16. bridgerton

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you looked at your mom with tears running down your cheeks.

your parents had returned home the day before.

you'd been studying all day today, but mom wasn't here for it.

"can't wait to move out", you mumbled while walking towards your door.

"yeah? you can move out right fucking now" your mom pointed at the front door.

you looked at her for a few seconds, "yeah maybe i will"

and you walked out of the house.


you were sitting on a park bench, thinking about the fight, occasionally shedding a few tears.

finals were coming up and you were already stressed.

parents don't understand shit

you were getting tired and cold but there was no way you were gonna go back home.

so you decided to stay with the twins for the night.


you knocked on the door of the miya house.

half a minute later, a head of grey peeked from behind the door.

you sniffled at the sight of osamu.


you stood silently waiting for him to open the door further.

"n/n? what's wrong?" he opened the door completely and waited for you to come inside.

you said nothing and rested your forehead on his chest.

"hey", he gently ran his fingers through your hair.

he led you inside and you sat on the couch.

"what's up?" he asked, sitting down beside you with a bowl of popcorn.

"fight with mom" you looked away from him.



it wasn't awkward between you two, he'd always been bad at comforting people, you understood that.

you weren't looking for comfort right now, just a distraction.

"i was about to watch bridgerton, watch with me?"

you nodded and got comfortable against osamu's side.

"tsumu's out with mom to get groceries" osamu replied to the question you were about to ask.

you hummed and leaned your head on his chest.

the show started and osamu put his hand on your head, stroking your hair.

it was moments like these when you appreciated osamu more than anything.

he could bully the fuck out of you but still be there when you needed him.

you were feeling quite fine by the end of the first episode.

"hold on i'll go call up your mom to tell her you're with me" he told you.

you hummed as osamu got up from the couch to go get his phone.

he walked up the stairs and the front door unlocked and auntie walked in with atsumu following right behind.

he was holding so many bags in both arms, it made you laugh.

loser *ೃ༄ miya atsumu x readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن