17. The Arraignment

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Scar knew as soon as he greeted Dream in the morning that he was scared. He had a distant, worried look in his eyes and kept fidgeting, and when Scar suggested he have a good breakfast, he gripped his stomach and then ran to the bathroom to throw up.

Scar hurried into the room after him, resting a hand on his back as he retched, then sobbed, sounding miserable.

"I can't do it, I can't go," Dream said.

"Oh, Dream. I'm sorry, but you have to," Scar said. "If you don't show up, they'll just come by and arrest you. You don't want that."

Dream sniffed, staring down at the toilet, and coughed a few times. But he didn't seem to be able to throw up again, so after a few moments, Scar tried to encourage him back up.

"Come on, you'll be okay. You definitely need some food in you now."

"I really don't think I'll be able to eat," Dream said, letting Scar help him up. He looked at his reflection and grimaced, then washed his face off and rinsed out his mouth.

"I don't want you to be hungry while you're standing there in front of that judge. Maybe at least have a banana? Or cereal without milk?"

Dream looked at himself for a bit longer, then shrugged. "Maybe I should take a shower first. Then see how I feel after."

"Okay. Your appointment's at eleven so you've got plenty of time. I'll be in the kitchen when you're done." Scar went downstairs while Dream returned to his room to grab his clothes. Scar greeted Jellie and played with her for a bit, before making coffee and some toast for himself.

It was weird not heading to work right now, but kinda nice too. Hopefully nothing too big happens at the office while he's away. But he wasn't expecting anything like that. It should be a quiet day.

Scar was done eating and was sipping coffee while scrolling through news articles on his phone when Dream returned from his shower. His hair was nicely combed and he was in his formal clothes, though he kept messing with the collar, huffing at it.

"I don't like having it buttoned all the way up," he said when Scar looked at him.

"You can probably leave the top one unbuttoned," Scar said. "You'd really only need it shut if you were going to be wearing a tie or something."

"Oh, good." Dream immediately undid the button, looking relieved.

"You think you'll be able to eat?" Scar asked.

Dream made a face. "I can try. But I don't want to eat a lot."

"Just get whatever you think you can handle."

Dream went over to a cupboard, rummaging around before getting a box of cereal out. He poured some into a bowl and didn't bother to get milk, nor did he get a spoon. He just sat next to Scar at the island and began eating pieces with his fingers, taking it slowly, no doubt waiting to see if his stomach acted up again.

"Captain Crunch, good choice," Scar said.

"Yeah, it's good." Dream paused for a moment, looking sick again, but then he shook his head and kept eating.

"I know you're worried, but you'll see, everything will be fine," Scar said. "I'll be waiting right outside for you and we can leave as soon as you're done."

Dream nodded. "I wish you could be in there with me."

Scar smiled, touched. "I would go in if I could. But this is just supposed to be a meeting between you, the judge, and your lawyer. You'll be alright though, Mumbo's going to look after you. And once this goes to regular court, of course I'll be in there with you. You aren't doing this alone."

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