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^^^ Kawaii-Chan's look!!!!

[Description: When Zane misses another date night due to the Mèndez's, Kawaii-Chan ends up disappearing during a snowstorm and sends him into a panic searching for her. Unitl he finds out where she is, he finds out everything Mrs.Mèndez said to her.]

Narrator's POV:

Kawaii-Chan's leg bounced as she started texting Aphamu about everything, trying to figure out what could lead to Zane missing another date night.

It's been 4 months since Zane became CEO of the Ro'Meave Cooperation and he's missed 6 date nights since then, each time he's said he'll make it up to her and every single time something comes up.

And that something always has to do with the Mèndez's and Kawaii-Chan can't stop herself from thinking that they are doing this on purpose, but she doesn't want to bring that up to Zane.

Aph; Maybe it's the snowstorm?

KC; The snowstorm that hasn't even started yet

Aph; I'll try calling him again for you, just don't leave yet

Kawaii-Chan let out a breath and looked up, seeing the clouded night sky seeming to get a little darker somehow as the snow finally started falling and Kawaii-Chan leaned back in the drivers seat of the car.

Zane heard his phone going off and pulled it out of his pocket to see Aphmau was calling him, but before he could answer Mrs.Mèndez spoke and he looked up at her.

"Livy is on her way here, she'd love to catch up with you" Zane didn't say anything to her and turned around, answering the call before it could end and placed the phone against his ear.

"Zane thank irene! Where are you?" Aphamu sounded panicked on the phone, that made Zane worry and he stepped out of the room much to the dismay of the Mèndez's.

"At work, why what's wrong?" Aphamu let out a loud groan at that.

"Your date night! Zane, Kawaii-Chan's been waiting for over two hours now!" Zane pulled his phone back and realized that the Mèndez's had been lying to him about the time this entire time.

"The Mèndez's are here agai–I'm leaving now" Zane ended the call and didn't go back to the Mèndez's and just ran towards the elevator that opened the second he reached it.

"Zane!" He ignored Livy and stepped into the elevator, the doors closed and Zane looked down at his phone to see a bunch of texts from Kawaii-Chan.

He called her but she didn't answer and he started panciknig some more, this is the 7th date he's missed because of the Mèndez's but he didn't want to make Kawaii-Chan worry if he brought up how strange it is.

The elevator opened a minute later and Zane ran out, seeing that the snowstorm was getting so much worse now and he didn't want Kawaii-Chan out there for too long.

Kawaii-Chan however had enough of this and drove off, she called Aphmau and told her that she wasn't waiting anymore and she doesn't want her to tell Zane yet, that'd she'd call him.

But she wasn't going too until she got where she wanted to be, and that was at her sister Micka's cottage, where they were all staying for a little family vacation.

Micka had invited her up there earlier and Kawaii-Chan said she'd be there at some point and now was driving almost 5 hours away to get there, unaware that Zane was arriving at the restaurant.

He didn't see her car and started panicking as he called Aphmau and started driving, thinking that maybe she would be at the Maid Cafe or somewhere that wasn't out in this storm.

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