Her Silenced Voice *ch. 11*

Start from the beginning

I was crying again.

In front of everyone.


"This is stupid," I said again. "How can I be angry at you guys when you blame yourselves for my temper tantrum?"

A tear slipped. "Geez, why won't you leave me alone?" I clutched the cuffs of the sleaves of my jacket and wiped it off of my face. "We don't want you to be angry at us," Haruhi said.

I remembered the bad things I said to her and Hunny said, "It was Kyoya's idea,"

I turned to look at Kyoya and he turned away, off of his laptop for once, "You just never got to tie loose ends and when you don't you would have stayed away anyways,"

"Kyoya..." I said softly. "It's okay to be sad, Evelyn," Tamaki said, walking up to me, "it's a good reason to be sad,"

Moving back a bit, I said, "is there ever a 'good' reason to cry?"

He opened his mouth and I said, "Don't answer that," swiftly before he could collect breath. "Will you come back?" The twins whined together, embracing me on both sides. I laughed slightly and said, "Get off me,"

"Please?" Hunny said, looking at me wide eyed, "I'll give you as much strawberries as you want!" I laughed again at the memory, "I'm fine, Hunny, thank you for remembering I like to eat sweet things,"

"We just want to see your smile Evelyn," Mori said. I looked up at him and smiled. Everyone had gathered around me and I said, "Fine, fine, fine,"

Looking at me everyone expected me to come back to the host club, even with the threats that were strewn about to make me leave. Thats right, this is what I was trying to say all along, I couldn't let them win, I had to keep at this, show them, I didn't care.

"I'll join again," I said, smiling.

Ace might have been in the hospital but he was in good hands.

Allen might have been there for me but that was in the past.

I don't know if I can sing right now but I haven't even tried yet have I.

The host club did, in fact, want me, so desperately, it made me fee important.

The killer? I had time and I have the people around me, I'm protected no matter what.


"Hey!" I heard, I turned around and sighed seeing a bunch of snikering girls. "Bet you every cent in my pocket she has a guy from the host club as her date,"

I sighed.

This has been going on for weeks.


And today was the day for a dance and no one had asked me to the dance. But that doesn't mean I wasn't going, it just meant I wasn't going with anyone.

"not that you keep loose change in your pocket," I said, "Besides, I hadn't been asked by anyone yet,"

I turned around to leave but then I heard even more snikering, "Gasp, do you hear that? The nerdy commoner doesn't have a date to the dance, doesn't that strike you as odd?"

I rolled my eyes and walked on. "Is something the matter?" Nekozawa said as I plopped down next to him in the empty room. "Girls," I muttered.

Taking out our half finished project on 'Moss Piglets' or rather in scientifical terms, the 'Tardigrade' which is a microscopic parasite that looks like a cross between a hippo and mole that is indestructable.

Her Silenced Voice (Ouran High School Host Club)Where stories live. Discover now