28. popcorn

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atsumu was walking back home from school with you.

osamu and suna weren't and you knew exactly why.

"we have to be prepared tsumu"

"constant vigilance" he nodded, "we don't know what they're planning"

"what if it's like a jumpscare as soon as we get home?" you asked, shifting your bag from one shoulder to the other.

it was really heavy today cuz your bitchass biology teacher had asked all of you to get copies of a 2k page book.

"hmm could be" atsumu hummed and took your bag from you, slinging it over his shoulder.

"oh my god what it's a clown doll?" you snorted, "but life size?"

"i will legitimately beat their asses"

"it's prank wars, you can't beat their asses" you pointed out.

"it's prank WARS, and if all's fair in love and war" he looked at you with twinkling eyes.

"i can't do this anymore" you rolled your eyes and completed the lyrics.

"what about our next prank by the way?" he asked and put an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him.

"i have an idea" you giggled

he leaned down so you could whisper in his ear and he laughed, "that's cruel, let's do it"

"i found it on sara beauty corner on youtube 😎"

"yeah i don't think it's a childrens prank"

"i may have improvised a little"

you both reached the twins' home. you went in and walked straight to atsumu's room.

you turned the door handle and screamed, retracting your hand. next thing you know, there's a gigantic spider right in front of you.

you took 3 steps back before you realised it's a fake spider.

you looked at your palm and your face went from 😱🫨😨🤨😐😑

atsumu ran up the stairs, "WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED? ARE YOU DEAD?"

"unfortunately no, these idiots hung a fake spider on the door. oh and put mayo under the door handle" you held up your mayo covered palm in front of atsumu's face.

"ew get that away from me" he winced and stepped away from you.

you evil grinned and walked after him, your palm held open in front of you.

"y/n. no. stay y/n, st- AAAAA" atsumu ran as you chased him down the stairs.

"DO I LOOK LIKE A PET TO YOU?" you screamed at him.



"I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE" atsumu groaned as he jumped over the counter and grabbed your elbow, turning your hand away from him and towards you.

"hey that's illegal!" you protested as you tried to keep your mayo covered hand away from your face.

but it was purely a game of arm strength now, not your forte.

"okay okay, ill wash it off and then we prepare for our prank" you quickly spoke in a desperate attempt to stop him from bringing your hand closer to your face.

he stopped applying force, but not enough for you to remove your arm from his grip.

"ill wash it for you" he said and you felt his hand on your back, guiding you to the sink.

he turned the tap on and held your hand under the running water, lathering soap on it to wash all the oiliness off.

"wow i don't know if that was sweet or really disgusting" you snorted as he wiped your hand with a paper towel.

"i only did that cuz i don't trust you to not put your hands on me after i let go" he rolled his eyes and then his cheeks turned pink, making you laugh.

"realised how weird that sounded?"

"nothing was weird about that" he muttered, making you laugh harder.

"our prank" you suddenly remembered.

"wait, your hand will get dry" he said and grabbed hand cream out of one of the cabinets and put some on your hand.

"okay now our prank" you said as you rubbed the cream in.

"we need oil, salt, chilli powder, wasabi and cinnamon powder" you instructed as atsumu got all the boxes out of the respective cabinets.

"also we need popcorn" you stood with your hands on your hips as atsumu got to work, throwing the bag of popcorn in the meecrovavé ✨

then when everything was ready, you mixed the oil, wasabi and spices and spooned it into some of the popcorn.

"now we give this to suna and samu" your eyes twinkled with excitement.

"yeah like they'll take food from us without being sus about it"

"why fear when y/n's here? i have a plan" you gave atsumu a smug look.

"is this the look you have on your face before you do those lyric pranks on me over text?"


"i knew it"

you and atsumu sat down on the couch next to suna and samu with your bowl of popcorn, making sure the *good* ones were on top and began eating without offering them any.

they were watching some movie or the other, you couldn't be bothered to check, you were just waiting for them to stick their dirty hands into your popcorn bowl.

and that they did, both grabbing handfuls of the ones you made specially for them.

from the corner of your eyes, you and atsumu watched them shovel the whole fistful into their mouths, trying your best not to laugh.

"nice movie" you commented when you noticed they had stopped chewing.

so they were planning to play it cool huh?

"hm? hm" suna nodded, his eye tearing up cuz of the wasabi.

"really good" osamu managed to say.

a tear rolled down suna's cheek and y/n snorted, disguising it as violent coughing.

"you like the popcorn? we made it with love just for you" atsumu smiled sweetly at them as y/n pretended to choke just to disguise her laughter.

both boys held up a thumbs up with tears running down their cheeks, refusing to say anything.

the twins' mom came back from work wondering if the kids were even watching the same movie cuz two were smiling while the other two were crying.

but over the years she'd learned the hard way not to question anything, and that's exactly what she did. 

guys i almost died today 😭
fainting in the shower 0/10 would NOT recommend

i'm okay tho, no busted head 👍

loser *ೃ༄ miya atsumu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now