8. a week's stay

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you were coming back home from the store. you were planning to go to sleep earlier but got hungry and started to look for food.

just your luck, there was none in the house so you were forced to go the nearest convenience store to get a pack of chips or ice cream or something.

on the way back, you remembered you owed suna jelly sticks. you mentally cursed him and made a u-turn for the convenience store again. you wanted to sleep so bad, it was the only thing you could think of while returning back home.

you quickly made your way home, hoping to fall into a deep deep slumber and never wake up 🤭. but your fantasies were soon destroyed as you saw your mom and dad at the front door with a couple bags and a suitcase.

"ah y/n there you are, your mom and I wanted to tell you earlier but it slipped our mind but we're leaving for your aunt's house in tokyo", your dad said as he saw you walk up to them.

"your aunt is a little unwell right now and your cousins are so young. we've to be there. we would take you with us but you have school. stay with the twins okay, we'll be back in a week", your mom hurriedly explained to you.

"can i-" you we're cut off by mrs. miya, "no you cannot stay home alone".

"oh hello auntie", you greeted her as she ruffled your hair and smiled. she started chatting with your mom as your dad put the luggage in the car.

you looked behind her and saw Atsumu standing there with a bandage on his cheek.

"what's with the bandage", you snickered at him. he looked at you for a bit, as if contemplating something, then said, "got in a fight" and looked away.

"this idiot went to get food right after waking up and hallucinated a whole step while going down the stairs. fell on his face like a total moron. i was there" osamu came out of the house and smugly announced.

"SHUT YER TRAP SAMU ILL NEVER HEAR THE END OF IT NOW" atsumu yelled at his brother as you threw your head back in laughter, "damn right you won't, you're so stupid tsumu", you laughed. atsumu glared at you.

"oh don't worry I just told suna." osamu added, infuriating atsumu even more.

"i told many many people." suna came out from behind osamu.


"i was here the whole time. watched him bust his face an all. don't worry tho I'm leaving, give me my jelly sticks." suna looked directly at you.

"right..", you slowly handed the pack of jelly sticks to him.

suna slapped samu's ass and walked off.

there was a pause and you and samu went back to teasing atsumu.

atsumu was yelling at the two of you while you tried to control your laughter. "IF YER GONNA BE LOUD, GET INSIDE", auntie scolded the three of you and you quickly scurried inside the miyas' house.

atsumu went straight up to his room to catch up on his sleep while osamu was making himself something to eat.

"you can take the couch n/n", he said to you in a very sweet tone, "yer gonna be sleeping here for a week now and we've grown too big to share a bed".

you looked at him as he made a rice ball and kept it on a plate with three others.

you mimicked his sweet tone and replied while grabbing a rice ball out of the plate he offered to you, "ah samu, so thoughtful but it'll hurt my fragile neck. how about I take your bed and you take the couch instead".

he laughed, "how about we kick tsumu out of his and make him sleep on the couch instead", he said in the same sweet tone.


later that night it was decided that no one would be sleeping on the couch. the boys put up a mattress and made it comfortable in their room right next to their bunk. you got your toothbrush and clothes for the week from your house and plopped down onto the mattress. "i'm gonna be sleeping on this huh"

"yeah unless you want to share a tiny ass bed with one of us." atsumu said to you from his bottom bunk, without looking up from his phone.

osamu was down in the kitchen, helping auntie with dinner.

"ew no thanks I'm good here" you made a face at Atsumu.

"heh? we used to sleep on the same bed when we were kids remember?" atsumu reminded you. you guys slept over at each other's houses a lot so this was normal when you were kids.

"but we're not kids anymore tsumu, we're in high school", you said and laid down on the mattress. atsumu turned his head to look at you, shrugged and went back to his phone.

"y/n, Atsumu, come down for dinner", auntie called you two. you got up and walked downstairs to see uncle had returned from work and samu was washing his hands.

you sat down beside uncle, saying a little hello in the process. "oh hi dad", atsumu made his way to the table and sat opposite from you.

it's safe to say that auntie is one hell of a cook. the food was just *chefs kiss*. you three went back to the twins' room and plopped down on your respective beds and tried to go to sleep but it was obvious that none of you would be sleeping tonight.

"wanna play a game?" osamu asked from his top bunk. "genshin?", you prompted. "yup", atsumu went to set up his PC.

"ayatoooo" both you and atsumu swooned over kamisato ayato together. osamu shot you both  disapproving looks but wbk he was secretly fanboying too.

you guys played for hours. you were sitting on atsumu's bed, his legs on either side of you with your back pressed to his chest. he was leaning on the wall. osamu was on the top bunk.

you were making scenarios about what would happen if aran and you started dating. atsumu said he'd be the best wingman ever and then you told him aran wasn't really your type.

"aran is everyone's type" he'd given you an offended look.

"oi", you whispered to Atsumu. "hm?", he whispered back as he placed his chin on your shoulder.

"i think samu fell asleep, wait lemme check", you stood up and grabbed the side of the top bunk. atsumu's legs were still on either side of yours, still sitting. he held your thighs so you won't fall while you checked on osamu.

"he's asleep", you sat back down and atsumu placed his chin on your shoulder again. wrapping his arms around your waist this time. he closed his eyes and you felt his body relax.

loser *ೃ༄ miya atsumu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now