33. murder

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"do you think if i ask her out she'll say yes?"

atsumu was laying on his bottom bunk, looking at the underside of osamu's top bunk.

he was greeted with silence.

then osamu poked his head out from the side of his bed to look at atsumu, "wut"

"don't play dumb, i know you know" atsumu rolled his eyes.

osamu sighed, "fine yeah she'll say yes"

"are you sure?"


"are you a hundred percent sure?"

"yes i am"

"how can i be sure that you're sure?" atsumu raised an eyebrow

"you'll just have to trust me" osamu said with an evil grin, making atsumu shiver.

"id rather die, trust me"

"you'll be doing everyone a favour, trust me"

then the twins stayed quiet for a bit, listening to the sounds of the fan and crickets outside.

then osamu groaned when atsumu opened his mouth again, "do you think ill get rejected?"


"what if i get rejected?"

"consider it payback for all the times you've rejected your fangirls"

"shut up"


atsumu didn't say anything for a bit till he heard soft snores from the top bunk. then he got up, grabbed a random pillow and went to suffocate osamu to wake him up.

the grey twin woke right up when he felt like he couldn't breathe and punched atsumu in the face, "what d'you want"

"are you awake?"

"no im asleep" osamu deadpanned, "has the hair bleach finally started seeping in through your scalp?"

"wake up samu" atsumu rolled his eyes.

"what do you think i'm doing right now? all thanks to you by the way" he grumpily pushed atsumu's face away.

atsumu went back to lay on his bed, "what kinda flowers do you think y/n likes?"

"why don't you know that?"

"i do!" atsumu hit the underside of osamu's bunk, "she likes tulips when they're in the soil and like very specific colours only and she loves lillies in a bouquet but she also really likes tulips in a bouquet but then again colour scheme is important. and she doesn't like the stems to be poking out of the paper and the paper should preferably be pastel or like a really dark colour, basically i know what colours to use but-"

atsumu paused, it was suspiciously silent. he got up again and peeked over osamu's bunk only to find him asleep.


atsumu slapped him as hard as he could and osamu jolted awake with a hand on his cheek, "did you just hit me?"

atsumu tilted his head, "huh? no? you were mumbling in your sleep"

"i feel like i've just been hit" osamu rubbed his cheek.

"bro what kinda dreams do you have? weird ahh" atsumu gave him a disgusted look and went back to his bed.

"what's her favourite food?" atsumu asked

"i think we both know the answer to that"

"other than sushi, what does she like for dessert?"

"are you planning out a date?"

"no" atsumu scrunched up his face

"i heard you talking in your sleep the other night" osamu pointed out

"what was i saying?"

"mmm y/n" osamu dramatically imitated him with an evil grin on his face (he was lying)

"I DID NOT" atsumu kicked the underside of osamu's bed.

"did too"

"how do you know that? everyone in the house could get robbed and killed and you'd sleep right through it"

"denial is a river in egypt-" osamu began but couldn't stop laughing at how cringe he sounded.

"why do you have to regress back 3 years every time you try to be funny?" atsumu sweatdropped.

"why do you regress back 12 years every time someone blocks our spikes?"

"shut up ill tell mom you ate the pie"

osamu smirked to himself, "ill have you know she GAVE it to me cuz I'M the favourite child"

"well i'll also have you know she gave me your burger" atsumu rolled his eyes.

"yeah cuz i didn't like it so i asked her to throw it away" osamu wheezed

"you know if one murder per person was legal, you'd have to sleep with one eye open" atsumu said

"if one murder per person was legal, you'd have to sleep with both eyes open, a gun under your pillow and bars on your window"

"who do you think y/n would murder?" atsumu asked, ignoring osamu completely.

"can you form a single thought without somehow associating it with y/n?" osamu taunted

"probably her biology teacher or that sakura girl" atsumu chuckled, ignoring osamu again.

the grey twin sighed, this happened way too often, atsumu was in his own world daydreaming about you, no use trying to talk to him now.

osamu didn't even have to check to know that his brother had that weird giddy look on his face right now, the same one he did everytime he looked at you or talked about you or heard someone mention your name.

osamu shook his head, this man was whipped, beyond repair, helpless.

but does osamu give a fuck? no

so he turned over on his side and went to sleep.

loser *ೃ༄ miya atsumu x readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant