Ace chuckled, unfazed by the display of authority. "Easy there, officer," he said, raising his hands higher in mock surrender immediately identifying the man as officer Lidean from phoenix's description.

He was about to continue a mocking banter when his eyes fell on the officer behind lidean, immediately letting his hands down as smiling widely at them.

"We meet again my dear knight in shining armor"

Lucas knight pursued his lips as the frown on his face deepened without giving out any response while officer lidean as well as the other officer's present at the scene glanced between Lucas and Ace.

"Oh? Are we acting like we don't know each other? Sorry! Let's start that again!"

Ace took a step backwards as he smiled mischievously at Lucas

"Such a handsome officer you are! My name is Ace, you must know it since you came to arrest me but if it's you doing it then I think I don't mind being handcuffed Mr.officer"

Lucas took a step forward and glared at the man who was not taking the situation seriously, ignoring the slight fluttering his heart gave at the mischievous smile,

"We have reasons to believe that you and your gang with specifications to a member called Phoenix are associated with a case that took place earlier today"

Ace chuckled, unfazed by the accusations.

"Oh, come on now, Officer knight." he said, his tone dripping with mock innocence.

"You know me - just a humble entrepreneur trying to make his way in the world. As for Phoenix, well, let's just say he's more of a free spirit who none of you are allowed to speak off"

Officer Lidean's jaw clenched in frustration as he stepped forward, but he remained composed.

"Save the theatrics, Ace," he snapped.

"We have evidence linking you to Mrs. Herriot's death."

Hearing this ace paused before quickly gathering himself as he asked with feigned confusion

"Mrs.harriot? Who may she be? And dead? I fail to understand how any of this is related to me"

Officer lidean kept his composure as he spoke,

"No matter how much you feign ignorance, we have evidence to back up our claims"

Ace's grin widened, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Evidence, you say? Well, I'd love to see it. But first, how about we have a friendly chat over a cup of tea? My treat."

The other officers exchanged confused glances, unsure how to respond to Ace's unexpected offer of hospitality in the midst of a police standoff.

But before Officer Lidean could respond, Ace winked at Lucas and added, "After all, it's not every day that we get to play cops and gangsters, right?"

With that, Ace turned on his heel and strolled back towards the manor, leaving Officer Lidean, Lucas and their team baffled and slightly amused by his audacity.

As Ace disappeared into the manor, Lucas exchanged a bewildered look with Officer Lidean, unsure of how to react to Ace's brazen behavior.

Officer Lidean's jaw clenched in frustration, but he knew they had to proceed cautiously.

"Keep an eye on the surroundings" he ordered his team, his voice tense with determination. "We need to be very cautious against him."

Lucas nodded, his gaze lingering on the spot where Ace had vanished. There was something about the man's demeanor that intrigued him, despite the seriousness of the situation.

As the officers maintained their vigil outside the manor, Lucas couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that there was more to Ace than met the eye. He made a mental note to keep a close watch on him, determined to uncover the truth behind Ace's charming facade

Meanwhile inside the manor, Ace couldn't help but chuckle to himself. Despite the seriousness of the situation, there was always room for a bit of playful banter – especially when you were the one holding all the cards.

He looked back to see officer Lidean and Lucas following him warily.

Ace couldn't resist a playful grin as he gestured for Officer Lidean and Lucas to follow him into the manor.

"Gentlemen, welcome to my humble abode," he said, his tone light and casual.

As they entered the grand foyer, Ace waved his hand theatrically. "Please, make yourselves comfortable. Can I interest you in some tea? I've got quite the selection."

Officer Lidean's expression remained stern, but Lucas couldn't help but be drawn in by Ace's charm. He exchanged a hesitant glance with his superior before nodding. "As long as you don't poison it- Tea would be nice, thank you"

Officer lidean looked at Lucas as if he had gone mad before shaking his head at his subordinates lack of experience.

Ace's grin widened as he led them into the elegant sitting room. "Excellent choice," he said, motioning for them to take a seat on the plush sofas.

"Now, let me see what we have here."

With a flourish, Ace produced a silver tea tray, complete with delicate china cups and a steaming pot of tea. He poured the fragrant brew with practiced ease, his movements fluid and graceful.

As he handed Lucas a cup of tea, their fingers brushed briefly, sending a jolt of electricity through both of them. Ace's playful facade faltered for a moment, replaced by a flicker of something deeper in his eyes as he gazed at ace in unspoken realisation.

But before Lucas could dwell on the fleeting moment, Ace was back to his charming self.

"To unexpected encounters," he toasted, raising his teacup with a playful glint in his eye. "May they always be filled with surprises."

Lucas couldn't help but hide a smile at Ace's infectious energy, finding himself drawn in despite his better judgment.

As they sipped their tea, he couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something that pulled him towards the carefree man infront of him but everytime he would try to dwell, the image of his parents funeral crosses his mind, immediately pouring cold water over his thoughts

'dont be fooled Lucas, this is the man responsible for your parents death"  Lucas told himself

Crossing his legs, Lucas went back to being stern as an officer as he put down the cup and glared at Ace

"Let's start your discussion then."

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