31. Cracker Barrel

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Dream spent the ride to the restaurant thinking about his meeting with Mumbo. They had talked a little about what to expect from the omnibus hearing, but mostly they talked about the defense Mumbo was working on. It seemed very solid, with Mumbo laying out plainly the evidence they had in their favor and what the prosecution would be using, and explaining which arguments he planned to use to prove Dream's innocence. Mumbo had stated multiple times that it was all really quite simple, but it still felt like a lot for Dream to wrap his head around. But he supposed that was why Mumbo was a highly-respected lawyer and Dream wasn't. Still, he understood enough to know that Mumbo was quite confident, and Dream didn't have much to offer in terms of further defenses. He had told Mumbo everything he possibly could. Now he was just going to follow his advice at each of his appearances, until this was all over and he could move on with his life.

When they arrived at the restaurant, it looked like it had a pretty full parking lot, but Scar didn't seem worried. They went in and Dream made a face at all the people around, but Scar took his hand and guided him through, and Dream soon relaxed. Scar told the hostess that they would need a table for two and she immediately picked up a couple menus and led them to a table.

Dream was surprised there was no wait, but as he looked around, he saw there were a few empty tables here and there. It seemed most of the people in the front of the restaurant were just shopping, or perhaps part of larger parties waiting for multiple tables to be available.

They sat down and checked out the menus. Along with the lunch and dinner menu, a breakfast one had been provided, which Dream briefly looked through before deciding he wasn't in the mood for anything like that. He looked back at the other one.

"Haven't been here in a while," Scar said, picking up the breakfast menu to look through it himself. "Hm, I do remember liking the hashbrown casserole..."

"I might just get the sugar-cured ham. Though, ooh. Chicken and dumplings..." There was a lot that looked good and Dream wasn't really sure what he wanted.

When a server came to their table to get their drink orders, Dream asked for a root beer, and after some thought, Scar did too, though also asked for water.

"Sounded good," Scar said once she walked away.

Dream nodded and looked back at the menu, trying to decide between a few different options. He wasn't sure he'd be able to finish any of these meals, but he could always bring home the rest for lunch one day while Scar was at work.

"I was thinking a little more about that article I read, and honestly... I hope people can see how inconsistent Schlatt's rants about me are," Scar said, looking around their table before pulling over the peg hopping game and fiddling with it. "He acts like I'm some weak little thing for not being able to defend myself from those robbers, and then turns around and says I'm dangerous for you to be around? Okay."

Dream shook his head. "He's just saying whatever he can to make you look bad, and he knows his supporters won't question it. But I think most other people will know he's being ridiculous. I wouldn't worry about him."

"He said something about coming to save you once the court case was over, and if I tried to intervene, he'd deal with me," Scar growled, glaring down at the game he was playing before just putting all the pegs back into it and shoving it aside. "I'd like to see him try."

Dream put his menu down and took Scar's hands. "It's okay. I'm sure he's just bluffing."

"But what if he's not? I'm just worried about it... I might up the security around my house," Scar said. "Put in a few more cameras to cover those blind spots you used before. Could even move, if we really have to. But hopefully he's just bluffing like you said."

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