20. tokyo

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"i'll miss ya n/n" atsumu wiped an imaginary tear from his cheek.

"i'll miss ya too tsumu" you rubbed the imaginary tears out of your eyes.

"get in already" osamu rolled his eyes.

"i won't miss ya" the blonde rolled his eyes at his twin who stuck his tongue out.

"boys" mrs. miya said in a dangerous mom voice, quickly shutting the twins up.

"okay atsumu don't look for trouble and don't create trouble if you don't find any, take a shower everyday, have you packed your bandages?" his mom nagged him.

"ma stop treating me like a lil kid, and the bandages," he looked at you and you nodded, "yeah i have them."

"but you are my lil kid" mrs miya cooed and hugged her son.

atsumu looked like he could cry which didn't surprise you one bit. he's the sensitive type, contrary to whatever the rumours say about him.

the final call for boarding the train was sounded and atsumu let go of his mom leaving a kiss on her cheek.

"alright then guys i'll see y'all in a week. bye bye!" he said his goodbye and disappeared inside the train.

"let's get back home you two" uncle patted your's and osamu's heads.

"you're gonna miss him aren't you?" you elbowed osamu's arm lightly while walking back to the car.

"you'll miss him way more" he side glanced at you and put an arm around your shoulder.

"mm probably" you shrugged.


you reached home and collapsed on your bed.

no atsumu to bother for a week now wtf were you supposed to do :|

you decided to take a nap.

even when atsumu wasn't physically present he had his ways of pissing you off.

you woke up startled to your phone ringing. you checked the caller id.

incoming call from atsumooo

you contemplated for a bit, the post nap angry energy still radiating from you lowkey.

this asshole must be lonely lol



"shut up i was sleeping"

"yeah i can tell"

"anyways have you reached?"

"you can call me rich man now because i am in tokyo" you could HEAR him puffing out his chest probably walking around with a proud smile.

"that did not make any sense but BITCH YOU'RE IN TOKYO OHMAGAD TURN YOUR CAMERA ON"


he turned his camera on and you were greeted with a smiling atsumu. the wind was roaring in his microphone, his hair flowing around and eyes squinting because of the sun.

"WOAHHHHHH wait this is the outside of the train station right?"

"yep i'm about to get a taxi to get into the city"

"show me around show me around!"

he laughed and switched his camera and you saw people and kids and trees and wtfnot.

loser *ೃ༄ miya atsumu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now