13. wednesday

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"you're gonna wake her up ya scrub"

you rubbed your eyes and sat up slowly and used your elbows to sit up on the mattress.

you were greeted with a shirtless osamu, standing in nothing but his school trousers.

"you woke her up see ya useless piece of loud trash" he scowled at his brother.

"PUT A SHIRT ON SAMU" atsumu yelled and threw a shirt at his brother's face.

you groaned and plopped back down, trying to go back to sleep.

why is it that the one day you have to rest at home and not go to school, sleep won't cooperate?

you stood up and went to sit on atsumu's bed with your back leaning against the wall.

"go back to sleep n/n you don't have school today"

osamu now had a shirt on and was walking out the door while tightening his tie.

atsumu walked out of the bathroom with his tie hanging loose and the top few buttons of his shirt unbuttoned.

"morning, how're you feelin?"

you mumbled incoherently and hoped it would be reply enough for him.

he walked to the bed in front of you and bending down to your level to meet your gaze.

"a little listless" you mumbled tiredly, looking at his left hand reach for the top buttons of his shirt.

"well i gotta" he yawned, "go to school, make sure you rest up yeah?"

he ruffled your hair with his right hand and buttoned up his shirt with his left.

"mh" you yawned with tears pricking the corners of your eyes. you really were sleepy so then why couldn't you fall asleep?

atsumu chuckled and finished tightening his tie.

"see ya later n/n" he waved at you and walked out the door and down the stairs.

"BYE N/N" you heard osamu yell from downstairs.

his voice sounded like he had his face stuffed with breakfast and you chuckled internally.

you fell down onto atsumu's bed and covered yourself up with his blanket, trying to go back to sleep.


"n/n.. n/n wake up baby... breakfast"

you woke up to your shoulder being shook lightly and saw auntie smiling down at you.

"well it's almost lunch time, i didn't wanna wake you but i figured you'd wanna eat something light?"

you sat up and nodded. "i'll be down in 5"

auntie hummed and walked out of the room.

you went to the bathroom to take a look at yourself in the mirror. your hair was disheveled and you looked tired and weak.

you sighed and splashed water onto your face.


"here's your water, tell me if you need anything hm?" auntie smiled at you and went to get her cleaning supplies.

she had taken care of you all day, made you food and gave you medicine, checking up every half hour or so. even your own mom didn't love you so much.

you wondered for the umpteenth time in your life how such a nice lady got stuck with those two twerps for sons.

you were sitting on the couch, remote in hand and a bowl of fruit next to you.

you turned on the tv and put on attack on titan's newest episode.


you were going to the kitchen to get something to eat when you heard auntie laugh from inside the room. "y/n come here"


you walked inside and saw auntie crouched near an old cardboard box.

"look at what i found! would you mind cleaning these up for me sweetheart?"

you muttered a "sure" and looked over her arm to see what was in the box.

she patted your head and left the room.

you opened the box and found pictures of you and the twins, mostly the twins, from your childhood.

heh. nostalgic.

you found a picture with atsumu and osamu standing on either side of you, their arms around your shoulders while you held up a peace sign.

then there was a picture of atsumu crying with a ball in his hand and a chipped tooth and osamu laughing in the back.

there was one with you in an inflatable pool splashing water at osamu, who had a deadpanned expression and atsumu slipping on the grass behind you both.

there was one with a big scratch on your knee and tears running down your face with atsumu kneeling beside you and osamu patting your head.

then there was one from middle school, your mom was hugging osamu while you and atsumu were waiting for her to let him go.

another one from middle school, with the three of you with your schoolbags in hand and a chuupet in your mouth.

then there was one from disneyland with atsumu posing next to a princess and osamu pretending to be the bodyguard. somewhere in the background you could be seen throwing a tantrum over fallen ice cream.

you laughed as all the memories came flooding back. you had a fun childhood. the twins made up majority of it.

speak of the devil, the bell rang and atsumu's loud ass voice got you up on your feet.


"shut up"


you could picture atsumu running to his mother for a hug and osamu being pulled along even without seeing them.

you went outside to the kitchen and atsumu tackled you with a hug too.

"how're ya now n/n?"

"how do you think i am?" you asked, pulling a fuckboy face.

"dandy" atsumu smirked and pulled a fuckboy face back to you.

"wanna play cod?" osamu walked over and patted your head.


"race you back to the room" you nudged atsumu in the ribs and started running up the stairs.


auntie yelled at you both to be careful and went back to cooking as osamu followed you two up the stairs.

you guys decided to play minecraft instead of cod and the evening was spent arguing with atsumu because he killed your dog.

osamu got DONE DONE when you and atsumu somehow managed to lose all your iron and punched both of you in the backs.

"i'm going over to sunarin's" he walked out and slammed the door shut.

you and atsumu looked at each other and blinked.

"he sounds like an angry wife"

filler chapter 👴🤙

salt in your coffee is an actual thing⁉️⁉️

i've been so tired these days i can't even explain it

loser *ೃ༄ miya atsumu x readerWhere stories live. Discover now