14. thursday

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auntie yelled from downstairs when the clock hit 7:30.


the three of you yelled back from upstairs.

you put your hair in a ponytail and osamu pulled up his socks. atsumu ran downstairs after buttoning up his shirt.

"here's breakfast hurry up" auntie ushered you three onto the table and made you have breakfast.

"BYE MOM" atsumu yelled, unlocking the front door and you and osamu followed, saying your goodbyes.


"are you going to go to practice after school today?" osamu asked you as you walked to school.

"hm probably, i'm fine now so probably."

osamu nodded and plugged in his airpods.

"those are actually mine ya know" atsumu scoffed and nodded his head towards his brother, who was now deaf to your conversation.

"the airpods?"

"mhm ma got em fer me two weeks ago but this fucker wanted to make a bet"

"and you lost the bet?" you teased.

"shut up it's all your fault"

"my fault? what was it?" you asked, now fully interested.

"well he said whoever gets a call from you first gets to keep the airpods"

"wait -pff- i called samu first?"

"yeah like half an hour later he gets a call from you." atsumu pouted and looked away.

you laughed loudly at this new piece of information.

"i was so sure i was gonna win the bet, me bein your favourite and all"

you raised an eyebrow, "who said you're my favourite?"

"i am"

"you're not"

"shut up you love me"

"hm? do i now?" you said and dramatically pretended to think real hard, eyes squinted and finger tapping your chin.

"i can prove it" he said, a mischievous grin widening across his lips .

"oh? i'll wait then" you crossed your arms and continued walking.

"well for starters, you know exactly when i'm sad and you know exactly what to say when i'm sad. second, you know my favourite food and my favourite colours and my favourite songs and all my hobbies. third, you know when i'm hungry and you always let me cuddle when i'm scared or sad, which rarely happens, but it's there."

you rolled your eyes and he continued.

"you know how i like my eggs, you make sure i'm comfortable before going to sleep."

you were about to protest but he cut you off.

"don't even try to argue, i've felt the way you cover me up before going to your own mattress. anyways, you wouldn't be doin all that if ya didn't like me better than that shithead" he smirked at you.

"i do all that for samu too ya know" you shrugged.

"yeah but you get me. like you GET me. that's not the case with samu. you and i are always on the same page each time, no matter what day. ya can't tell me that happens with samu, you know what i mean?" he poked your cheek.

"yeah but.." you trailed off. there wasn't much to say, he was completely right.

"no buts here shitface, i've won" he declared proudly.

"whatever you're still a loser" you rolled your eyes at him.

"call me a loser all you want sweetheart, we both know i'm your favourite twin." he turned his head sideways and gave you a lazy smirk.

"tch, asshole" you scoffed at him.

"you're not denying it" he hummed and you punched him in the arm,m.

"yer just mad i won" he ruffled your hair and then proceeded to put his arm around your shoulder.


you sat in your seat in class, thinking about the conversation you had with atsumu while walking to school.

he was right, you were much closer with atsumu than you were with osamu.

you didn't remember when you got this close, but whenever suna is with you and the twins, you've noticed samu and him to be a duo and you and atsumu to be the other.

it was subtle, very very covert, but it was undeniable. you were closer with atsumu, you knew him inside out the same way he knew you.

this didn't mean you weren't close with osamu or anything, but the difference was noticeable.

osamu loved you too, but it was different with atsumu.

your head was starting to ache at this point when a certain brunette entered your classroom.

"wassup foxy" you looked up at him as he stopped in front of your desk, towering over you.

"i could ask you the same, you look like a sushi made with spoilt rice right now"

"shut up" you smacked suna's stomach.

"anyways come on now the twins are outside"


suna, being a man of few words, took your wrist in his hand and dragged you all the way out.

"sup n/n" osamu looked up from his phone and nodded at you.

"you look even uglier today" atsumu leaned in dangerously close to your face and started examining it.

"fuck off" you smacked his jaw and he yelped and jumped back.

"well?" osamu and suna both looked at you with arms crossed.

"well what?" you raised your brow at them and atsumu snickered.

"get your bag dumbass, school is over" atsumu knocked on your head.

"oh" your mouth formed an o when you realised that school was actually over and you'd just been sitting in your seat the whole time.

you got your bag and atsumu immediately took it out of your hand and slung it around his shoulder.

"yeah i don't think i'll go to practice today, my head is aching" you yawned and walked along with him.

suna and osamu were walking ahead, already engaged in conversation which seemed to sound an awful lot along 'i've got the bigger dick'

atsumu put his arm around your shoulder and covered your eyes with his palm.

your eyelids fluttered close and you relaxed into his touch.

"do you want me to walk you home?"

"nah i'll manage, although i'd love to have you be late for practice and get kita mad"

atsumu chuckled, "i'll just say i was taking you home"

"he won't believe it" you let out another yawn.

"oh trust me he will" atsumu muttered.


atsumu ended up walking you back home.

guess who been writing at 3 in the morning 😍

loser *ೃ༄ miya atsumu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now