Zane, Aphmau, Kylo, and I.

I started looking around at everything and smiled when I seen a spinny ride and patted Kylo's arm, he looked over and grinned when he seen it agreeing instantly.

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