39. Visiting Goodtimes

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By the day of Dream's dental appointment, he was pretty much fully recovered. His chest still hurt a little when he coughed, but he figured that was muscle soreness from how much coughing and sneezing he did while sick. But his fever was gone. His voice had come back. He had a good appetite and plenty of energy.

So he was doing well. He was shocked at how delirious he had gotten at the height of his fever, but at least Scar had been kind toward him, both during his sickness and after. Being so forward with Scar had been a new experience, but it was nice seeing how Scar reacted, so happy and flattered. Dream has tried flirting with him a little more since, and it was always rewarding, especially since Scar would flirt back.

One day the flirting had even led to Scar grabbing him into a hug and then cuddling with him so enthusiastically he ended up knocking Dream onto his back on the couch, where Scar then flopped onto him like an oversized cat so they could keep snuggling. He left kisses all over Dream's face and Dream was extremely flustered by the time Scar let him up, but pleased too. There seemed to be no end to Scar's affection for him.

Dream woke up on the morning of the appointment feeling cozy in Scar's bed. He almost always went to bed with Scar now, feeling so much safer in his arms. He started to sit up, only for one of Scar's strong arms to catch him and tug him back down.

"Hm?" Dream asked, then blushed when Scar nestled his face into his throat and kissed it.

"Good morning," Scar said sleepily. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah, fine." Dream looked around the dark room, locating the alarm clock that Scar didn't use in favor of his phone alarms, but the clock at least was easily seen in the dark. "It's... ugh. Like five minutes before your alarm goes off."

"That's just how it goes," Scar sighed. He leaned over to get his phone, turning the alarms off, then put it down and kept holding Dream. "Well, you ready to go to work with me?"

"Yeah," Dream agreed, nervous, but excited too.

They cuddled for a bit before getting up, and Dream went to his room to get dressed while Scar got ready. Then he joined him downstairs, pouring himself a glass of orange juice while Scar made coffee and started cooking some eggs.

Scar made egg and cheese sandwiches for them both, and after breakfast, they popped up to their respective bathrooms to brush their teeth. Dream leaned in close to the mirror as he brushed his, wanting to make sure they looked good, but he couldn't do anything about the little cavities. Looking toward the back, he could see where one of his wisdom teeth had already pushed partly through the gum, and he rubbed over the others that were still underneath. They still ached though.

He spit out the toothpaste and rinsed his brush, then went into the hall to wait for Scar. He was dressed in his hoodie, since Scar said he could wear whatever he wanted, and he tucked his hands into the pocket as he waited. He had spent plenty of time on his hair today. He wanted to make a good impression on Scar's coworkers.

When Scar came out, he was dressed nicely in slacks and a button-up, and Dream suddenly felt awkward.

"Maybe I... should wear something like that too?" he asked.

"I wear it because I'm the CEO and I want to dress professionally at work," Scar said. "You don't need to. You'll be fine, besides what you're wearing is so much more comfortable. You'll want to be comfortable at the dentist later."

"I guess..."

"It's okay, I promise. You ready to go? Phone and wallet?"

Dream checked his pockets, then nodded and followed him downstairs. It was weird being up and dressed this early. Dream was still fairly tired, even after eating, and didn't feel like talking much. He wondered how Scar managed to be so cheerful in the mornings.

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