34. slurpee

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"what should we do today? what should we do today?" you skipped ahead of atsumu who jogged to catch up with you.

"don't we owe samu a favour?"

"oh wait yeah" you facepalmed, "ugh 7 eleven it is then"

"let's get slurpees too" he suggested, slinging an arm around your neck as you walked.

"why do we keep losing bets atsumu?" you whined

"cuz we're stupid"

"look at us running errands for osamu" you shook your head in disappointment.

"you act like he hasn't been bullying us into doing that for years now"

you paused and looked at atsumu with wide eyes, "just a year left for college, can you believe that?"

he chuckled, "yeah, kinda crazy"

"what if we get into the same college?"

"we probably will"

"how do you know?"

"i just know"

"hmm" you looked around, taking in the houses on the street and the people walking past you. how are you already about to go to college in just a year?? it felt surreal.

"i still feel like we're too young for college" you snorted.

"i said that to mom the other day you know, she said we only feel like that cuz we have another year to go right now"

"could be.."

you both entered the store and went to look for everything osamu had asked for.

somewhere in between you lost atsumu. how you lost a 6 foot, blond , 17 year old in a convenience store you had no idea, but you managed it anyway.

you got all the stuff you needed and at this point you were wondering if atsumu had ditched you just cuz he didn't wanna do the shopping for osamu 🤦‍♀️

you decided to go to the lady behind the counter, "hi ive lost my friendand he doesn't have his phone with him, can i call for him?" you pointed at the microphone next to her.

the lady asked you to go ahead so you did, "goodbye you little shit"

and hurried out of the store.

you walked for a bit then concluded atsumu would come this way if he hadn't already so you decided to chill on the park bench for a bit, scrolling on your phone.

the whether was really pleasant, you could doze off here if you wanted.

and you were almost about to when someone grabbed your shoulders from behind, "boo!"

"what the fuck?" you cringed and turned around only to find atsumu.

"you left me" he pouted and went to sit next to you

"no YOU left me, i even made an announcement for you in the store you know"

"that's so embarrassing n/n" he snorted.

"no it's not, it's embarrassing for you"

"whatever you say" he smiled.

"i got slurpees for us by the way" you handed his to him, it was blue, yours was red.

"you're the best" he grinned

"i know 😌"

you leaned your head onto atsumu's shoulder and closed your eyes, taking sips of your slurpee.

he placed his hand on your thigh without thinking much of it but your heart was doing cartwheels, should you do it?

suna did say you could, it would work. ugh. you didn't wanna fuck anything up.

you looked up at atsumu only to find him looking down at you.

then he grinned, "watch how fast i can chug this" and started slurping really loud.

"ew" you moved your head off his shoulder.

out of habit, his hand went over the backrest of the bench, behind your shoulders.

and the next thing you know, you're about to fall asleep with atsumu tracing his finger along your shoulder blade.

im definitely gonna do it when i wake up, you told yourself and dosed off.

why did it publish itself twice bro ill kms

loser *ೃ༄ miya atsumu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now