32. vanilla

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you clapped your hands to get atsumu's attention but it was no use, he was still punching the air, trying to get you but kept accidentally punching himself in the face instead.

so you walked to suna and tapped him on the shoulder. he looked up and you pointed at the island, asking him to go stand there.

he went and you got the other wet and dry ingredients out.

suna somehow managed to get atsumu back to the island and for two seconds, you had peace.

but when does it ever last?

"WHAT NOW?" suna yelled

atsumu flinched so violently, he banged his head into suna's, "STOP YELLING AND STOP HITTING ME"

he tried to push suna away but his back was facing him, so he just ended up pushing away air.

"how is he so fucking dumb" osamu snorted.

"WHAT HE SAY?" suna yelled at you.

you shook your head nothing important

you walked to the island and mixed all the ingredients. now all that was left was vanilla.

how the fuck do you ask them where the vanilla is? you sighed and did what you had to.

osamu burst out laughing, "bro there's no way you're playing charades in the kitchen"

he basically had tears in his eyes as he watched you jump around trying to contort your body to look like a bottle of vanilla essence.

a very confused suna scratched his head in front of you, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING"

atsumu, who was bending down to look through the drawers under the slab flinched and hit his head, "CAN YOU STOP SCREAMING MY HEADS GONNA BLEED OUT BEFORE THE WE GET TO THE OVEN PART"

"WHAT'S HE LOOKING FOR WITH THE BLINDFOLD ON?" suna asked, pointing at atsumu.

but you were too busy flapping your hand over your head (it was the cap of the bottle) to answer suna's question.

it took three more times of flapping your hand over your head and sticking your arms to your sides in hopes of looking like a bottle before suna started laughing too.

all atsumu could hear was weird shuffling sounds and suna and osamu laughing. he was too confused, all he could say was, "huh"

you sighed, this wasn't gonna work. so you tried to make yourself look like a plant or a vanilla bean.

obviously, the only thing that did was successfully make suna and osamu cry with laughter.

"what is happening?" atsumu asked, facing the wall.

you face palmed and walked towards him to turn him around towards you.

"y/n that you?" he asked as his hands found your head and he messed up your hair with a grin on his face, "yeah you're y/n alright"

this he dragged his hands all the way down your face and cheeks to your shoulders and rested them there.

"what are we doing now?" he asked and then face palmed, "right you can't speak, dumbfuck you should've told me"

then he turned to osamu and screamed, "SUNA WHAT ARE WE DOING?"

"HUH?" suna screamed back.

"oh right he can't hear" atsumu face palmed again.

"doing all this for vanilla-" osamu quickly stopped himself but it was too late.

loser *ೃ༄ miya atsumu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now