24. red light

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"why do you look like someone chopped your balls off and fed them to you?" you asked atsumu as he shifted to let you into his house.

he laughed nervously, "i don't, do i?"


"no i don't, shut up"

"okayy you're being weird today but okay" you said slowly as you saw a plate of chicken nuggets on the table and picked one up.

"oh shit its hot" you hafashafa'd as you grabbed a tissue to throw the half bitten nugget into.

"you're hot" he mumbled

"what?" you gave him a weird look

"what?" he said

"what did you just say?"

"nothing, nothing at all, i said nothing" he quickly said and grabbed you by the shoulders to push you further inside the house.

"i think you said something" you narrowed your eyes at him.

"nope nope you're hearing things, go see a doctor" he flicked your forehead.

"ow" you rubbed your forehead and atsumu clapped his hands once.

"alrightyy puppy cafe time" he announced and pushed you outside by the shoulders.

"why did you even let me in if you were gonna push me out again in 2 seconds" you grumbled as he opened the door for you.

"cant be late the puppies are waitingg" he sing songed.

"im still pretty sure you said something" you squinted at him as you both walked on the street.

"you really wanna know?" he asked and you nodded.

"i said you're clumsy" he flicked your forehead a second time.

"oww" you rubbed your forehead and punched him in the shoulder.

"violence, okay" he rubbed the spot that you'd hit.

"you're one to talk. i have a wholeass red spot on my forehead right now" you said grumpily.

"how do you know that? you can't even see your forehead" he gave you a side eye.

"i just know"

"no you don't"

"is it red or is it not?" you asked with a raised eyebrow.

he leaned closer and inspected your forehead, "mm its not"

it was red.

"liar" you pulled your phone out and turned to the camera app.

"see?" you showed him the screen as he leaned into your side to take a look.

"oops" he said with a smile and pressed the click button so your phone snapped a picture of you with scrunched brows, a glowing red polka dot on your forehead and a smiling atsumu with his face pressed to yours.

"now why would you do that when i'm walking around looking like a mini red light?"

"cuz.. just cuz" he shrugged. 

"just cuz" you imitated him in the deepest voice you could manage.

"i don't sound like that" he rolled his eyes.

"yes you do"

"yes you do" he imitated you, voice going octaves higher than normal.

"i don't sound like that" you rolled your eyes.

"you do when you're yelling"

"how would you know that? when have i ever yelled at you?"

"let's count" he said and looked up at the sky trying to remember all the times.

"well there was that time when i used your moisturiser" he pointed out.

"that moisturiser, sir, cost more than the amount i'd earn if i sold and bought and resold you five times over" you said.

"okayy well there was also the time i used your conditioner" he held up two fingers.

"because you used it like it's shampoo!"

"how was i supposed to know its not shampoo?" he yelled defiantly.

"because shampoo usually foams?" you looked at him in disbelief.

"well yeah but you can't expect me to pay that much attention"

you looked at him unimpressed and muttered, "ideally you should pay attention, those dead ass roots won't fix themselves"

"excuse you!" atsumu dramatically gasped, "if they bother you that much why don't you take care of them?"


"what what?"

"what what what?"

"no what what what. you should do your hair fixy fixy thing on my roots, with your hair masks and whatever those are called" atsumu said definitively.

he started humming the tune to marvin gaye with a small smile on his face.

"and why would i waste my precious and ridiculously expensive products on your hopeless roots?" you raised an eyebrow.

"because i'm your favourite person in the world" he gave you a closed eye smile and slung an arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his chest.

"that's a bold assumption" you teased.

"it's not an assumption sweetheart, it's an observation" he tapped the top of your head with his free hand.



"since when did you start observing so much hm?" you looked up at him with an amused expression.

he ignored your question and his hand dropped from your shoulder to your waist.

"lookie here, we've reached the puppy cafe!" he said excitedly and pulled you towards the entrance.

"hey i asked you a question sancho!" you rolled your eyes as you let him pull you.

"shh no time for questions, only puppies" he deflected and you both stepped inside the cafe.

loser *ೃ༄ miya atsumu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now